Scorpio Jealousy: What You Need to Know

Don’t blame a person for being a little jealous. It is normal to have this feeling from time to time. For example, the jealousy could be over the neighbor’s more expensive car. Or for the best laptop of the co-worker. When it comes to Scorpio, things are a bit different.

For them, jealousy comes first, along with revenge. Pick on or do something mean to a Scorpio and they’ll totally get back at you. As passionate beings, Scorpios hold grudges and are very serious when angry. Revenge is something they enjoy.

When a Scorpio is jealous, he’s really jealous.. These people can hardly suppress their jealousy and they know this feeling very well, since they are among the most possessive signs of the zodiac.

A Scorpio’s cheating partner will be thrown into the streets before they realize what just happened. There is absolutely nothing to get back with a Scorpio, especially if their partner has been unfaithful.

Ruled by Pluto, the Scorpio is a water sign. Those born on the cusp of Libra are more charismatic, and those born on the cusp of Sagittarius are more sociable and fun.

As a good water sign, they fall deeply in love, if they fall in love. Scorpios are famous for their passion and eroticism. However, it is almost impossible for a Scorpio not to become jealous and possessive at some point.

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Scorpio natives are the most compatible with Cancer and Pisces. These two water signs are known for being careful and sensitive. Furthermore, they seem to be the only ones capable of handling Scorpio and his character.

Although they are not as careful as the water signs mentioned above, Virgo and Capricorn are also compatible with Scorpio because they are strong.

Libra and Sagittarius would also be good to handle for Scorpio. Aquarius, Gemini, and Aries won’t have the patience to put up with a Scorpio, and the Leo and Taurus are too much themselves to include someone so possessive in their lives.

How does jealousy affect Scorpio?

When they’re friends with someone, Scorpios are incredibly devoted and loyal.. However, if they cross paths, no one can save the person who crossed paths with them anymore. No matter how you end things with Scorpio, the most important thing will still be the memories, which are sure to be unique.

Full of energy, Scorpios in a relationship are very fiery and impressive. They are possessive and can become jealous when the partner no longer pays attention to them. They feel threatened by anyone and do not admit it.

Scorpio is ambitious and ruthless. They like to be powerful and when they want something, no one can stop them from getting it. Another example of how possessive and jealous Scorpio can become is the situation where they have a say in the way their partner dresses.

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A Scorpio won’t understand that you wear something sexy just to feel better about yourself. They will say that you are trying to up your game so that others will find you very attractive.

Don’t be horrified when your Scorpio asks you to give them all the information about what you’ve discussed with your colleagues at work, or when they make mean comments about your friends. It’s just his possessiveness coming to the surface. You will try to defend yourself in vain. Your Scorpio will be sure of what he believes and that’s it.

When there is nothing in their life that stands in their way, Scorpio men are good examples of energy and ambition. They are strong and confident, but they can lower their spirits a bit when they get upset.

It does not mean that underneath they are not insecure. Their natural way is to be suspicious, after all. It is a great challenge for Scorpio to fight against the dark feelings that control them.

Life with a Scorpio native is explosive. Although on the surface they appear calm, they are actually full of passionate thoughts and emotions.

Jealousy can impact a relationship in a very bad way.. Some people are more jealous than others. But Scorpios are just the jealous type. Scorpios who are not jealous are an exception to the rule. However, these feelings of jealousy and possessiveness can be controlled.

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How to deal with Scorpio jealousy?

Scorpios are believed to live their lives intensely. And that is completely true. Although they are friends with everyone, they never let each other be vulnerable. It’s his way of never letting his guard down. They carefully study those around them and identify where to attack in case someone harms them.

Living with someone who is jealous all the time can wear a person down. Control freaks, jealous and possessive will always ask their partner where they are going, with whom, and even why they are wearing what they are wearing. They will refuse to believe that work relationships are just that and will always make mean comments about other people in their partner’s life.

In the worst case, a person ends up being followed everywhere by their jealous partner. This is a situation where jealousy is extreme and drastic measures have to be taken. If your partner accuses you of something, there are some things you could do to cure him of his jealousy.

For example, give them your schedule so they can see that it would be impossible for you to spend time with another person. To mention here that you need to stay calm while arguing. You could tell them it’s their fault and also search the internet for how jealousy manifests itself. Perhaps they will recognize their behavior and realize that it is their fault alone.

A great relationship cannot be built on jealousy and possessiveness.. Relationships are built on romance and trust.

If you are the one who is jealous, analyze the situation carefully. Take things logically and determine if your partner is only paying attention to his colleague because he likes him, or if he is doing it because that colleague is going to be his new boss.