If you talk while you sleep and you don’t know why, now you’re going to find out, why do we do it?

We talk while we’re asleep and sometimes they tell us that we say funny things, it’s super common. In fact, a 2010 study found that it happens to more than 66% of people at some point in their life, and it is very common in children.

Regardless of its prevalence, it’s natural to want to know what it means when you talk in your sleep.

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What does it mean if you’re talking in your sleep?

While the body freezes while you sleep to prevent you from acting on your dreams, sleep talking can occur in both deep and non-REM sleep, showing that it’s not always associated with dreaming.

Researchers don’t yet fully understand the medical causes of sleep talking, but they have a few theories that people talk in their sleep, such as genetics, REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), and night terrors. Sleep talking has also been linked to some medications, mental health conditions, and even stress.

If you are concerned about talking in your sleep, discuss your sleep patterns with your doctor.

But with so little concrete scientific evidence regarding the causes of sleep talking, many people look to the spiritual meaning of sleep talking to explain the unexplained.

Spiritual Meanings of Sleep Talking

1. It is a signal to take action.

According to psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, dreams are your mind’s way of processing information that is suppressed during waking hours.

If you’re struggling with a decision during the day, your unconscious mind will try to figure it out while you sleep. Sleep talking can be your unconscious mind telling you what to do about your situation.

Of course, much of what sleeptalkers say out loud sounds like gibberish. Just as our dreams most of the time don’t make sense, the words you say while you sleep are the same. Consider placing a voice recorder next to your head at night to record what you say and see if you can analyze what you say in the same way that dreams are analyzed.

2. You have trouble expressing your emotions.

There are many reasons why we repress certain emotions. But when they are repressed for too long, the body finds other ways to express them, including sleep talking.

If you’ve been finding it difficult to communicate something or are noticing other signs that you’re holding back emotions, sleep talking may be your inner voice’s way of trying to let it out.

3. You are communicating with spirit guides.

Although you cannot see them, your spirit guides are there at all times to guide you in the right direction. Sometimes, they communicate with you through dreams.

With your conscious mind asleep, your unconscious mind has the opportunity to take over without restriction. When this happens, your soul may try to talk back to them, causing you to talk in your sleep.

4. Your manifestation is coming true.

There are a number of different signs that her manifestation is close to coming true, including dreaming about her. If you start talking in your sleep during these dreams, it is a good sign that your manifestation is working.

5. Your soul is restless.

Our souls are believed to leave our bodies and wander around when we sleep, connected to the physical body by a ray of light. Talking in your dreams can be a sign that your soul is interacting in a different world.