Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Taurus and Pisces

Taurus and Pisces romance will be like heaven on earth. There will be many kisses and affectionate gestures, since both love to love.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is the planet of love, and Pisces is ruled by Neptune, which is the ruler of dreams and inspiration. When together, these two will want to melt into each other, dance in a languid feeling of ecstasy and never let go.

Degree of compatibility between Taurus and Pisces

emotional connection: Very strong. Communication: Strong. Trust and reliability: Average. common values: Average. intimacy and sex: Very strong.

At first, Taurus will need a lot of space, but the fat and gentle Pisces will wake up and make our Bull want more. One will consider the conquest of the other as a challenge. In love, these two signs act differently, a Taurus is sensual and stubborn, he doesn’t get upset if the person he likes shows a little skin, and the Pisces is dreamy and sometimes intoxicating.

You’ll want to go on a date somewhere that’s easy on the eyes, like a classy bistro, the park, or enjoying the view from a lake, just a place where you can both catch each other’s vibe.

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When Taurus and Pisces fall in love…

The Pisces falls in love with both the mind and the body, as people in this sign feel love in a different way, on a mystical level. This may annoy their partner a bit, but when Pisces seem so ready to give them what they want, Taurus will totally fall in love.

This is a dream couple, they are romantic and surreal signs because Pisces are like that. The Taurus will become more sensual than ever, but will not forget to be practical. Dreamy Pisces and optimistic Taurus can be very successful together.

They can be a bit messy when they’re in love, it’s true, but they won’t even notice. When the Pisces is two hours late without calling, or wants to go to bed on the second date, the Taurus will be very confused.

People in Pisces, which is a mutable sign, are impulsive and always live in the moment. It is not impossible that the Pisces arrive at the date accompanied by two other friends, or forget where the restaurant is. When Taurus and Pisces are on their first dates, the Bull will be very upset and won’t even know what to do.

Pisces like to communicate a lot, in fact, they are famous for being telepathic and understanding others without even speaking.. They normally think that the exterior is illusory, while the Taurus think that the interior is.

Taurus is the most materialistic sign of the zodiac, those who pay their bills on time and who need to touch to believe. Where one lacks different things and emotions, the other comes and compensates.

Pisces will understand everything about karmic debts in a relationship. Taurus won’t. They are both sweet and kind, and this will help them to be a better couple. The Taurus will encourage the Pisces to be more organized and disciplined, and the Pisces will help the Taurus to be more connected with the spiritual world.

The Taurus is not known for their lack of creativity, but they surely need a deep approach to their own imagination if they want a healthier emotional life.

Taurus and Pisces Relationship

Passionate and volatile, the Pisces has an inner world, which will annoy the Taurus. In return, the stubbornness of the latter will annoy her partner. Her love story will intrigue everyone, they will be the Romeo and Juliet of the neighborhood.

They will fight over every issue before making a common decision. The good thing is that Pisces open up the Taurus, and they usually don’t accept other points of view than their own. They usually have common passions and interests like music, their careers, or their education.

This is what will get them to click in the first place. When they have nothing else to fight over, they will evolve into a beautiful couple that cannot be broken.

Pisces find it very difficult to save money, luckily Taurus will be of help in this situation. It’s just that Pisces see money as dirty. However, they don’t mind spending it. They don’t even think about letting the money «rot» in a bank or under the mattress. For them, money is only meant to be spent.

No matter what they may be doing, Pisces need to pay attention to their Taurus as they may get tired of teaching them how the world works.. Pisces tend to hide from difficult situations and find the easiest solution. They often choose only what they like in a situation, and things may not be as they imagine.

Taurus partners are realistic and see things as they really are. They are brave and ready to face anything, no matter how hard or difficult it is. It seems that these two are not compatible at all, but they are. They understand each other’s weaknesses and want to help each other more than anything else.

When they are friends, colleagues or relatives, they have a fluid and loving relationship. As business partners, they can work well if the Taurus handles the money and the Pisces handles the creative side. They are both hardworking and reliable. They will shine as lovers, as each has everything the other needs to be perfect.

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Taurus and Pisces marriage compatibility…

While they are so good for each other, Taurus and Pisces may never marry.. They would both fear that doing things differently would cause them to lose the love they initially shared. However, if they are convinced by family and friends, they expect something religious.

The Taurus will stick to one profession, while the Pisces will change them like socks. It is not so social, they will stay at home where the Pisces will meditate and the Taurus can watch a movie. They most likely have children. Pisces need to give all their love and Taurus want theirs.

Your children will be sensitive but at the same time strong. The Taurus will set the rules and the Pisces will teach the little ones to be subtle and gentle.

Definitely, the Pisces-Taurus couple values ​​family and love. Good caregivers, they will also be your children’s friends. They respect their parents a lot, so their children will respect them too.

compatibility in bed

The Pisces is intuitive and has a high level of empathy, this means that they rely more on instinct in life. It is difficult for them to get out of the fantasy world in which they live. The Taurus likes routine and is very realistic, but at the same time, they are sensual and affectionate.

Because they are dreamers and creatives, Pisces like role-playing and other erotic games. Tauruses are the most aroused by touch, and they don’t mind role-playing either. More than this, they are known to have high libidos, so expect many nights of passion.

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Tender and affectionate, Pisces make something interesting out of sex. They are good at passionate lovemaking, and are often exotic in bed.

For Pisces, sex is something deep and spiritual, while their partner is ruled by Venus, which is the planet of love, so they will know what they are doing.

Physics-wise, Earth and Water signs mix amazingly well.. For the Pisces, sex is something mystical while the Taurus are slow by nature and they are not bothered at all by this spiritual side of the Pisces. Together, they can bring lovemaking to perfection, after years of experience.

The drawbacks of this union

Sensitive and easily hurt, the Pisces will get restless when the Taurus wants to develop more.. The Taurus wants material gains, the Pisces is all about spirituality and creativity.

If they last as a couple, the Bull will help Pisces make their dreams come true, while the former will bring more depth and new purpose to the relationship. They are compatible and loving with each other, as long as they don’t get bogged down in their little differences.

Emotional stagnation is very dangerous for Pisces and Taurus. For the former, addiction to alcohol or pills can also be a concern. They are both terrified of being abandoned, so any behavior that might indicate leaving should be avoided at all costs.

Pisces won’t mind slowing down and living at the pace of Taurus. Sometimes the Taurus can put it off for days, and the Pisces won’t mind joining him.

The Taurus can hurt the Pisces with harsh words, and the Pisces can emotionally turn someone into a wreck. The Taurus-Pisces couple no longer have to worry so much about trivial things, and they will be happier.

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What to remember about Taurus and Pisces

The Taurus is the lover of the zodiac, while the Pisces is the dreamer.. When these two get together, a beautiful romance is sure to blossom as these two are very compatible as lovers. Their connection is almost karmic. They both want stability and for the other to be faithful.

They can consider themselves lucky to have found each other, and it’s unlikely that one of them will be leaving any time soon.

The way a Taurus sees life and love is similar to that of a Pisces and they both want to work for their relationship to prosper.. As partners, these two will depend heavily on each other.

When the Fish is disappointed that the world is not like in their dreams, the Taurus will be able to comfort and calm them down. Also, when the Taurus is in a difficult situation, the Pisces will help him to get rid of his stubbornness and take the necessary actions.

As in any other relationship, there will also be things that do not work out between the Taurus and the Pisces. The very focused Taurus may be annoyed by the fact that Pisces are such dreamers. Also, the Bull does not think too much before speaking, and will hurt the Fish, who is very sensitive.

The two signs may also have different ways of living their lives, but what one lacks, the other will make up for.. The Taurus knows what he is doing, and why. However, the Pisces is never sure and just lets instinct guide them.

It is good that the Pisces help the Taurus to be more imaginative and loose. When the Fish gets lost and doesn’t know what to do anymore, the rational Bull will save the day. In this way, the two of them are very compatible and help each other when they need it.

When these two are in a relationship together, their connection is romantic and spiritual.. Tantric sex, exploration of different religions and mystical rituals, these will be some of the activities that you will enjoy together. Not to mention that all of these things will be very important to Pisces, who want to know everything about mysticism and spirituality.