Destiny Number 2 Meaning: How It Affects You

All the numbers in your Numerology chart have the power to influence behavior and external circumstances, but the destiny number is unique in that it describes a quality that self-help expert Dr. Wayne Dyer called “ future pull.

This future attraction is a quality of development. If an acorn were examined from the perspective of a fully grown oak tree, it would not seem possible that this huge tree could have grown from something so small. Such is the destiny of humanity.

The number of destiny is also called the number of the life path because the attraction of destiny seems to be like a path or a path as you travel along it. But it also has the character of development and growth.

Knowing your destiny number can help you chart a course through life that results in true happiness and deep satisfaction.

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Calculating your destination number

Although some numerologists derive your life path number from your name, most arrive at your destiny number by adding the individual digits of your date of birth – day, month and year. For example, someone born on October 1, 1980 would proceed as follows:

1+ 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 20

2 + 0 = 2

When calculating the target number, it is important to always reduce multi-digit numbers to root numbers by adding them, unless a master number is reached, which is a special circumstance.

The meaning of Destiny Number 2

While those with a Destiny Number 1 are born leaders, independent and direct, those who are born with the destiny or path of life number 2 are submissive, nice Y cooperatives.

If those who have a vibration 1 are leaders, those who live aligned with a vibration 2 are followers. Like the Yin and Yang energies of Taoism and the I Ching, these two essential vibrations are so fundamental that they seem to form patterns in all aspects of life.

These energies are generally symbolized by the sun and the moon; the sun is the active, masculine, solar Yang energy, while the moon would be associated with the passive, feminine, lunar Yin energy.

When you have a life path of 2 you are likely to shine, like the moon, with a borrowed light..

Those with a life path of 2 are also gentle, kind, and diplomatic. Being sensitive and intuitive, they tend to avoid conflict and are generally cooperative in all relationships. Because they are kind, cooperative, and generally good-looking, most people with a double vibe make excellent romantic partners, enjoying long, committed relationships.

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Love and Romance for Destiny Number 2

Those with a Destiny Number 2 are careful and generous with their affection.. However, the 2 essence often means that you will be attracted to assertive and dominant people with a 1 vibration.

Mixing dominant and submissive traits often works well in relationships, as long as the person with the dominant 1 vibration doesn’t push it too far.

If your destiny is number 2, be sure to find a partner who is kind and appreciates all of your positive qualities and does not try to take advantage of your kind and nurturing nature.

Pinnacles, cycles of time and destiny of life of Number 2

As Carl Jung wrote in his essay «The Stages of Life,» fate runs its course in cyclical patterns that we can see occur in everyone. In our lives there is a morning, a noon and an evening, and for those with a Destiny Number 2, they normally proceed like this:

morning of life – In childhood, the two are cooperative and obedient to parents, teachers and caregivers. However, their emotional nature can cause them to seek attention from teachers, parents, and peers. Once again, the two shine with a borrowed light.
noon of life – Being diplomatic and cooperative, those with a Destiny Number 2 get through school with relative ease and are usually looking for a career in music or performing arts. Some two also pursue diplomatic careers in business by negotiating contracts and mediating disputes.
the night of life – In middle age and retirement, those with a vibrational essence of 2 seek to reconcile their personal relationships during this period, deepening relationships with spouses, mending relationships with estranged children and family members, and rebuilding relationships with friends and associates of business. Estranged lovers often meet during this period of life.

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As we travel through life, passing from one lifetime to another, we often find ourselves in a position to learn many things. karmic lessons. In one aspect, you can think of your life path or destiny number as a karmic path you are on, molded from previous existences designed to move you further down the path of spiritual enlightenment.

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Those with a life number of 2 are associated with The High Priestess in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. Yours is a very emotional and sensitive card, very creative and intuitive and often deeply involved with the occult and esoteric sciences.

If you live on a two-life path, chances are your intuition is so developed that many people you know may consider you psychic.

You may have been given the gift of greater insight and psychic powers in this life because you were not diplomatic or heeded the call of spirit in a previous life. Now the call of the spirit is so strong, that it is impossible to ignore.

However, your heightened intuition may manifest as an artistic talent or a calling to a career in the helping professions, particularly counseling and psychiatry.

Whether you are focused on watch out direct and the wellness of others in one of the helping professions, or exercising their creative talents in an artistic endeavor, the destiny of a person with a life path of 2 is to provide essential services that help others.