Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Aries and Aquarius

Both Aries and Aquarius are masters of fun, people who look forward to the next challenge.. As an air sign, Aquarius will be fascinated by the ideas of Aries. Also, this is a sign that expresses individuality and independence.

It is very difficult to govern the Aquarius lover. Only Aries, with his original and interesting way of thinking, will be able to make the Water Bearer somewhat submissive. The ram will think that Aquarius is not interested and will try to conquer them in time even more than the first time. Aries is a sign that precipitates love, and wants to see enthusiasm and excitement in the other.

Degree of compatibility between Aries and Aquarius

emotional connection: Below average. Communication: Strong. Trust and Reliability: Average. common values: Very strong. intimacy and sex: Strong.

People born in Aquarius like to socialize and get together with others, they are known to have many friends. Instead, Aquarius will make the Aries feel like someone special and interesting.

The Aries will want to see intensity and passion in Aquarius, but they will only recover a true friendship and a comfortable relationship.

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When Aries and Aquarius fall in love…

The union between an Aries and an Aquarius requires both to be committed and patient. If they manage to stay together, the relationship will be very intense and interesting to watch. These guys will become intoxicated with each other, forgetting everything about the world and what surrounds them.

They will love each other dynamically, without limits. If you meet an Aquarius and an Aries who have disappeared from their social lives, discover that they most likely discovered each other as lovers. Passionate and adventurous, they will encounter new experiences and enjoy it.

These two have a common trait that keeps them united and close, and that is their curiosity towards any new ideas and activities. As a couple, they will exhaust themselves doing fun things.

They both know how to leave the past behind and look to the future. More than this, they will help each other with everything. This is a great advantage that Aquarius-Aries couples have: being able to identify what the other needs, and helping them get it.

It is a challenge for both of them to learn all this, but if they do not realize that they are each other’s most valuable help, they will not be able to be together and will spend their lives changing partners. The force that connects them is strong and very useful if recognized.

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In relationship, they are like the best friends this world has ever seen.. Even if they weren’t attracted to each other, they would still be good comrades.

In fact, the romance between them can sometimes happen only after years of friendship. When it comes to their way of thinking, they are both free spirits who are open to anything they know nothing about.

Laid-back Aquarius can send chills down the Aries’ spine, while fiery Aries can make their partner more passionate about life. Optimistic and respectful with each other, their relationship is something that happens naturally, without major interruptions.

They give each other the space they so badly need, and they know how important freedom is. Although Aries may think Aquarius is insensitive at times.

The relationship between Aries and Aquarius

Aries and Aquarius can make a great team. The determined and ambitious Aries will convince Aquarius to be just like them. And the fact that the Aquarius is relaxed will make the Aries more calm and reserved. Aries are known to be neurotic and stressed when they’re not winning.

Early in their relationship, these two will be the most passionate and energetic people on Earth.. Fire and air signs are both interested in having fun and going on wild adventures. This means that Aries and Aquarius will make big plans and stick to them.

When they work together, they impress each other with great ideas. The fact that they are both free spirits looking for new challenges makes them a very fun and active couple.

Another thing they have in common is that they both want their own space. It’s great to find someone with the same personality traits and the same need for a personal life.

But they must be careful not to become two strangers. If you do the things you love separately, you may forget about each other in the long run. Like any other couple, these two also have differences.

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For example, where Aries is spontaneous and enthusiastic, Aquarius is thoughtful and detached. While Aquarius loves to mingle and talk, Aries is quite independent and more reserved. But since they also have differences, they make an even better couple.

The way this relationship between Aries and Aquarius manifests itself is the most interesting thing to watch. Aries makes Aquarius even more fun, while Aquarius brings a certain peace to restless Aries.

The world does not have to be a battlefield as the Aries sees it, but neither does it have to be a magical realm, as the Aquarius sees it. When coupled, these two can achieve a realistic view of life and what it has to offer. They will handle themselves and each other well, and they will be ready to experience new things all the time.

Both will feed on the imagination of Aquarius and the devotion of Aries. Aquarius doesn’t just want a sexual partner, this sign expects loyalty and someone who accepts an eccentric person. Aries will be the perfect person to offer all this.

These two are the A-team. Not to mention they would be great business partners. In their relationship, Aries will be the mentor, while Aquarius will be the one with the young spirit.

Aries and Aquarius Marriage Compatibility

It is rare to see an Aquarius and an Aries get married. They usually consume the relationship before things get too serious. This does not mean that the wedding bells for them are impossible to hear.

If they respect what is different in the other and go with their love, these two can have a lasting marriage..

It’s hard for both of you to commit, so you can be sure that you’ll be loyal to each other if you decide things are serious. Best friends are meant to be together, after all. Their ideal solution to last as a couple is to nurture their mutual love of freedom and adventure.

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compatibility in bed

Aries needs to seem aloof and calm when he’s trying to get something done. Aries will be impressed if Aquarius shows signs of courage and power. If one of them becomes needy, the other will surely leave.

They are very attracted to each other, so they will jump into bed as soon as they have met and established a connection.. But they will have some problems between the sheets as they have different tempos.

Astrologically, there is no problem between them in the bag. They both want creativity and experience new positions and techniques. The erogenous zone for an Aries is the head, while for Aquarius it is the ankles.

The drawbacks of this union

There is no problem with the short-term commitment between the Aries and the Aquarius. It’s the long-term ones that cause them problems. They both have a curious restlessness that can lead to boredom and an eventual breakup.

It’s not that they don’t understand each other’s need for freedom.. They just get sick of having the same person around. These two like to debate and they both have short tempers. Before you start arguing, it’s best to check how the other feels.

Aries doesn’t want to be in crowds and large groups, while for Aquarius the more people around them, the better. They need to find a middle ground with this if they want to endure as a happy couple.

Also, if you don’t take the time to listen to each other, you may end up apart or arguing over trivial things. They both like to insist on their own opinions for too long. If they stopped competing, things between them would be more relaxed and fun.

What to remember about Aries and Aquarius

Aries and Aquarius are two compatible signs. There is harmony between these two. Even when they disagree, they take care of each other.

Aquarius is someone who will handle Aries’ impulsiveness and harsh behavior. Because they are motivated and determined people, the Ram and the Water Bearer will be successful in their careers.

Aries is brave and innocent. Many see him as a child who has not been disciplined enough. Taking risks all the time, Aries needs an Aquarius to protect them from trouble.

When they are together, they can work on something beautiful and lasting.. When you first see the Aries-Aquarius, you will think that these two have a lot to learn from each other. And that would be true. However, they are both arrogant and don’t think they have anything to improve on a personal level and this will hold them back.

Aquarius natives feel as if they are intellectually more developed than others and this will greatly annoy the Aries. As friends and colleagues, you will get along very well, but turn your relationship into a romance very quickly. It can be difficult to understand the compatibility between them, but astrology gives enough clues.

However, he also says that they are a complex couple: let’s not forget that the ram is ruled by Mars, which is the celestial body of war and passion. And this will cause the Aquarius-ruled Saturn to become unsettled. Aquarius is completely opposed to any kind of war, including the internal one. Saturn is the planet of logic. The water bearer is a visionary who wants to innovate, not go to war at all. The people of this sign will want to be the one that contributes the most impossible, but also the possible ideas.

Meanwhile, Aries is puzzled by the fact that Aquarius shows no emotion. He is also upset that Aquarius is a bigger intellectual than he or she is.

If they are willing to compromise on some things, they will be perfect as lovers.. Although they normally fit each other, these two will also have some minor issues. For example, the impulsiveness of the Aries can make the free Aquarius uncomfortable.

On the other hand, Aquarius is so unpredictable, that Aries won’t know who to turn to. Often the fact that Aquarius is like this makes the relationship they have more fresh and interesting.

But it can also be hard to be with someone who has a new idea and changes their mind every minute. This is why the water bearer will seem insincere to Aries. Not to mention, Aries can get heartbroken after Aquarius has toyed with him. They will distance themselves from each other because Aquarius needs space and Aries is aggressive.