Sweetening with honey and the name (with cinnamon, sugar, candle and more)

Sweetening with honey and the name Recently we have been asked about the issue of sweetening, some of these questions being the following: How is the sweetening with honey and the name made? Can you post the sweetening with honey sugar and cinnamon? Could you explain to me what the sweetening with honey and cinnamon is for? Is sweetening with apple, honey and cinnamon effective? How is honey candle sweetening prepared?

Taking these into account, we will provide answers below, but first we will briefly review the benefits of honey candles and what a sweetener actually is.


What is sweetening? What is it for?

It is a type of ritual, sweetening with honey and the name, which is performed to block all the negative energies that hinder the couple, making the lovebirds get back together.

Sweetening with honey and the name is recommended for those just starting a relationship or when a couple needs a little push.

Sweetening with honey and the name makes the relationship lighter and sweeter, allowing the couple to live happily ever after.


Honey candles: An important ingredient

An ingredient widely used in sweetening with honey and the name is the honey candle, since it not only sweetens hearts in love but also brings good luck and prosperity to the environment.

But this powerful esoteric instrument also has its scientifically proven benefits. Being a 100% beeswax candle, it does not pollute the environment with toxic gases, such as paraffin, which is obtained from oil. Also, it takes 2-5 times longer to burn.

the candle of honey It is the one that burns with more strength and brightness, since its color helps to reflect more the incidence of light. It is the only candle that emits negative ions. What does this mean? It means that it purifies the environment, improves air quality and helps to invigorate the body.

For those who suffer from allergies to candles, the problems are over. Honey candles are anti-allergy and bring benefits to those with environmental sensitivities and even asthma.

Another reason to substitute the paraffin candle, derived from petroleum, for the honey candle, is that it uses a renewable fuel: beeswax.


Cinnamon: Another ingredient to attract love and much more

Cinnamon is widely used, as an ingredient, in sweetening with honey and the name due to its power of attraction in love. However, cinnamon can also be used to attract money, success and luck.

In this sense, did you know that putting a branch of cinnamon in your wallet and carrying it with you is a good way to attract money? Also, on full moon nights you can light a cinnamon stick as incense to attract luck to your home and family.

Using cinnamon scents in the workplace, especially at the front door, can be a great way to attract new opportunities, clients, and energy into your life.

A good ritual to enhance the energies of attraction of cinnamon is blow cinnamon on the front door of your house or business, and when blowing repeat the following words: «When this cinnamon blows, prosperity will enter this house». Cinnamon baths can also help cleanse and attract positive energies to better manifest what is desired.


Form of preparation of the ritual

Honey sweetening and the #1 name
1 seven-day honey candle
1 unused plate
White book


Write the name of your loved one on the candle, from the base to the wick.

Above his name write your name three times, so that it covers the entire name (if yours is smaller, use larger letters).

Take a piece of paper and write the name of your loved one, also with a pencil, on it write your name 3 times, write them in lines, without going over your own name, covering the entire name of your loved one. Place this paper on the white saucer and the candle on top.

When you turn it on, ask the Guardian Angel of «your loved one» to bring that person to you in the sweetest, softest and most tender way possible. Also ask him to feel the love that you feel for your loved one, because he is capable of it and will want to reward this feeling by taking your protégé in the way you are asking him.

The candle lasts 7 days, and when it ends, another one is lit… and so on until the loved one returns. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t come back in the first seven days. There are people who are a little more resistant to listening to their guardian angel, but they never stop listening to him.

Note: Do not light candles to sweeten on top of the fridge, because it is to attract and when placed in cold places… it can have the opposite effect.


Honey sweetening and the name #2

Take a piece of paper of any color and write your name and that of your loved one 7 times.

Next, light a honey candle, drop a few drops of wax onto a plate, and stick the leaf onto the wax.

Once the sheet is glued, drip more wax on the paper to fix the candle and put honey on the plate, around the candle.

Pray Psalms 30, 23 and 91 and say a prayer for your love to come to an understanding with you.

Wait for the candle to finish burning and throw everything in the trash.


Sweetening with honey and the name #3

Write the name of your beloved in pencil on a red piece of paper.

Place the paper on a saucer and pour a little honey and cinnamon over the name, saying: “The power of fire enchants and transforms everything. So make (man’s name) charm me. With the sweetness of honey I attract (man’s name) and with the warmth of cinnamon I seduce him. May this sympathy for honey help me conquer the love of my life.

Light a honey candle, place it on top of everything and watch the flame for 10 minutes, while mentally visualizing the man you want to conquer.


Recommendations on the use of this type of candle

When making a sweetening with honey and the name with a honey candle, it is important to take into account some recommendations:

Always burn away from drafts and fans as they can cause irregular combustion and release smoke;

Do not allow the wick to become small, as it could sink into the wax, causing a small flame, or even make it difficult to relight;

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Extinguish the candle when two fingers are missing from its base;

When you blow out the candle, be careful not to blow the melted wax, it may cause burns

They do not have an expiration date. In fact, the older the honey candle, the better it will burn;

Store it in a cool place, away from sunlight and excessive heat, so that it retains the same manufacturing characteristics.

If you want to know more about info about honey sweetening and the name, you can ask your question in the comments.


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