What is control technology?

Name: Melissa – Origin: Argentina

Visitor Question or Comment:

what is control technology?

Response from ALEGSA.com.ar:

Control technology (or system) is any technology that makes it possible to control, usually automatically (but not necessarily) an environment, a machine, etc.

The objective of a control system is to govern the response of the controlled system without an operator having to intervene directly on the output elements. The operator manipulates only the desired output magnitudes of that system, called the instructions, and the control system is in charge of governing them by means of the corresponding drives or actuators.

For more information see:
* http://www.tecnologia.mendoza.edu.ar/trabajos_profesores/buscella-control/tc.pdf
* http://www.lucas-nuelle.de/911/Productos/Sistemas_de_formacion/Tecnología_de_automatización,_measurement_and_control/Mess-_und_Regelungstechnik.htm

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