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What is alphanumeric characters
Response from
Alphanumeric characters are the set of all letters (upper and lower case) and numbers. Therefore, any word that contains letters and numbers is considered alphanumeric.
Examples of words with alphanumeric characters are: , a1234, Maria1983, etc.
All of the above examples are words consisting only of letters (alpha) and/or numbers (numeric) mixed together.
In some bibliographies «alphanumeric» includes other symbols such as points and mathematical symbols, however it is not usual.
In computing, if we are strict, alphanumeric includes the letters from «A» to «Z» (in English, so the ) is not included, and the numbers from 0 to 9. Which gives us a total of 36 characters. If we include the lowercase letters, they will also be a total of 62 characters.
For more information, I suggest reading carefully the definition from our Computer Dictionary:
– Alphanumeric (definition)
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