Millions of couples break up because of WhatsApp

The misuse of the popular messaging service cost the courtship of 28 million couples, according to a recent investigation.

This is pointed out by a recent study by CyberPsychology and behavior Journal, summarized by CNNwhich maintains that there are already 28 million breakups due to platforms such as WhatsApp either Facebook.

This report analyzes the negative impact that this type of service has on sentimental relationships.

The authors of the study explain that applications such as WhatsApp are “very favorable” in a first phase of relationships, but over time jealousy and control begin. Technology often plays in favor of couples in terms of communication, but in case of mistrust, it can imply a breaking factor.

In many cases everything is due to a mistake. When sending a message by WhatsApp a ‘double check’ is added when it is received, but this does not mean that the receiver has read it, as the company clarified last year.

That’s where the «double check syndrome» comes from: anxiety that arises when you see that the recipient received the message, that he is connected or was connected when receiving it but did not answer.

A short film from Spanish paco knight to understand the phenomenon.

related note: David teaches us to detect lies on WhatsApp. (Audio)

Source: Infobae