1 Folder is a name used by Windows and other operating systems to call directories and other spaces containing information. In English: folder.
The use of the name «folder» or «folder» comes from a long time ago. The name was first used in the design of a hierarchical file system for ERCA Mark 1 computers, published in 1958.
Currently the name «folder» is used in most modern operating systems. It is usually illustrated with an icon that reminds us of a physical office folder.
Sometimes Folder and Directory are not exactly synonymous, since folder does not represent an actually existing directory in the file system’s directory hierarchy. This occurs in the case of folders to classify information (see the second definition below), in the case of smart folders of certain operating systems, in virtual folders, etc.
For more information I suggest reading: Directory.
2 By extension, Folder is the name used to classify information. This information can be emails, bookmarks or favorites, shortcuts, documents in general, etc.
In these cases the folders do not correspond to a real existing directory in the file system of the storage medium. Actually the most appropriate name for these folders would be Virtual Folder.
For example, in the case of email, it can be subdivided into folders with names like: Inbox, Outbox, Junk Mail, etc. None usually correspond to real existing directories.
In the case of Bookmarks or Favorites in a web browser, the folders allow us to classify the web pages that we are adding in this tool.
3 Virtual folder.
related article
How to hide and protect folders with a password.
Quote the definition:
Alegsa.com.ar (2018). Folder Definition – ALEGSA 2018-05-17 url: https:///Dec/folder.php
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