The 6 most clumsy zodiac signs

Have you ever dedicated the phrase “you are clumsier than a worm with gloves”? Human beings are born with an infinity of capacities and abilities, although in some cases they stand out more while in others they go almost unnoticed. The fact is that in this world there are people who are born with a star while there are people who are born with a starand their lives are configured as authentic gymkhanas in which they have to put all their efforts to survive.

These last, then, they have the misfortune of being born clumsy, although there are other similar qualifiers to define them, such as incapable, inept, obtuse, denied, incompetent, dumb… And what does that mean? simply that they act abruptly and inefficiently when they have to execute any task everyday.

It’s not really his fault. little they can do to remedy it, rather than fill yourself with strength and courage in preparation for facing your day to day. The only positive part is that his life is usually a bit more interesting than the rest, as it is configured more as a continuous action movie than as a documentary of those that are broadcast at siesta time. For this reason, today we present the 6 most clumsy signs of the Zodiac.

types of clumsiness

Although it may seem strange, there is not only one type of clumsiness. In fact, there are several specialties in which the human being can be trained, and how could it be otherwise, each sign of the zodiac opts for one or another branch, according to their own characteristics. So that, there will be zodiacals who sin to talk too much or to do it without thinkingand others to whom exactly the opposite happens and it is especially difficult for them to strike up a conversation with people they have just met.

Acting too impulsively and without thinking about the consequences also set up as a rather clunky feature, as well as being blocked when it comes to expressing feelings and ending up staying silent for fear of screwing up. And yes, on top of that, to any of the previous cases you add the incompetence of being a bit physically obtusewe will find ourselves facing the king of clumsiness.

▶️ VIDEO: The best rankings according to your zodiac sign

These are the clumsiest signs of the zodiac

The time has come to take action and that you know which are the most clumsy signs of the zodiac. Thus, as much as you cannot remedy it, at least you will be warned and you will begin to pay more attention to each one of the movements you make.


At the bottom of the list of the most awkward signs of the zodiac is the disciplined Capricorn. Although it may seem a bit confusing, because they are so professional and responsible that they almost border on excellence, the truth is that there is something that they are not very good at: socializing with other peopleespecially if you barely know them.

Obviously, the story changes if they can prepare everything they are going to expose or express in advance, the problem is that spontaneity is not his strong point. That’s when they start to get nervous, shake and babble, and since Capricorn is a Zodiac that needs to have everything under control, ends up losing the battle miserably.


The diplomatic and elegant of Libra you can see how your balance point wobbles if something or someone manages to destroy his armor and tries to give voice to his fragile heart. And it is that, despite being a most fair and idealistic Zodiac, the truth is that he is also part of the group of the most clumsy signs of the zodiac. Y, to check it, just put a little on the ropes.

Why do we say that? Because there is something that gives him real panic and is configured as one of the axes of his personality: talking about his feelings. The coldness and indecision of the scale make him an exaggeratedly clumsy being when it comes to showing what he keeps inside, especially on those occasions when he could end up harming someone.


The driving force that drives fiery Sagittarius can also become your ultimate downfall, and make it clear that it is the fourth most clumsy sign of the zodiacal wheel. Although this do not suppose a headache for someone like this sign eitherbecause he has so assimilated the stamp of his impulsiveness that he will not even consider questioning this trait.

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But yes, archer friend, your impetus is precisely the main cause of your great clumsiness. Don’t you realize that you can’t go through life shooting randomly and without thinking about the consequences? Maybe for someone as overwhelming as you it is not a problem, but along the way you may run into some soft heart and you end up leaving him in pieces.


The bronze medal for our list of the most awkward signs of the zodiac goes to Taurus. In this sense, is closely related to the case of Librabecause its defect is related to the expression of feelings, although the problem of the bull does not lie in something general, but in theThe way it adopts when it comes to bringing out all the torrent of emotion that it retains in his inner being.

jealousy That is your main problem, Taurus. There are times when you become obsessed to such an extent that you are completely blocked., and you become a being incapable of transmitting what you have inside without your words being stained by disdain and hatred. Do you know what the main problem with this is? That for whatever reason you may have, you end up losing it due to bad manners!


The vehemence with which Aries acts is really useful at times, although in others it can become their Achilles heel. And it is that the ram has a problem similar to that of Sagittarius: it is so untimely that many times he speaks or does things without having thought about it beforehandand when he wants to realize that he hasn’t messed it up but well, it’s already too late.

So why is the archer in fourth place, while Aries has won the silver medal for clumsiest signs of the zodiac? Very easy: Sagittarius’s problem mainly has to do with speech, while the ram is not only a bit dumb with his mouthalso with their actions. For all these reasons, he has earned his way to being at the top of this group of Zodiacals.


Gemini tops the list of the clumsiest signs on the zodiac wheel. Something that, from the outset, is not very surprising, because between the verbal incontinence that he always suffers from, and that restlessness that inspires him and makes him not stop for a second, the strange thing would be if he knew how to keep his feet on the ground! Also, children are usually a bit clumsy per seso his tendency toward clumsiness increases.

Thus, the union of physical awkwardness and the awkwardness of talking too much (all with a touch of impulsiveness) manages to catapult Gemini to the top from the group of the most clumsy signs of the zodiac. And, best of all, is that the Zodiac of duality cares rather little, to say nothing. In the end, his only concern in this life is to be happy and enjoy to the fullest!