Its influence on personality

Natives with the Ascendant in Virgo are always criticizing both themselves and others. It is normal that they sometimes feel inferior and have very high demands on life.

Normally conservative, diplomatic and humble, these natives are perfectionists who care too much about details. They normally tell things as they are because honesty characterizes them in everything they do.

This is Virgo Ascendant in a nutshell

– Strengths: Dignified, lucid and considerate.

– Weaknesses: Hateful, stubborn and boastful.

– Perfect partner: Someone who can help them relax more in life.

– Life lesson for Virgo ascendant: Pay more attention to friendships.

It is said that the rising sign is the one that shows the mask that people wear in public. It actually determines the first impression that individuals make of others.

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How is the personality of Virgo Ascendant?

Conscientious and detail-oriented, rising Virgo needs order and seeing things as clearly as possible. They tend to be obsessed with cleanliness and exaggerate when they are tidying up.

Logical and pragmatic, these natives tend to analyze themselves and others because this makes them feel that they are learning and discovering their most important qualities.

They can find ways to motivate themselves, so they are more ambitious than other growth signs.. Kind, sweet and expressive with their emotions, these people will be romantically involved only in the long run.

It is because their opposite sign is Pisces, which also influences them to want to be with someone. This unique combination brings out some traits they weren’t even aware of until they got into something serious.

However, these newfound features will be kept private, even from your other half. Logic and pragmatism are very strong in Virgo rising, and these natives will not express themselves if they haven’t thought carefully about how their ideas could be of use.

This is something strongly related to the Virgo Sun sign personality. Virgo rising natives would be much better at spiritual thinking, decision making, and criticizing themselves.

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They should consider what good putting their knowledge into practice can bring them and their loved ones. Your health would very much depend on how you would filter your thoughts and not allow negative energy to take over your life. If they allowed their obsession with perfectionism and order to take control, they would become very boring characters.

Having Pisces as a descendant, the main message of this placement is to relax more and have fun, because things just happen by themselves sometimes.

When it comes to relationships, the rising Virgo needs to learn to accept and also to give up. Forgiveness and being more loving would help them accept a situation that is not so perfect or decide to give up.

If they had a lazy partner who can’t keep their word, they would become critical and vigilant towards this person.. Their need to measure, classify and analyze can sometimes be too much even for themselves.

They should think that their lover does not need to be taken care of by them and that it is they who make him so needy. Letting him go would only show them that others are capable of great things as well.

Normally skinny, Virgo descents are active and fast, so their calories burn very quickly. It wouldn’t matter if the men or the women, they would continue to dress up and tidy their place all the time.

The men iron their shirts and wash their own clothes, you can be sure of that. Their posture is nice, and they are always fit because they just like to exercise and take part in physical challenges.

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It’s normal for them to wake up two hours earlier than everyone else and go to the gym or go for a run. Both men and women are obsessed with their appearance.

Ladies often change their hairstyle because they are never happy with how they look and want perfection. Virgo people are smart and methodical, jobs like investigation and even investigation are perfect for them.

Because Mercury is their ruling planet, they are very good at learning new languages. So many of them will work in communication or public services.

Accounting is also something that they would like to do because their mind is very good with numbers. These people just love to be of help and plan ahead.

Humble and cool, men with this Ascendant are always smartly dressed and carry a business bag.. Punctual, organized, and career-obsessed, they would also be great as journalists, scientists, and carriers of messages. Anything that requires them to organize people and things is attractive to these natives.

It is normal for them to specialize in something because everyone wants to master what they do for a living. But for them to function at their optimum levels, they need to have vision and be creative.

Otherwise, his life would not be fun at all. Do not think that they are only good for intellectual activities because they can do anything they set out to do.

In fact, they are very talented, so anything artistic makes them very happy. With a good sense of humor and being childish, they will impress with the way they impersonate different famous people and even their friends.

Detail-oriented, critical, and strong in principle, Virgo Ascendants can also change their ways when they have a serious duty to perform.

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How is the native of Virgo Ascendant physically?

Virgos who stand out in a crowd will be recognized because they have a small, well-structured face and a very pretty complexion. Like soaring Geminis, they are energetic to the point of nervousness and never want to sit down. Walking slowly and gracefully, her posture is straight, and her hair is always neat.

Mercury is the planet that rules their first house, which means they are curious and want to learn as many things as possible. Paying great attention to detail and the way they look, these natives will lead a healthy lifestyle and always focus on the task at hand.

It is very important for them to always be clean and wear elegant clothes. Not to mention, they are perfectionists, which can be both to their advantage and disadvantage.

When it comes to their appearance, Virgo Ascendants don’t want to be conspicuous.They are conservative and religiously follow certain fashion and style patterns.

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These people don’t like having their pictures taken because they don’t want to be in everyone’s face. Discretion is the word that best describes their attitude, as it helps them feel more secure and in control. The less they pay attention to them, the less chance they have of not being involved in situations that they did not initiate themselves.

These natives are not likely to be in extremes with their weight, so they will never suffer from obesity or anorexia. Anyone can tell that they are a bit short and have dark eyes and hair.

This is the Virgo Ascendant man

The Virgo man wants perfection in everything he does, including his relationship with his soul mate. Very critical, he has high standards as to how his partner should be.

He is never one to dream with his eyes open, the rising Virgo male will always take action and work hard to achieve his goals. His lady must be the same because she cannot tolerate a partner who is lazy and careless.

If he can’t find the perfect woman, he’d rather be single and get on with his life. Practical and unromantic, he will not make grand gestures for his beloved, but he will always be a good provider and a lover that he can never cheat on.

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This is the Virgo Ascendant woman

The Virgo rising woman tends to put her partner on a pedestal and never knocks him down. It’s not that she can’t see his weaknesses, it’s just that she prefers not to judge him harshly.

However, she will not praise her man when he has some success because she tends to focus on failures and criticize.. This girl is loyal and clings to her romantic relationships, so she expects her to try very hard to make matters in her life work.

But if he realized that there is no chance of success with a romance, he would immediately jump ship and never look back. This lady needs to be admired and appreciated for her passion in bed to unleash.


Virgo Ascendants are pragmatic, analytical, critical, detail-oriented, cautious, elegant, reserved, systematic, shy, attentive to the needs of others, and somewhat self-focused.

Your mind is creative and you are always thinking of something, which means that they always want to learn and improve. Obsessed with perfection, these natives can be very difficult to live with because their expectations of people are so high.

It often happens to them that they do not find the right person with whom they can share their life. It is as if they can find fault with everything and everyone, analyzing the things, situations and people that are their favorite thing.

This means that your relationships will often be badly affected by your critical eye.. Another thing rising Virgo needs to combat is their pessimism and self-criticism. Not to mention, they also worry about things that aren’t even important, thus making them sick with stress-related illnesses.

It is suggested that you enjoy all the experiences of life and do not allow bitterness, regrets and resentment to take over. Being negative and feeling inadequate can never bring anything good to a person’s life.

They appear younger than they really are because they are agitated all the time, Virgo Rising also has a tendency to be skinny rather than overweight. It is quite possible that they have problems with their indecision and uncertainty.