advapi32.dll: download file advapi32.dll (library)


Bookstore/library file: advapi32.dll

Advanced Windows 32 Base API, v. 5.1.2600.2180

To download or download the file advapi32.dll:

* Download Source 1: Download advapi32.dll
(to download it you must scroll down the web page, and look where it says «Download zip file»).

Errors related to advapi32.dll library file:
– «Can’t find file advapi32.dll» – «Can’t find file advapi32.dll»
– «Cannot find entry point or module for advapi32.dll»
– «Error loading file advapi32.dll» – «Error run dll»
– «Call to undefined dynalink» – «Call to undefined dynalink»
– «File advapi32.dll is missing» – «dll file not found»
– «Explorer has caused an error in advapi32.dll»

How to solve advapi32.dll problems-errors?

It is possible to solve an error related to the advapi32.dll file, downloading it and locating it in:
C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8)
C:\Windows\System\advapi32.dll (Windows 95/98/Me)
C:\WINNT\System32\advapi32.dll (Windows NT/2000)

If the file exists, enter Windows in Safe Mode (Safe Mode), delete the file advapi32.dll and then it should be replaced by the one you downloaded (See: Enter Windows in Safe Mode.).

The advapi32.dll must be registered by going to the Start – Run button:
– Write: REGSVR32 c:\windows\system32\advapi32.dll
– To accept. Reboot the PC and the error should be gone.

Sometimes it can give the error «does not find the entry point of dllregisterserver» (or similar), it means that this DLL does not need to be registered. Please ignore this error.

Note: The location may change depending on the version of Windows and the folder where it was installed.
You should also note that it is not always necessary to register the DLL, sometimes you just need to copy it to the right place.
In some cases the DLL file needs to be copied to the main folder of the application giving the error.

In fact, to be on the safe side, I recommend copying the DLL file also to the main folder where the problem game or application is located.

What is advapi32.dll?
advapi32.dll is a dynamic link library. It is a set of executable codes that different applications will use in order to function.

Multiple programs can use the same advapi32.dll library.

The updates or changes made by the programs of a library/library can cause errors in other programs that are not compatible with it.

Malicious programs such as viruses can also cause advapi32.dll to stop working.

Some interesting articles about DLLs:
* Why DLL files can be damaged
* How to recover or repair DLL files

Are you still experiencing errors or problems with the advapi32.dll file?
Type here and we will reply to you shortly. IMPORTANT: Remember to write down the error message, the app or game you are trying to run, or when exactly the error occurs. Also clarify the version of Windows you are using.