System, subsystem, suprasystem: clarifying the terms

Name: Angelo – Origin: Peru

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A human who works or is part of an organization or a company, in this case these would be suprasystems of the human system.

then I can say that the suprasystem is an organization or a company?

Response from

Not necessarily. The idea of ​​a systemic analysis is to focus on a particular system and, starting from that system, find its components, its subsystems, its suprasystem, functions and objectives, limits or borders, inputs and outputs, etc.

Then we can analyze that suprasystem that we found earlier. When we analyze this suprasystem, it now becomes the main SYSTEM of analysis (conceptually it ceases to be a suprasystem and is now simply a system, because it is the one we are studying now). We can then analyze its components, its subsystems (which will include the system we studied earlier, which we now conceptually call a subsystem because we changed the main system under study), functions, limits, boundaries, inputs, outputs, etc.

So, ultimately, what is subsystem, system, suprasystem depends on which is the system that we are studying/analyzing at this moment.

When analyzing an organization as a system, the main system in this case is the organization. It is not a suprasystem at the moment, because we are concentrating now on the organization as a system. Then within this organization there will be subsystems (such as employees), components, functions, inputs, outputs, etc.

An organization can be part of a group of organizations that will have a common goal, in this case that group could be seen as a suprasystem of that system. But in turn, later, we can study that group of organizations as the main SYSTEM…

I hope it has been clear, I was a bit repetitive but the idea was to understand the point that what we call system, subsystem, suprasystem, is not something fixed… it is something that varies depending on which system we are focused on.

For more information read: System

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