Definition of Bing (web browser)

Bing is a web search engine developed by Microsoft, a replacement for Live Search.

It was shown by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on May 28, 2009 and released worldwide on June 3, 2009.

Its name originates from an onomatopoeia: it represents the sound of arrival at a conclusion (for example, the sound of an elevator arriving at a certain floor).

During its development its name was Kumo.

Bing Features

* Bing helps identify relevant search results through features like Best Match, which identifies and highlights the best possible answer.

* The Deep Links (internal or more detailed links), which allows you to see the resources offered by said site

* Quick Preview (quick preview), a window that expands on the title of a search result and gives a better idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relevance of the site.

* Explorer Panel, a dynamically relevant set of search and navigation tools on the left side of the page

* Web Groups, which intuitively group results in both the scan pane and actual results

* Related Searches

* Quick Tabs (flaps or quick tabs), basically a table of contents for the different categories of search results.

Website: Bing

Quote the definition: (2009). Definition of Bing – ALEGSA 2009-05-29 url: https:///Dec/bing.php

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