Coffeemancy how to read coffee meaning of figures (symbols)

Caffeomancy how to read coffee meaning of figures Caffeomancy is the reading of the coffee grounds deposited in a cup to make a prediction about the future. At first, this practice developed in Turkey, Iran, and southern Russia. Then it came to France and Italy. Over time, it has become a worldwide activity.

Caffeomancy is possible based on the belief that coffee improves communication between existing worlds. Therefore, the spirits use the coffee grounds to communicate a message to those in the world of the living. This technique works like an oracle that can answer questions, provide advice or suggestions to those who seek it.

Tea divination, like coffee divination, requires an analytical and precise reading, which depends on the understanding of the symbols that can be formed with coffee.


How to practice it?

To practice caffeomancy, such as reading the coffee meaning of figures, it is recommended, first of all, that the environment be purified. Light some incense and pass it around the room where the reading will take place. Let the smoke spread throughout the place and place a glass of salt diluted in water on the table where you will sit.

Before preparing coffee, you should meditate. In the purified environment, take a deep breath and expel negative feelings, such as pessimism and anxiety. It is important to carry out this process so that the reading is not influenced by external factors, as well as the preparation of the coffee.

The drink must be prepared in a pan. Mix a tablespoon of coffee powder, a tablespoon of sugar and a cup of water. After boiling, place the liquid in a white cup with a white saucer for easier reading. Let the drink sit for five minutes before you start drinking it.

As you sip your coffee slowly, you should think about the question that needs an answer. In case you want to know about your love life, for example, you should think about love (the people you love, the love they feel for you, the love you want to meet). If you want to know your professional life, focus on the environment in which you work and your ambitions. If you want to know about your health, mentalize your body and the area that worries you.

When you finish drinking the coffee, you should place the cup on the saucer, upside down, quickly. After a few minutes, you can pick up the plates to start reading. Focus on getting the answer without thinking about other questions. From the left of the wing to the right, from the walls of the cup to the bottom, look at the coffee grounds thinking of what shapes those shapes remind you of.

Let’s see, next, caffeomancy how to read coffee meaning of figures.


Caffeomancy meaning of the figures (caffeomancy symbols)

Here is a small caffeomancy dictionary that you may find useful:

Animals: they represent the desires of each person and their way of behaving, referring to the animal and primitive aspect of the human being.

Objects: they symbolize events that were notable for your life, such as moving house, getting a new job, starting a family, finishing or starting your studies, traveling or making friends.

Images formed to the right of the cup handle: They refer to the anxiety that drives your decisions or your thoughts. It is possible that you are adopting some behavior (animals) beforehand or that some important event to come is affecting the way you face the present.


There are some images that have specific meanings. It is necessary to look at them carefully, so that the interpretation is more correct:

Ring: Represents a successful union between two people. It may be that you are with someone who makes you feel better with love, for example.

two rings: the set of alliances represents the harmony that exists in a family.

Domestic animal: is a warning sign. Someone who is your friend may be experiencing problems and needs your help to overcome them.

Tree: It is an indication of the need to take better care of your health. Routine annual check-ups can be essential to prevent future problems.

Spider: When you see this animal, it is possible that the people around you are plotting against you. Identify who truly loves you and fight for these people to be by your side against the bad energies of others.

Snake: Someone close to you may be manipulating you to harm you, as well as gossiping about you.

Ball: This object indicates that some kind of trouble is coming. Be on the lookout for challenging situations and do your best to get through each one.

Butterfly: Your heart may rejoice at the loving adventures ahead. Taking risks and doing something for the first time can be critical at this point.

House: seeing a house in the coffee grounds can indicate that you will soon join a person.

Dragon: The image of a dragon can alert you to an unexpected conflict that will demand your attention and care.

Ladder: represents the wisdom that will be essential for you to overcome the challenges that may appear in your life.

Star: a change in your life can bring positive results. Don’t be afraid to change, because this symbol represents prosperity and luck.

Arrow: a love disappointment can reach your heart. Remember that this is not forever and that there is the possibility of meeting new people.

Horseshoe: make money that was not expected. You can help with end-of-month bills or a spontaneous trip.

Fish: represents the entry of a lot of money into your life, even allowing a certain exuberance.

Sheets: represents the success that a person can have in the projects that they imagine while drinking coffee.

also know magical properties of coffee (esoteric coffee and ritual with coffee)

The coffee comes from the coffee pot; a hairless shrub, native to the mountainous areas of Ethiopia, up to 6 (…)

Straight lines: They indicate a life of tranquility, without major problems and without many challenges to overcome.

Parallel lines: alert to the need to abandon pessimism and adopt a more positive attitude towards life.

full moon: the love you feel matches the person you love. Invest in that relationship!

New Moon: a love disappointment can hurt you, but you will have no problem coping with this bad moment.

Nest: a reciprocal love, with the possibility of building a house in the future.

Pyramid: Indicates that you are attracted to the person you thought of when asking the question of the spirits.

Sea: periods of great confusion and anguish can disturb your thoughts and emotions.

Ray: represent a difficult time, with many challenges to face and overcome.

Egg: it is a sign that a great happiness is about to take over your heart.

Bird: It is possible that you will receive good news on the subject that motivated your consultation with the oracle.

Gate: represents the beginning of new moments and the conquest of new opportunities.

Shoe: a transformation can end your life and bring positive consequences.

Triangle: You can receive new professional opportunities that will go well in your career.

Square: indicates the breach of expectation in relation to a person.

Candle: indicates that there is a positive love relationship in your life (or that relationship is yet to come).

Arrow: It is possible that you will receive negative news about the question that prompted your question to the spirits.

Scissors: Represents a disagreement between a person and you (probably involving the person you had in mind when asking the question).


In summary

Practicing caffeomancy like reading the coffee meaning of figures requires time and patience. Many people can get worried when they try to read the cup of coffee and do not see any image. It’s just practice, squinting and looking at the different symbols.

In this sense, many people squint when drawing so that they only see the shapes instead of focusing on getting the lines perfect. Hence, it is said that when practicing caffeomancy, such as reading coffee meaning of figures, you should leave your eyes unfocused in order to capture any form that tries to appear.

If you think an image looks like something, it’s important to write it down. Be sure to rotate the mug in your left hand (sensing hand) so you can see from different angles. Involving other people reading sheets is also helpful.

It is recommended when starting the practice of caffeomancy how to read the coffee meaning of figures to ask small daily questions. “Try asking yourself “what is the energy for today?” or “what should I focus on today?” Maybe the cup of coffee will give you that answer and you can practice with it.”

Do you have any questions or doubts about caffeomancy how to read coffee meaning of figures? You can consult us freely and send your question to our email.


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