Access key definition

The access key is the password that a user uses to access a service, system or program. Generally the password is associated with a username.

In general, the password is requested only once during the user session, although there are exceptions. For more security, in some systems, when entering the configuration section (or other private or sensitive area) of the user account, the password is requested again. In this way, the system checks again that it is the correct user who tries to access.

Also, in some systems, the password is requested every certain period of time or when a period of time has passed without activity in the system by the user.

Access key security

Having an access key to a service or user account does not guarantee security. The keys can be decrypted by brute force, by dictionary, by deduction, deception, theft and espionage of information, crack of the security system, weak keys, etc.

See also: strong password.

Retrieve an access key

To restore or recover an access key to a service, the instructions given by the provider of said service must be followed. Usually, near the login form, there is usually a link or section that says «Forgot my password» or «Recover password». Usual recovery methods include: sending the original password or another generated to the email associated with the service, secret questions or directly contacting the administrator.

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