Hello, well, a few days ago I saw a woman about 30 years old with black hair, very white, wearing a white wedding dress, about 1.78 meters tall, in my house. I feel her breathing from her, I have felt and I have seen how she follows me and I always see her in my house, well, in my grandmother’s house that I currently live with her and the truth is I don’t know what it means. I don’t know if she wants to do me some damage or some good, if she wants to tell me something or I don’t know. I would really like you to help me because I don’t know what to do.

and my grandmother tells me that she had a baby who was supposedly my aunt and she described me exactly how she was but… she was a baby when she was born, I don’t think she is the same because the woman I see is older and a friend who comes often to the house and has seen it and my uncle too and it is the same description that I give. and the vdd would like them to explain to me if they know what I can do or what they want because the vdd does not want anything bad to happen and I would like it to be over.

and by the way, this woman has manifested itself to me in dreams, she is always the same and I never think about her, I am not afraid, I am calm, and I am always on other things… the first one was about a year ago, in The one who told me that he was a relative of mine and that he wanted to meet me and that he loved me very much… and the last one, yesterday… my grandmother told me, interpreting for her, that she was not going to leave, that she was going to stay here and that it would be better not to would put And I also dreamed of my pregnant aunt dressed in purple. which I find somewhat strange because my aunt is not pregnant. And I also don’t know if I have to do something because of my grandmother or my aunt that my mother is wrong but… these appearances of this woman that I mention are not normal.


Hi my name is Julio…

You do very well not to be afraid, when you see her talk to her and ask her to communicate with you in dreams, and if she cannot speak, do so with visual signals, to show you how you can help her, (some spirits have unfinished business and they need the help of a mortal to finish them) meanwhile put a white candle in the house (where you have seen it more times) every day, (white candles attract beings of light, and if it is a confused spirit they will help it to continue on her way) If she is not a confused spirit and it is the case that I mentioned above, take it as a paranormal hobby, once you solve it together, she will continue on her way and you will have something to tell…
– Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina.