【Dream Dictionary】What does it mean to dream about teeth?

Psychoanalytic theories view dreams as desires and needs from our real lives that surface in the cortex of our brain when sleep activates the subconscious. Nevertheless, there are very strange dreams that are constantly repeated. What does it mean to dream that our teeth fall out? And why does this dream repeat itself so much? We explain it to you through the dictionary of dreams.

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Dream dictionary: What does it mean to dream about teeth?

When a dream as outrageous as losing your teeth is repeated repeatedly, it is normal for you to worry or be curious. But dreams are not literal translations of our real life, but more distorted expressions of our wants and needs. So what the heck does this dream mean? What useful lesson can you take away?

First, you have to remember that dreams are useful tools to reinforce some aspects of our personality and, in the end, improve our lives and our relationships with others. The teeth symbolize our self-confidence, security and strength.

For some unknown reason, in the same way that the subconscious processes admiration and need through sex in dreams, the dream image of the teeth represents our appearance. That is why it is so common to dream about our teeth, and although the dream can end up being unpleasant, it offers us very useful information. Depending on the context of the dream we can detect what is making us feel weak and insecure in our real life and how we can improve that aspect.

Dreaming of teeth: variants of this type of dream

The most frequent dream related to teeth is that they fall out: it is a somewhat disturbing, unpleasant, but very frequent dream. What does it mean? We analyze this and other variants of dreams with teeth to offer you all the interpretations.

Dream of teeth falling out

Since teeth are the oneiric representation of the person’s appearance and security, dreaming that teeth fall out is indicating a weakness in a situation that makes us feel helpless.

In this sense, it is very likely that we are facing an important challenge in our lives, such as an exam, a job interview or a public presentation, and dreaming that our teeth fall out is only the verification of the fear of making a fool of ourselves, of failing. In this case, it is therefore the expression of a need, and warns us to strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence.

However, many sleep experts warn that in the case of tooth loss, sleep acts like an oracle: it announces an imminent loss. In the worst case, the death of someone close, but also the loss of a job or an opportunity. In this case, there are several indicators that can help us.

Dream of upper teeth falling out

This type of dream reports the loss of something very important in our lives. In this case the oracle announces the death of someone close or of a reference for us, which the brain configures as the image of our upper teeth falling out. It may also be announcing the end of a period of good times and prosperity and the beginning of something bad: it is a bad omen.

Dream of lower teeth falling out

When it is the lower teeth that fall out in a dream, it announces the presence of death around us in the immediate future, although in this case death does not affect the people we know. This dream can be warning that you will witness a malicious and even traumatic event for you. In other circumstances, it announces the total loss of security: you are a vulnerable being.

Dream of tooth decay

The representation of tooth decay represents instability in the economy and work, and the arrival of problems that can end badly in your work space. When the dream of caries in the teeth ends with the loss of the same, those problems will end with job loss. It is also an invitation to strengthen your self-confidence to improve your competence at work.

Dream that teeth move

It is also quite recurrent to dream that the teeth wobble and fall little by little, one by one. In this case, the dream warns of serious deficiencies in our personality, in the field of self-esteem. We are showing ourselves vulnerable to others and, when new challenges present themselves, we enter into panic and crisis. In dreams, this translates into the dream image of teeth rattle.

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Dream of teeth and blood

When the dream that the teeth fall out is accompanied by a lot of blood, it announces a bad omen and is usually the representation of failure. The blood falls within the group of recurring nightmares that our subconscious creates as an idea of ​​something that we do not control, of a situation that gets out of hand and acquires tragic overtones. If you dream about it, it reinforces your confidence and takes control over things..

Conclusion: if you dream of teeth pay attention to…

Have you been scared? Some interpretations of dreams tend to be somewhat catastrophic. When the dream expresses a need, its meaning tends to become more rigid and pessimistic than when it expresses a desire or a potentiality. However, do not take the dream as an omen: if you manage to see it as a tool for improvement, it will be a very productive lesson.

Teeth are what we show when we laugh, our appearance before reactions of joy and happiness. In the same way that dreaming of firm and white teeth expresses a state of ideal happiness, falling teeth is the recurring way that the subconscious has of transmitting weakness and vulnerability. If you are in a period of stress in your life, your self-esteem has probably suffered a drop and feelings such as fear, insecurity, instability and weakness have surfaced in you.

Dreaming that your teeth fall out invites you to rebuild your personality more confident to face the challenges that come. Also, the interpretation of the loss of teeth as a sign of someone’s future loss does not have to be something literal: the announcement of the death of someone close can be a warning drastic change in the need to take more care of the people around you. In conclusion: the loss of teeth shows the need for conservation.