Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Scorpio and Pisces

Scorpio and Pisces natives are very sentimental and emotional, letting nothing stand in the way of their impetuous love and affection for each other.

Degree of compatibility between Pisces and Scorpio

emotional connection: Very strong. Communication: Half. Trust and reliability: Average. common values: Average. intimacy and sex: Strong.

These lovers are especially good with words, and their imaginations have no limits, making them the greatest conversationalists of all time. Establishing an appointment with them implies prior preparation, research on very diverse topics, just to have the necessary material for a discussion with them.

Also, Scorpios tend to keep certain things to themselves, and will only give them away when enough time has passed, while Pisceans are very understanding, tolerant, and compassionate, even when their partner’s attitude is a little weird.

| Canva: Andrea Piacquadio

When Scorpio and Pisces fall in love…

Honesty and a direct attitude are essential here. And not only here, because any relationship would fall apart in the shortest possible time if there were only lies, deception, pretexts and fakes. Nothing resists if there is no truth in it, not even love and affection.

This is exactly the case with these two, because Scorpios tend to be very secretive and hide most of the personal things about themselves, while Pisceans put a lot of emphasis on emotions and the bond between souls. If the partner is cold and distant, they will naturally feel ignored and go the way of a recluse.

However, despite their mysterious and inhibited nature, they manage to get along on the whole, due to the Pisces’ outgoing and enthusiastic attitude.

If it were up to their more restrained and attentive partners, things would have gone much more slowly and step by step.

In turn, Scorpio lovers are very understanding individuals who do not have excessive expectations, and will support and love their partners no matter what happens, even when they want to be left alone, something that the Fish will need from time to time.

The inventiveness and innovative drive of Scorpio natives makes everything much more pleasant and pleasing to the eyes, and to all the senses in fact.

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How is the relationship between Scorpio and Pisces?

At first glance, these guys have no reason to ever leave each other, and the few conflicts that will show up from time to time are insignificant, not to be taken into consideration. Even considering that they have very different thoughts on certain issues, it does not justify the appearance of a full-fledged argument.

Illustratively, Pisces are famous for their secret and under-the-radar motivations, which could elude many people. It just so happens that their partners are Scorpios, who are naturally intuitive about these kinds of things, and will quickly figure out the how and why of their behavior and emotions.

In addition, the natural air of comfort and tranquility that Piscean lovers constantly exude will eventually penetrate the Scorpio’s thick pores and transform them on a cellular level.

They will learn to be more patient, to control their possessive and compulsive behavior, and most importantly, to take in the wonders of life at a casual pace..

It’s not such a difficult thing to do, after all, and the Fishes will notice that their serious partner is doing their best to try to change for their good. This will melt their hearts and make them even more appreciative, caring, and affectionate in general.

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How is the marriage between Scorpio and Pisces?

Pisces-Scorpio couples can go very quickly from a few dates to cohabitation, and then to finally taking the last step, buying the rings, walking down the aisle, and swearing undying allegiance to each other.

That’s how natural and free their relationship is, while other people take a long time to get to know each other, to test themselves, to analyze themselves, to see if they are with the right person.

Well, all of these stages are basically crammed into one, and everything is put on an ascending pedestal, ascending to the final level, that of a happy marriage Y eternal.

Your friends and families will become inseparable, relationships will blossom, kids will run amok through the house, making everyone more excited than ever.

All in all, these two have very good chances of forming the best couple who has ever walked the Earth, because they have a instinctive connection between them, which ensures that no mere obstacle can impede their path.

| pixabay

compatibility in bed

Putting the cards on the table, these guys play the sensual game better, because they are both quite creative and intense when it comes to lovemaking.

by pure passion and affection, both will try to make the other experience pure happiness, as well as the most intense Y sublime.

Electrifying magnetism, unadulterated compassion and, with the unpredictable sexual acts of the Pisces,there is any reason to believe that these two signs are not compatible? If that was the case, they wouldn’t have lasted as long as they did, that’s for sure, and considering that Water signs, like the two of them, are quite dependent on sexual satisfaction, an unsatisfying relationship would have pushed them away long ago. .

The drawbacks of this union

What happens when the excessively possessive and hard to control scorpio Meets him sentimental and freedom seeker Pisces? Surprisingly, it’s not a total disaster, if that’s what you were expecting.

Sure, there are a lot of half-stops and missteps because when one opens his heart and seems to be more understanding, the other suddenly becomes crazy, distant and cold, or raises his eyebrow as if insulted.

Yes, we are talking about those aloof Scorpios who do not like to make their feelings known, and if they are forced to do so, they will react violently, and proceed to put distance between them accordingly.

Pisces natives, on the other hand, also have their little quirks and tendencies that drive their partners crazy. For example, they can be extremely upset when they want something and can’t get it.

They will insist on it until the end of time, or until their lover concedes defeat, and it is usually the latter. Furthermore, their emotions and sentimentality could not have found a more deflecting and rational native than the Scorpio.

| alessandrobiascioli

What to remember about Scorpio and Pisces

The Scorpio-Pisces relationship is based on the deep connections among these natives, as is obvious from the many circumstances they have used to develop.

Situations where you needed to find clever and efficient ways to solve a problem, there were plenty of them, and it was exactly this kind of sharpening that deepened their bond. They are both water signs, and that gives them a great emotional understanding, as well as a deep empathy towards the other..

In fact, these natives are exceptionally intuitive when it comes to their own likes and dislikes, as well as being insightful of those of their peers.

There is no time wasted with mellifluous and romantic words for the Pisces and the Scorpio, because they will have a good idea of ​​what the future holds if they strive to build it together.

Due to the increase in comprehension and the confidence that they have from the beginning, there will be no secrets between them, there will be no things left unsaid to cause problems later on.

Honesty and openness are the key words here, because they are going to follow these principles to the letter, never crossing them, no matter what.. It’s not going to be a problem anyway, due to the deep feelings they harbor for each other.

In their own cozy home, they will behave as naturally as they can, and the atmosphere will be instilled with a certain spiritual appeal, that something that gives them an extra boost of happiness and joy. In addition, each has something to offer, giving rise to a plethora of insightful features, the combination of which enlivens its potential and helps to realize it.

Thus, the Scorpios deliver a strong blow of realism and responsibility to the frivolous Pisces, making them more capable and apt to create that world of their dreams. At the same time, Pisces natives are flexible and imaginative by nature, and this will work quite well with their partner’s inner desires.

The most obvious problems that can appear in their little paradise garden are the emotional ones, when one of them says something bad that profoundly upsets the other. And this often happens to the tender and vulnerable Pisceans, at the hands of the harsh and explosive Scorpio.

Not a big deal, as fish are known to be forgetful of harmful actions, given enough time. But if it happens often, then even they will only hold out for a while before deciding it’s not worth it.

If they had mostly internal problems, they also have to deal with those that concern the outside world, and the expectations that everyone has of them.