spiritual meaning of the symbol of the cardinal points

In the beginning was the Unity, the guiding principle that initiates the Work and later dissolves into Duality to make order and movement possible. Thus, the elements will remain in opposition until the third alchemy arrives, the end of the soul’s journey, in which the polarization will reach the Unity of Being. This is how it happens in the compass rose, the spiritual symbol of the cardinal points .

The compass rose: the third alchemical trinity

The compass rose is at the same time the final point of the soul’s journey and the culminating point of unity, the crucial moment in which, everything that until now was disunited and in opposition, find now its harmony and its coherence. On a spiritual level, this involves the fusion of opposite, complementary energies, Yin and Yang.

For that very reason, the compass rose is also the symbol of twin flames and their unionbecause these twin souls who have been looking for life after life, growing to acquire a higher level of consciousness to be able to live up to such a karmic encounter and to be able to recognize each other when the time comes, once united they will be ready to enjoy their time together. connection in the earthly world of what will be his last reincarnation.

The compass rose symbolizes the end of the antithesis between the two alchemical trinities to give rise to a new birth in which the soul ceases to be enslaved in the underworld and ascends to the totality of being.

The masculine and the feminine, the white and the black, the positive and the negative, the interior and the exterior, the material and the spiritual. All this is finally sealed in a single unitwhich is the being, where the alpha and omega of the path of life finally come together.

The meaning of the cardinal points

The direction starts from the unity, from the center to the extremes: once the oppositions have been diluted, the paths of the new beginning are traced. In the compass rose, the center and the four cardinal points (north, south, east and west) also have a very special meaning.

The center

The central point of the compass rose is the vertex that joins the horizontal plane, the mind, with the vertical plane, the heart. The rational and the emotional, the mind and the spirit, are thus united in a new phase of being that reaches consciousness in the present and real time and ends the time of opposites: unity is achieved.

In this union, the cosmic plane that separates the world of the abstract cosmos (mind) and the real cosmos (spirit) is crossed to give rise to life, and causes the dual to be separated from the one into two parts within the three: that is, , creates polarity, the separation of the elementswhich make order and movement possible.

The North

Winter, air, midnight and the divine merge in the cardinal point of North, symbol of direction, wisdom and adaptation. The North represents the individual who has been able to harmonize the rational part with the emotional part and puts it at the service of a direction, an orientation. It is the achievement of maturity, old age and the final stretch though not last.

The north brings us closer to the divinity and the stars, to the One and to the cosmosand it is the cardinal point that guides us towards the resolution of conflicts.

The South

Summer, water and midday, the mundane and the earthly, the adventure of the spirit. The South is the cardinal point of courage and courage, the exploration phase of the young soulinexperience, innocence and discovery.

This point harbors an observant, analytical, curious spirit, the process in which the individual studies his environment and his own personality to design his own strategies and find his place in the world. The south takes us away from the divine and introduces us to the mundane.

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The East

Spring, fire and dawn, the birth of the Sun and the beginning of new life, the incarnation of beings in matter, the beginning of the harvest, the dawn of understanding. This cardinal point symbolizes the beginning of the era of humanity and the existence of living beings, the awareness of a new world.

In the cardinal point of the east, the divine will is clearly revealed to us and a perspective of our life to prevent small details from getting in the way.


Autumn, earth, sunset and, ultimately, maturity and awareness. In this phase we have attained wisdom and knowledge, and we enter a phase of relaxation and realization. It is the moment in which we reap the harvest, the fruits of the effort, and we enjoy them thanks to a much deeper state of consciousness.

The west does not mean death, but preparationafter the experimental stage (south) and the awareness of life (east), to rise towards eternity (north).

Wind rose tattoo: a new beginning

Thus, what until now remained dispersed in your being now acquires power and unity thanks to the fusion of your spiritual needs with your mental capacities. The star of the winds announces the end of a path of struggle and effort and the birth of a new being full of new potentialities.

That is why the compass rose tattoo has, for many people, a very special meaning: through the arduous task of finding the center, the fixation of the horizontal plane with the vertical plane, the whole becomes aware of the directions and leaves disorientation behind to give way to decision, security and coherent movement.

Orientation is not only a way of not getting lost, but above all of finding the way. The compass rose tattoo can be an inspiration not to get lost, but above all it should be an incentive to find the unity of being, the fusion of mind and spirit, and the path laid out for fulfillment and satisfaction.

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There are many designs, from the traditional wind rose as a compass to more exotic forms such as the Viking compass rose, an ancient symbol that the Nordic peoples used as a compass of navigation and that bears resemblance to the one we know