Compatibility in love, in bed and in relationships: Taurus and Sagittarius

Taurus and Sagittarius show an obvious passion for each other. But when it comes to a long-term relationship, the prospects are not so good. If they don’t use external energies to not be temperamental, they can fail as a couple.

Taurus wants security and a home, while Sagittarius wants adventure and freedom. They are also slow and Taurus is an Earth sign who does not like change. Sagittarians, on the other hand, are fire signs that do everything at high speeds.

Degree of Compatibility between Taurus and Sagittarius

emotional connection: lower mean. Communication: Half. Trust and reliability: Very strong. common values: Half. intimacy and sex: Half.

What they have in common is their lust for life and the fact that they will always be there for each other, even though their elements show that they are anything but. In fact, this is what makes them attracted to each other in the first place.

The Taurus lover is conservative, they wonder all the time if it is worth investing feelings and efforts in a relationship.. Sagittarius natives see love as an experience, as something they must try. A better Sagittarius for a Taurus would be an experienced one, someone who is ready for intimacy.

| alessandrobiascioli

When Taurus and Sagittarius fall in love…

As an Earth sign, Taurus is all security and routine and likes to work on their relationships. A fire sign, Sagittarius has ups and downs, which can upset Taurus’ order.

Taurus can be very anxious when in the company of Sagittarius. He or she will not know what to do, whether to pursue the relationship or not.

When Sagittarians are in love, they become unusually happy. Friends will be able to tell if they are in love with someone, as they become very cheerful.

It is quite difficult to say whether the Taurus-Sagittarius relationship will work out or not. They are so different, it doesn’t seem possible. However, if Taurus abandons more of the old-fashioned principles he believes in and resembles the free-spirited Sagittarius, things can get real and they can form a couple that will last a long time.

Taurus will be the one to stay home and take care of things, while the Sagittarius is out there «hunting.» More than this, the Archer will motivate Taurus to have more ambitions and to take risks from time to time.

These two will show each other how great it is to have a family. Sagittarians may not have considered this idea in the past.

Taurus doesn’t mind being naughty from time to time. And Sagittarius will like this. In fact, the latter will see it as a challenge and he will be more than happy to be the same. They will make each other laugh.

The Taurus will always deal with the philosophical issues that the Sagittarians are so interested in. So your conversations won’t be boring. It is normal for Taurus to admire Sagittarius.

However, when the Sagittarius exposes a too colorful life, Taurus will become apprehensive and restless.. Since Sagittarius lives in the moment, it is very likely that the person born in this sign will face many challenges that will bring them great luck, or a series of unfortunate events.

But this is what usually happens when people live like Sagittarians. It is good for them to be with the Taurus, who will play the role of the down-to-earth and down-to-earth presence in their life.

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The relationship between Taurus and Sagittarius

People will be curious if Taurus and Sagittarius are really together. They will spend so much time apart that they will make others wonder. Taurus is more attached to his home, so they will do something in the same place.

While Taurus need to know they’re with someone loyal and devoted, Sagittarians are more detached and don’t stress about it. That is why the Archer must always reassure the Taurus about his love.

If they get along, the Sagittarius will love coming home to the Taurus and making their time together extra special. A fixed sign, Taurus is stubborn, people born in this sign know what they want from life, and they want comfort above all else.

A mutable sign, Sagittarius is continually changing and is willing to fail. Taurus has to allow Sagittarius to fail, while Sagittarius has to respect the fact that Taurus doesn’t want to change.

Taurus needs to have something stable and plan for the future, while their partner needs fun, adventure and change. Taurus practicality will be appreciated, and Sagittarius honesty too.

They can have problems when Taurus wants to settle down and Sagittarius wants to travel. Because the two of them are so different, they can have a fun relationship where neither of them bothers his partner.

Spring is the season in which Taurus feels perfect, while for Sagittarius it is the end of autumn, the beginning of winter.. The latter will be loud, fun and honest. People in this sign can be like this, or more reserved and observant. They usually don’t mind commitment, and they don’t want to force a relationship that doesn’t seem to work.

Taurus is more likely to be the one working to improve the relationship between Sagittarius and Taurus. Their dynamic is great because the earth signs don’t want to follow and the fire signs are very good at it.

As the second sign of the Zodiac, Taurus is stubborn and manages to get what they want from life. Sagittarians are relaxed and not so determined. It is because they are positioned towards the end of the astrological year. It’s not that they’re not active because they are, it’s that they just don’t insist on success as much as Aries or Taurus.

| Pexels: Vera Arsic

Taurus and Sagittarius marriage compatibility…

Taurus knows what marriage means, but Sagittarius may not have a clue. If Taurus does propose at some point, it’s essential that you both carefully plan what’s next, or you’ll have too many surprises later and Taurus won’t like it.

It’s not that Sagittarius doesn’t want children. On the contrary, they find the idea entertaining. But they need to let their partner be the one in charge. The Taurus-Sagittarius couple will be very interested in the education of their children. They will offer all the stability and joy for your childhood to be happy.

Sagittarius is too absent to be the main father. At home, Sagittarius will make everyone laugh and tell many stories. Taurus is better off thinking of him or her as another child in the family.

In their marriage, they may both dream too much of a utopia, but they will love each other deeply.. If they begin to share opinions, they will come to the conclusion that everything is good and pleasant in the world, which can often cause disappointment.

Fortunately, Taurus is practical and will bring you both down to earth. Reality checks will always come from this lover, that’s for sure.

compatibility in bed

Taurus and Sagittarius are known to be sexually attracted to each other. They both have mythical connections to strong beasts and there is a lot of stamina in these two. This means that it will keep them making love all night. They expect a lot of sensuality and even gymnastics in their bedroom.

When it comes to intimate relationships, Sagittarians like to explore and experiment.. With the Taurus, they will have relationships in the strangest and most risky places.. They are the most excited around the thighs.

Sensual and erotic, Taurus will always be attracted to Sagittarius. His love will be a combination of the patience and seriousness of the Taurus, and the strength and playfulness of the Sagittarius.

Because Sagittarius is so reckless and Taurus so practical and sensitive, it will be Taurus’s job to keep both of them focused. If Taurus tries to be sexier around Sagittarius, the latter mentioned would be even more exciting.

The drawbacks of this union

It’s normal for Sagittarians to think of Taurus as rigid and too slow. Also, Sagittarius is sometimes too jealous when it comes to his opinions. If Taurus starts judging, they can get very upset with each other.

Sagittarius will get tired of having the way of Taurus and when Sagittarius people get tired of someone, they get restless and bored. And this is when you can kiss them goodbye.

A great comedian, Sagittarius will make fun of any situation. Taurus may think that this is somewhat superficial, considering that Tauruses are so serious all the time. This will make Taurus sad and closed.

Maybe other astrological aspects make things work between them, but there is not much chance that this relationship will be successful. Both will have to test their patience. Not to mention that Taurus is too possessive, which Sagittarians hate with all their hearts..

What to remember about Taurus and Sagittarius

These two see life in different ways: where Taurus respects the rules and approaches life methodically, Sagittarius only lives in the moment and values ​​experience above all else.. It is the Earth with Fire, one takes things in stride, the other seems to work at the speed of light.

They may wonder how two such different people can last together. The thing is that they don’t have so many opportunities, but surely they can learn a lot from each other.

When you first look at the Sagittarius and Taurus couple, you come to the conclusion that they have nothing to do with each other. Taurus is cautious and practical, possessive and jealous, while Sagittarius is reckless and optimistic.

Taurus wants a family life and a career where he can thrive, and Sagittarius’ interests are to travel, be knowledgeable, and seek justice everywhere he can go.

When Sagittarius and Taurus start a relationship, their path will be bumpy as they will have to reconcile all the things that make them different.

Taurus is known to be attached to his home, while Sagittarius does not know how to get as far away from it as possible. Because Sagittarius is too friendly, he may not be liked by Taurus. All fire signs, including Sagittarius, want the perfect love for themselves.

Honest and direct, the Archer is also sensitive and sweet, especially with the person he loves. But these people do not know diplomacy, they express themselves too frankly. Taurus is very proud, so he might get hurt when Sagittarius says the dress or tuxedo looks like it’s sitting on a fence and not on a person.

And an upset or angry Taurus is not something you want to see. How this relationship evolves largely depends on how open the two partners are to accepting what makes them different..

It is a possible union, only if the two are open-minded. The experience of being a couple can be very educational for both of you. Taurus will learn to be more flexible, and Sagittarius will calm down. If this is going to last, it’s just up to both of you how much you’re willing to put up with.