Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Capricorn and Aquarius

Neighbors on the wheel of the zodiac, Capricorn and Aquarius they can build a comfortable relationship and are able to overcome their differences and perhaps stand the test of time.

Degree of compatibility between Aquarius and Capricorn

emotional connection: Very strong. Communication: Half. Trust and Reliability: Average. Common values: Strong. Intimacy and sex: Strong.

When in love, the Aquarius is friendly but distant. In fact, the atmosphere that a Capricorn and an Aquarius create is quite aloof and casual. And this works for both of them as they are very cautious when it comes to commitment.

When they first date, these two will act more like friends and not like two people who are romantically interested in each other.

An air sign, Aquarius will keep things aloof and rather impersonal. When in unfamiliar territory, Capricorn is formal and reserved. Trust between them will be built at some point, and common ground will be created for them to develop.

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When Capricorn and Aquarius fall in love…

Neither the Aquarius nor the Capricorn are afraid of a challenge. These two like to dream and work hard to achieve what they have in mind. This is what will bring them together.

They won’t give up easily, no matter the situation. When they are in a relationship, they will give their best. Capricorn makes Aquarius more practical, while the Water Bearer helps the Goat be more relaxed and try to multitask.

These energies mean that will motivate and support each other in life. Their relationship is full of mutual exchanges. Capricorns are known for sometimes being wild and breaking the rules when it comes to taboo subjects, and Aquarians like bold and unconventional people. Aquarians will do anything to help Capricorns succeed.

Communication between them is easy and fruitful. Open and understanding, Capricorns will always know what the Aquarius is saying. Also serious, Capricorns will never allow a problem to become too real. They are understanding, hard-working and like to obey the rules.

When the Aquarius is authoritative and practical as they usually are, the Capricorns will respect and appreciate them very much. Both social butterflies will be everywhere the action is.

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More than this, they will respect each other’s freedom. And this is very important for Aquarius who demands to be independent and free. A Capricorn will never restrict an Aquarius from doing what they want.

Aquarius will like Capricorn to build a safe space and offer security. The fact that Capricorns accept Aquarians as they are will matter a lot to them. Furthermore, Capricorn will also help Aquarius to be more serious and to let go of some of his quirks and eccentricities.

But Capricorn is not scared of anything and is ready to try all kinds of things. Your connection will be strong, but not overbearing.

The relationship between Capricorn and Aquarius

The Capricorn-Aquarius relationship is promising. Everything that makes these two different, in fact, will bring them together because they will complement each other.

Capricorns will love the fact that Aquarius is quick-witted and sometimes crazy, but Aquarius needs to understand that Capricorns need security and comfort in their lives.

What their relationship would need is more respect from Aquarius and more spontaneity from Capricorn. If the latter continually encourage the former not to change and support each other in their hopes and dreams, everything will be perfect. Aquarius has to learn to open up to their feelings. Only then will Capricorn feel safe.

On the other hand, the Goat needs to work on his interpersonal skills. Aquarius is a socially active person, so his partner needs to adapt to an electrifying social life.

If they ignore what sets them apart in the sense that it separates them and only focus on what unites them, these two can have the most beautiful life as a couple. Aquarius is known for being determined and giving meaning to everything they do.

The extremists of the zodiac, Aquarians will always break the rules and sometimes live illegally. This is what will surprise the Capricorn.

Aquarians never judge before they have identified some solid principles after which they can make judgments. And Capricorns will love this about them. They say that Aquarius is the one who always knows the truth, the seeker who discovers what is real.

Sometimes it is difficult for others to understand Aquarius natives for this reason. Astrologically, Capricorn is not the best option for Aquarius and vice versa. If they learned to appreciate each other more, their relationship would be much more successful..

Capricorn can help Aquarius to be more sensitive. With these two, everything that is negative must be put aside and forgotten. Aquarius needs to learn to offer stability to Capricorn, and the role of the Goat would be to discipline the Water Bearer.

It is not uncommon for Aquarius to be dominant and also demanding, wanting to be appreciated and admired by the partner all the time. Capricorn will analyze everything that Aquarius does.

Capricorn and Aquarius Marriage Compatibility

Aquarius’s first desire is to be free, while Capricorn’s is to dominate. Their relationship will always be one of friendship. Intimacy will come after they have managed to be friends first.

Inventive and free-willed, Aquarius can’t stay in love with the oh-so-practical Capricorn for long.

Both Aquarius and Capricorn know who they are in this world. Each of them values ​​different things in life: the limits of Capricorn and the complete freedom of Aquarius.

They could be together as a down-to-earth family, but that would be a bit difficult. Signs of the neighbors, it’s hard to believe that these two do not understand each other, but Aquarius needs to be free.

If you study yourself better, you may discover that you have some things in common that you can build on in the long run. For example, they both appreciate loyalty and determination. In addition, both consider that studying people is more than necessary to succeed in life.

What will make their relationship work will be considered well before the third date and they will never allow others to dictate what they should do with their love life.

Aquarius likes to be on the go and spend as much money as possible. Capricorn is more settled and reserved when it comes to spending. Aquarius can change many jobs, but Capricorn likes being financially secure too much to even consider this idea.

If they compromised and understood each other better, things would happen more easily and their relationship would last forever.

sexual compatibility

From an astrological point of view, Capricorn and Aquarius are sexually compatible. Energetic and perverted, Capricorn will have a classy environment for Aquarius to enjoy in the bedroom. You can turn on the Goat by touching its legs. For Aquarius, it’s the ankles and calves.

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While Capricorn wants to dominate, Aquarius doesn’t like the submissive role. A little space for the latter would be more than necessary. Sensual, both signs find great pleasure in sex. Capricorn may find Aquarius’s appetite for pornographic materials a bit too much, but they’ll get used to each other.

The disadvantages of this combination of care

Cool and calm, the Capricorn is looking for something secure and real, which the Aquarius may find impossible to provide. It’s not all honey and milk with your relationship.

They both have some flaws that can make them distance themselves from each other. For example, Capricorn is an introvert and Aquarius an independent.

Where Capricorn is intimate and passionate, Aquarius is not careful and aloof. Y they can drive each other crazy. The Water Bearer will rarely want what Capricorn has to offer, which is comfort and stability.

Aquarius looks for the innovative, while Capricorn is very conservative. The former are a bit flirty, which can annoy even the most patient of partners. Not that they will act on it, but surely they really like to smile with everyone.

And Capricorn is quite jealous, wishing for security in love, while his chosen one is unpredictable. Aquarius will avoid being tied down as much as possible and this can cause problems in any relationship.

You can’t judge or label an Aquarius, which is actually a past favorite of Capricorns.

What to remember about Capricorn and Aquarius

At first, the fresh Capricorn will be attracted to the positive vibration of Aquarius and the latter will want to see more of Capricorn. But as soon as they get to know each other better, their differences will start to appear.

Ultimately, these two are compatible because they can give each other enough without being a threat to their identities and what makes them strong.

Capricorn is very organized, while Aquarius likes to go with the flow. The Goat will try to change this in Aquarius and find that he cannot.

Capricorn is conservative and Aquarius is known as the rebel of the zodiac. When you have a smooth relationship, everyone will be able to see the Earth-Air connection in action. Earth signs like Capricorn are fixed and pragmatic. Air signs like Aquarius are dizzy and can help their partners to be more dreamy and free.

Aquarius has all kinds of innovative ideas, but it’s not practical at all. This is where Earth Capricorn comes in and gives some roots and purpose to his ideas.

The Goat will want the first place in the life of his partner. In addition, they want commitment and to be with someone for the long term. Aquarius is slow on commitment. This is why Capricorn will often have to give Aquarius ultimatums or he or she will stop looking for someone else.

Secondly, these two will respect each other a lot. They are both intelligent, so the Capricorn will eventually have an understanding of the Aquarian’s need for freedom. Each of them will learn where their partner’s limits are and not push each other too far. They will make an unspoken commitment to each other, but that is love after all.

Astrological compatibility exists here because fixed signs like Aquarius understand Capricorn’s need for stability, though they don’t necessarily share it, all the while cardinal sign Capricorn will get how innovative and optimistic their partner is, values ​​they also share.