Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Cancer and Libra

While both are cardinal signs, Cancer and Libra have different ways of approaching the world. Cancer is too emotional and may not feel safe around Libra. The charming Libra needs to be admired to be happy. Also, Libra likes a good conversation and to be involved in a give and take relationship.

If both of you focused on staying positive, you would have a happier and more fulfilling relationship.

Degree of compatibility between Libra and Cancer

emotional connection: Below average. Communication: Below average. Trust and Reliability: Strong. common values: Very strong. intimacy and sex: Average.

Your first dates can be awkward as there will be tension and some friction. The Libra will be outspoken and very observant, and the Cancer will find this to be a bit much because they don’t like to share everything from the start.

The Libra will share all their opinions and ideas and the Cancer will take everything they are saying personally. When the Libra tries to give an idea of ​​what he is thinking, the Cancer will be somewhere else, thinking about who knows what.

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When Cancer and Libra fall in love…

The way Cancer and Libra operate is completely different. The former seeks emotional balance, while the latter wants to connect on an intellectual level.

Also, changeable Cancer will make Libra go crazy. Cancer will not feel sure that Libra has feelings for him or her, although secretly, it is her moody nature that makes them attractive to the balanced Libra lover.

If they want to get Libra’s attention, Cancer lovers have to be more glamorous and exciting in the bedroom. Sex is very important to a Libra, and when they don’t get it the way they want, they run away and look for love elsewhere.

Also, if Cancer gets too critical about how flamboyant Libra is, the latter will leave immediately. Because they are both elegant and graceful, they will shine at every party and gathering.

Your home will be filled with art and all kinds of memorabilia. Since they are lovers of finer things and gourmet food, they will have plenty of cookbooks and antique furniture. You can eat the best desserts at home. The love of food is something they have in common, so their first dates should be in restaurants.

Libra and Cancer will have a teaching and learning relationship. Libra is a master of balance and will show Cancer how to be himself. No matter how many things they have to do, they will always do them in the right order.

And they will not allow others to interfere with their lives and responsibilities. Cancer will teach Libra to pay more attention to home and family, as Libra can sometimes be too focused on bringing justice around them.

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Cancers will show their feelings and try to be surrounded only by people they love and appreciate. No matter what happens in your life, you will always be close to your friends and family.

And Libra will like this. He or she will want the stability and peace that a serious relationship with a Cancer offers..

It happens that Cancers are sometimes too possessive. They need constant reassurance that they are being loved and appreciated. Libras also like security, but they are not so insecure. Also, Libra is more prone to cheating than Cancer.

The relationship between Cancer and Libra

The Cancer-Libra relationship, while satisfying, can also be the most difficult. Emotional Cancer will often not understand rational and logical Libra. It’s not that they can’t keep a balance and make things work. It’s that they need to accept each other and learn what each has to teach.

Libra must forget the fact that Cancer is a pessimist and see that he or she is also creative, intuitive, and a great family man. The latter must overlook the fact that her partner is too critical and appreciate the fact that she knows the organization and has a great spirit of justice.

If things don’t work out between them, Libra should teach Cancer not to take things so seriously.. These two will enjoy any type of relationship they may have. Whether they are relatives, colleagues or friends, they will make each other laugh while being helpful and loving.

In a romantic relationship, they would be happy only if Cancer agreed with the fact that Libra is flamboyant and Libra would be more open to the Crab’s mood swings.

They also have differences, especially in the way they see the world, but Libra is willing to compromise and Cancer is supportive and supportive, so they will be able to depend on each other for a strong union.


Cancer and Libra Marriage Compatibility

Both Cancer and Libra want to build strong relationships. No matter how obsessed they may be with their career, they appreciate when someone is by their side for life.

If they fall in love with each other, and especially if they have been together for a while, they will have problems if they have to break up. It’s not easy for any of them to get carried away.

Cancer wants emotions and tenderness, Libra is responsible, pragmatic. As parents, you will love and discipline your children, who will be smart and good.

Moon and Venus, your ruling bodies, are both emotional, but in different ways, which means that these two are on a different spiritual level. Venus (Libra’s governing body) will not eat or sleep when love is in her life. Cancer understands all this, but he can look for a more realistic partner, someone who doesn’t change no matter what.

compatibility in bed

Libras are romantic and seductive, but Cancers are warm and sexual. Both are usually attracted to people who are also romantic and flirt without limits. Attractive and charming, they may meet more admirers than they had planned.

Libra likes it when someone shares what happened in their life with them. The adventures and stories of work is what makes them work.

Cancerians know how to communicate and want an equal partner, they are energetic and like variety in bed. With Libra, activities in bed are all about sensuality and creativity. They’re both open to novelty, so they’ll have great sex that’s never boring. Libra gets turned on more by touching the lower back, while Cancer around the chest.

If they used scented candles and played music, things would be a lot more interesting in their bedroom.

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The drawbacks of this union

Libra-Cancer is the relationship between a social butterfly and a housewife, a sentimentalist and a thinker. Both can be overly dramatic and have passive aggressive tendencies. Each of them hates conflict, which leads to repressed feelings of anger.

Cancer and Libra would need to trust each other more and be honest. Another problem may be the fact that Libra wants to go out and socialize, while Cancer wants to stay and cook a healthy meal.

But luckily, none of them commit. And there are many other differences that they must face. For example, Libra is sensitive and unforgiving. Cancer is always the victim of emotional confusion or some words spoken years ago.

They will hurt each other quite a bit, albeit unintentionally, because the critical side of Libra will come out and Cancer will feel like it’s not worth it.

They are both very possessive. These people go to great lengths to keep their loved ones close. Libra sees a threat in everyone. Although they, on the other hand, do not inspire much confidence either, people in this sign like freedom, which will make Cancer go crazy.

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What to remember about Cancer and Libra

It might seem that Cancer and Libra have a lot in common, but that’s not the case. After a few dates, your differences will show and your relationship will begin to be tested.

First of all, Cancer feels and Libra thinks. One wants an emotional connection, the other an intellectual one. The way they approach life is completely different, which will cause their relationship to fall apart.

Second, Cancer has mood swings and Libra won’t be open to putting up with them, as these latter natives hate drama and aren’t known for being too patient. It may be simple for them to weigh the pros and cons of a situation, but when it comes to guessing what others are feeling, they’re up to no good.

Third, Cancer is shy and Libra likes to be outside and surrounded by friends.. Charismatic, Libra attracts too many people to like Cancer. The latter wants all the attention and to be just them with the couple.

Because they are both looking to have a stable and balanced life, you may think that these two are compatible. But they are too different to be compatible without effort and compromise.

If they are really in love, of course things will work out and they will have a future together.. But if either of them have second thoughts, they are likely to part ways quickly.

Do not think that they have nothing in common. For example, Libra being ruled by Venus, which is the planet of love, and Cancer by the Moon, which deals with feelings, they both like to be in love and want something long-term with someone who suits them.

But that’s about it with the similarities between them. Libra will think Cancer’s emotions and moods are irrelevant, while Cancer will think Libra is too cold.

Libra always seeks to improve things, to make everything work, and can try the same with Cancer. And the cranky Crab will definitely not like this and he will refuse to make any compromises to please Libra. They are happier with other types of people, but it may take them a while to realize this or they may fight through it all and make their union survive.