Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Sagittarius and Aquarius

The Sagittarius and the Aquarius make a good couple who will experience anything and take risks when they get the chance.. They love to take on new challenges and they are both one of the most spontaneous signs in the zodiac.

Degree of compatibility between Sagittarius and Aquarius

emotional connection: Lower middle. Communication: Half. Trust and Reliability: Strong. Common values: Very strong. Intimacy and sex: Below average.

Because the Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and the Aquarius by Uranus, these two are creative and knowledge seekers. On your first dates, the atmosphere will be friendly and light. It is not impossible for them to lay the foundation for a long-term relationship from the very beginning.

Sagittarians are free, adventurous and independent while Aquarians are outgoing, they like to be taken by surprise. They will have many things to learn from each other. Not to mention that they will go on many adventures together as they both want to travel, they like to eat the most exotic foods and they want to discover the cultures of other countries.

They will have many things to discuss and debate because they are both visionaries and ideas people.

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When Sagittarius and Aquarius fall in love…

While their connection is strong and they share many traits, the Sagittarius and the Aquarius can last as a couple only for so long.

Both are inventive and driven by a greater purpose in life (Sagittarius for philosophy and Aquarius for charity), both value freedom above anything else. That’s why they are so good as a couple.

The time you spend together will probably be spent touring the country, meeting new people, and taking fun photos for your social media. Because they have a good sense of humor, they will often laugh at each other’s jokes.

They will not need too many words, as they will be easily understood. Sagittarians are able to keep up with Aquarians and vice versa, as both signs are too independent to be easily managed. It is as if they have met their soulmate.

The Aquarius will love the enthusiasm of the Sagittarius when he tells a story or shares an idea. Also, the Water Bearer appreciates a person who can see great things in him or her. And the Sagittarius is very grateful for every little thing.

Sagittarians are progressive problem solvers, they like to find solutions and are very logical. Not to mention that they are also well informed because they are always asking questions.

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They will approach plans step by step, never starting anything before they finish what they’ve been working on. The time they will have with the Aquarius will surely be remembered.

The combination of their elements, Fire and Air, means that they are both interested in doing everything at least once. Their relationship usually begins with a beautiful friendship. It may happen that at first they are good friends and only later will they develop a romantic relationship as well.

However, they can get bored as soon as the honeymoon is over as they don’t like to get used to things and people. They are not the most sensual couple in the zodiac, they will be more the talkers, the comedians and the adventurers.

Sagittarius and Aquarius Relationship

Energetic, original and positive, they will also always be spontaneous and perhaps always long to spend more time together. They will allow each other to be who they are. There is no need for changes or improvements.

The Sagittarius is focused just like the Aquarius needs their partner to be, and the Aquarius wants a devoted person who won’t make them give up their freedom. Also someone who does not judge.

Sagittarius will love being a loyal supporter for the Aquarius, but their initial flirtation will be very attractive to the latter.

This relationship is bound to bring only good things to both of you. A lot of other people wouldn’t understand them as well as they understand each other.

The couple between an Aquarius and a Sagittarius can be successful because the two are very similar. The Aquarius has ideas while the Sagittarius has determination.

The Sagittarius lover must understand that the Aquarius is a bit insensitive. Every little thing that the Aquarius does will be appreciated by the Sagittarius, who is very understanding and helpful.

They must remain fun and adventurous. If they left the life they love so much, they would only be unhappy and in the end, they would part.

No one says they won’t fight, because they will. But your makeup will be memorable. It is good that the Aquarius is insensitive as the Sagittarius is brutally honest and without any kind of tact. People of this sign think that diplomacy is a form of hypocrisy.

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It’s best to let Aquarians calm down after they’ve gotten angry. The same goes for Sagittarius. These two will push each other’s limits every chance they get.

It is good that they never get bored with each other because they are both signs that they cannot tolerate routine and live in the same place for a long time. A person looking at them from the outside will think that he is looking at the circus or something.

The Aquarius will be delighted to discover the Sagittarius behind the mask that people of this sign usually put on when they are in the world. Sagittarians wear masks because they want to protect themselves from getting hurt, but with the Aquarius, they know someone has their back.

Charismatic and friendly, both of you will have large circles of friends. They will speak without saying too many words, since they will be easily understood. The Sagittarius will set the tone and keep the rhythm, the Aquarius will dance and sing.

Sagittarius and Aquarius Marriage Compatibility

The Aquarius will always be interested in society, charity events and human rights. As a couple, the Sagittarius and the Aquarius will be provocative and interesting. They will be honest and talk to everyone.

People will envy them because they get along so well. Sociable and fun people, they will have parties where everyone will mingle. Your groups of friends will gather and love it.

Because they both have a sense of justice and are compassionate, these two often sign up to fight for causes. Everything in your house will be interesting and innovative. Not to mention that you will have many memories and memories of all the places you have been together.

There are so many things they agree on, it’s amazing how they’re not one person. They both value open-minded people, such as the optimistic, intelligent, and visionary.

As a child of Neptune, the Aquarius appreciates honesty, while the Sagittarius is one of the most honest signs in the zodiac. In the long run, his family is fun and close.

compatibility in bed

Sexually attracted, the Sagittarius and the Aquarius will first be stimulated intellectually. What will make them work will be the common ideas and the enthusiasm for the causes and the fight for the less fortunate.

Worldly things that happen on a grand scale interest them, surpassing even lust and the pleasures of the flesh.

When you think about your sexual encounters, think more about pillow talk and a lot of experimentation. Neither of them are overly passionate, so don’t expect fireworks in the bedroom.

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The drawbacks of this union

Because they are stubborn, never ready to commit, not too emotional and impersonal, restless, and only think about ideals, not what is real, these two may have some problems in their relationship.

Nothing that has as many advantages as your partner, can exist without some significant scams. Very stubborn, the Sagittarius will not accept other people’s opinions and will stick to his ideas until the end. Not even the greatest love on the planet can make the Sagittarius change his mind about something. Not to mention that they are known not to get emotionally involved.

While Aquarians are alike when it comes to emotions, at least they want someone they can feel safe and involved with. Aquarians need to be pampered and they like it when someone is madly in love with them.

Because they are so optimistic, Sagittarians can sometimes act quite irresponsibly. They make plans and take too long to make them come true, thus ending up with no results and no other solutions.

When their decision is required, they become a bit compulsive. Tactless, they are also restless and lazy. They run from responsibility more than anything else when they’re not in the mood.

What to remember about Sagittarius and Aquarius

It is interesting to observe their compatibility. The Adventurer will meet the Visionary, which means that this couple will have a progressive approach to life. So he expects them to take part in new challenges and be happy with the unknown.

When two such independent and intelligent people get together, fireworks are sure to come from the places where they are both present. The one who will make the first move will definitely be the Sagittarius, as Aquarians are a bit shy around people they like.

Everyone will realize that these two are similar and that something between them is possible. The elements you are born into can also say a lot about your compatibility.

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Don’t expect the Aquarius and the Sagittarius to grow old together in their slippers. A fire sign, the Sagittarius will be a passionate partner and an energetic person. Aquarians are Air signs, so they can be a bit detached and not as passionate. And this leaves room for problems.

It is not that Aquarians are not capable of loving someone, but rather that it is a mental connection rather than a physical or emotional one.

Both intelligent people, one of them will want to be knowledgeable, while the other was born as a genius. You will always have things to talk about, and your conversations will be light and interesting. Neither of them like to be restricted, so they will get along very well from this point of view, offering each other enough space to do things separately.

Sagittarius likes to be open with everyone. The Aquarius won’t even get jealous because it’s not his type to be like that.

While the Water Bearer can be a bit introverted and will want to spend time alone at times, the Archer will go out and make lots of new friends. They both approach love in the same way: they believe that you need to be free above all else.

But they are good with each other, which means they rarely fight or feel like they’re in each other’s way. None of them are emotional. So there is no drama and tantrums in this relationship. Their intellectual approach to life brings them even closer together.

Having a restless mind can help to better understand the Sagittarius, while with the Aquarius it is about having a worried soul. The Adventurer will always move forward and seek justice and absolute truth.

It is normal for Aquarians to want to change the world and make it more like the idealist they have in mind. This can cause some…