Discover your ideal profession according to your Sign

Ever Have you ever wondered what you came to do in this life?? Astrology may provide you with the answer you were looking for. The Midheaven is a cardinal point in the natal chart that indicates to astrologers around the world the essential mission of their consultants. Find out here how the sign of your Midheaven and sleep easier from today.

What is the Midheaven?

the midheaven (or MCas it is abbreviated in the natal chart) is the sign that was at the highest point on the horizon at the time of birth, Or what is the same; the sign that governs the cusp of the X house.

House X represents careerthe public life and in the case of the Midheaven as well as the vocation what we have. He also tells us about the innate abilitiesas well as from potential to develop in our lives. He also points out what makes us feel fulfilled and motivated.

Other issues it deals with are: reputation; the rapidity of social ascent and the ways in which we manage to progress. Is it through continuous effort as it happens with a Midheaven in Capricorn or thanks to sympathy and desire to help, as it would be in the case of Cancer? The sign in which this important cardinal point is found will give us important clues.

The Midheaven in no way determines us about what we’ll be, but yeah gives us a guideline about the possibilities of development. It indicates a path in which we can succeed, if we know how to pay attention to it.

This point also speaks of spiritual work, it is not in vain that success in the world of work often comes hand in hand with the appropriate approach to beliefs and the way we see the world. But without a doubt it is about how we can cultivate the spirit with the help of others and contributing our unique contribution to society.

How to calculate it?

The Midheaven is found out when we calculate a natal chart, entering all the data in one of the numerous online programs that are available on the net. Really hardly anyone does the calculations by hand anymore, it’s too easy to make a mistake in any of the accounts!

Once the natal chart has been calculated, it tells us directly in which sign this cardinal point falls (housed in house X or 10). However, if it is difficult for us to locate the Midheaven in the drawn Astrological Chart, we must imagine that this natal chart is crossed by the cardinal points of north, south, east and west. So the Midheaven It would be the north cardinal point, since it is located at the top of the vertical axis.

We can also develop punctual astrological charts to know how current planetary transits affect us in a given situation. In the astrological charts we can see how the transit of the planets develops and its influence on our Midheaven, if these energies collaborate or hinder the achievement of our goals.

The Midheaven in the signs of the zodiac

Now that we know how to calculate the Midheaven and its location in a natal or astral chart, the time has come to know the zodiac sign of the Midheaven in which it falls, because it will be the determinant of our professional/spiritual destiny.

Midheaven in Aries

in this position leadership and adventure are actively sought. Whatever the native does, he must see to it that it is a profession in which all your inner resources are put to the test. If possible, outside the offices, always on the move. Must be careful not to be too abrupt, there is a tendency to pursue goals with too much passion, regardless of who is upset. You have to make a special effort to cultivate spirituality, because in Aries you tend to be materialistic.

Midheaven in Taurus

Great persistence and willpower they take the person with the Midheaven in Taurus wherever he wants. Of course, as long as it is practical and tangible goals; They don’t like to build castles in the air. Everything that has to do with arts and aesthetics it is greatly appreciated in this Midheaven. Great chances of succeeding in crafts.

Midheaven in Gemini

The language is exacerbated and the mind is always in motionthat is why this Midheaven guides towards goals that have to do with communications, or in relation to the world of public relations. The problem is that he tends to disaggregate his energies into too many emotions, but once he knows what he wants, the Midheaven in Gemini shines in all its splendor.

Midheaven in Cancer

A great sense of protection and an enormous sensitivity make this Midheaven in the sign of Cancer seek to dedicate yourself to trades where care and empathy towards others are fundamental. professions related to medicine or teaching are very common here. Providing and satisfying the needs of others is very important.

Midheaven in Leo

It is a Midheaven destined for a creative path. No matter what you do, it is vitally important to exercise leadership over your own destiny, as well as complete independence. The most suitable professions have to do with self-employment. They will always be in constant movement, so is Leo’s fire.

Midheaven in Virgo

Detail and analytical sense must be present in the professions that a person with the Midheaven in Virgo chooses. If this is our case, then it is time to arm ourselves with patience and work hard to develop the skills we need to carry out our work with the greatest efficiency.. There is a great sense of reputation and they will always be well received among peers.

▶️ VIDEO: The best rankings according to your zodiac sign

Midheaven in Libra

It’s a Midheaven Very versatileyou can dedicate yourself to whatever you want, but yes, the human factor must be important. In Libra, people seek to develop beauty in life, although there is a risk of falling into a certain superficiality. Professions related to the world of fashion and good etiquette impassion this Midheaven.

Midheaven in Scorpio

Regardless of the profession or path they choose, They will get to the bottom of the matter. They are very talented and can make their hobbies their full time job. They are interested in professions such as psychologybecause thespiritual work is something innate with the Midheaven in the sign of Scorpio.

Midheaven in Sagittarius

The constant search for truth characterizes the Midheaven in Sagittarius. They will ardently pursue the discoveries they make of it. see life as it really is. Optimism and curiosity will often lead you to start long trips around the worldbe it for work reasons or because you simply want to know more about life.

Midheaven in Capricorn

Ascension can be slow, but sure, as in any earth sign. However, here dedication is close to 200%. The Midheaven in Capricornhe won’t stop until he sees his wishes fulfilled. And if he must sacrifice his personal life for it, so be it. Has to avoid being so hard on the people who love you.

Midheaven in Aquarius

Working as a team satisfies them enormously. The Midheaven in Aquarius will always be involved in social causes and will tend towards the development of spirituality, no matter what they dedicate themselves to. Yes, if you choose a profession aligned with your philanthropic interests, they become tireless and self-sacrificing workers, regardless of the money they may receive in return.

Midheaven in Pisces

Here spiritual evolution takes on utmost importance, before the development of the work. So if this Midheaven decides to follow his mission in life, he will most likely dedicate himself to an artistic career, because in Pisces the quotas of inspiration are high. The ability to empathize and connect with others is a beautiful tool that can sometimes turn against you, they have to learn to disconnect from the problems of others.