definition of fixed technology

Fixed technology refers to technology that cannot be used in other products or services or that is difficult to adapt for other uses. It simply serves what it was created for and nothing more.

A simple example is a pen, it is a technology that is only used for writing and nothing more than that. A glass contains a liquid and nothing more than that. A guitar is a wonderful technology for producing music, but it is good for nothing more than that.

A fixed technology is not necessarily a technological object (such as the pen mentioned in the example), but can also refer to technical knowledge and raw materials that are not adapted or applied to other products or services.

For example, the technique of building mud houses is a fixed technology that has changed almost nothing in the last millennia. The adobe with which a mud house is built is a raw material that can be classified as fixed technology, adobe has been like this for hundreds of centuries.

By extension, it can also be said that fixed technology is that technology that does not change continuously or that adapts slowly, such as, for example, the technologies of oil refineries, the steel industry, cement and petrochemicals, the glass industry, etc. etc. They are all slow-moving technology industries.

Fixed technologies contrast with flexible technologies, which are those that can be used in different fields or application areas. For example, a chip can be used in credit cards, passports, televisions, computers, etc. The chip is also a technology that is constantly evolving. Industries that adapt quickly to change are also flexible. For more information see: flexible technologies.

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