Esoteric, spiritual and magical meaning

Pyramid esoteric meaning / pyramid spiritual meaning We have received questions about the pyramid esoteric meaning and we are going to clarify it.

First of all, it is important to note that the pyramid always symbolizes a heightened awareness of strength and energy. Inside there is a point where all levels intersect. This is the place of renewal where even dull razor blades become sharp again. With a larger pyramid, this place can be used for mystical experiences.

The entrance of a pyramid in the dream represents the search for the meaning of life. She exists, as everyone knows, from a square and four equilateral triangles, she can translate action strictly directed by command as a vision. The pyramid can be walked in the dream, an image for the wish of the dream. They are often reflected in your current travel memories.

On the other hand, the pyramid can also be in a discussion with ritual religious problems. Ancient Egyptian dream researchers declared who sees a pyramid, a secret is laid. Let’s see, next, the pyramid esoteric and spiritual meaning.


pyramid spiritual meaning

On the spiritual level, the pyramid is a symbol for the integration of the self and the soul. In dreams, the pyramid can represent death, but it also contains rebirth. The base of the pyramid represents the body, the sides show the spiritual intents, the point symbolizes the harmonious union of the human being with the «higher self» (God).

On a metaphysical level, for some belief systems, the Great Pyramid is a place of great spiritual importance. If the Great Pyramid was used for religious purposes, such as a temple, meditation place, or sacred monument, rather than a tomb, then its size alone would make it a wondrous place. The ancient Egyptians saw the shape of the pyramids as a method of bringing new life to the dead, because the pyramid represented the shape of the physical body emerging from the earth and ascending towards the light of the sun.

Within man, there are two aspects. There is the true inner self of him, divine. There is also the body and the intellect which, in its current stage of evolution, is considered to be a separate egoistic entity. However, there comes a time when man realizes that he is neither the body nor the intellect. His actual existence is a state of being; a consciousness at one with the Universal consciousness. Let’s see, next, the pyramid esoteric meaning.


pyramid esoteric meaning

The great pyramids of Egypt have a real meaning in this great spiritual and esoteric quest.

First of all, there is great importance in an equilateral triangle. The three sides refer to the trinational aspect of God: God the creator, God the preserver, and God the transformer. This trinational aspect of God can also be seen in the analogy of a seeker’s journey.

There is the starting point, which represents your birth in matters of creation, then there is the long journey of evolution and inner discovery; it finally ends in the seeker’s realization of his true identity. At this point, the seeker loses his identity and re-merges into his original divine consciousness. Therefore, there are 3 aspects to a seeker’s journey. This trinational aspect is perfectly reflected in an equilateral triangle, which has perfect symmetry. Inside the 3 lines of the triangle, is the area inside.

Therefore, we can say that the one is in the three and the three encompasses the one. This is the nature of God, 3 in 1 and 1 in 3. Therefore, God is said to have four faces. Like points on the compass; The four aspects of God represent a different aspect of his nature.

meet too rituals with pyramids for money and how to use pyramid for healing

The shape of the pyramids is carefully chosen to reflect these underlying aspects of divine unity. The pyramid has 4 faces. Three faces to heaven, and one face to earth. The pyramid is composed of 4 equilatoral triangles, which manifest the cosmic nature of God 3 in 1 and 1 in 3.

The pyramids were built with the utmost precision. It was not built by slaves, but by adepts who dominated nature. They used their understanding of sacred laws to make the stones weightless. They could reduce the gravitational pull of huge stone blocks, allowing them to be used effortlessly. The idea of ​​a huge army of slaves building the pyramid has only come about because many modern Egyptologists cannot conceive that the ancient Egyptians could have had technology not available to modern man.

The main purpose of the great pyramids was a place for spiritual initiation. It was in the sacred confines of the great pyramids that initiates would undergo the process of attaining true enlightenment. The pyramids were chosen because they are an external symbolism of man’s internal search. Ancient Egyptian spirituality was all about initiates seeking the Divine within themselves.

Unfortunately, over time, the spiritual initiates who kept the secrets of realization lost influence, and over time, the pyramids were used for different purposes. This is why it is difficult to find evidence of these early spiritual practices.


How to make your own pyramid: Types of material

The classes of materials recommended for different applications with the pyramids are presented below.

Crystal: It is a great receiver of energy and one of the most effective in healing.

Copper: Captures negative energies and converts them into positive ones. Clean crowded environments.

Wood: Promotes meditation, relaxation and is used to energize plants.

Gold: Used as a pendant at the height of the heart, it creates a kind of positive energy, it acts as a protective shield.

Cardboard or Cardboard: It is a multipurpose pyramid, it is used to heal wounds, meditate or sleep. Aluminum: It is suitable for developing extrasensory perception and concentration.

Brass: It has effects similar to those of aluminum. It also facilitates acceptance and adaptation. Acrylic: It has various applications in daily life, such as energizing water, flowers or fruits. Wax: It can be lit to combat bad energies in an environment and attract good luck.

Zodiacal: If it is made with the stone that represents each sign, it produces great benefits.



It is necessary to take into account the following recommendations in order to perform simple and effective rituals with the pyramids:

Do not leave the pyramids near or on appliances, as it causes their energy and healing value to be lost.

Locate, with the help of a compass, the pyramid with one of its faces facing North.

Check what kind of sensation you have when using the pyramids, especially in health matters. If you have a sensation of cold or heat, this means that it is having an effect, but if, on the contrary, you have nausea or general malaise, it is prudent to stop exercising and do it another day.

also know Obelisk hidden, esoteric and spiritual meaning (biblical)


pyramids don’t work

If you want to harm others.

If you do not make a correct handling of the universal energy. :

If you are not clear on what you want.


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