Magical properties of orange (esoteric) and orange ritual

Magical properties of the orange / esoteric properties of the orange The orange is a fruit native to China and is listed along with the apple, grapes and bananas as one of the four most popular in the world.

An expensive oil popularly known as Neroli is extracted from orange flowers. It is said that it was named after an Italian princess named Ana María de Nerola, who was credited with such a peculiar discovery in the mid-15th century.


healing properties

The high content of vitamin C in orange juice prevents cell damage and disease. They are also rich in fiber, folic acid and potassium, as well as calcium, essential for strengthening bones.

They contain zeaxanthin and lutein, two carotenoids that protect eyesight and prevent age-related macular degeneration. Oranges also contain rutin, a flavonoid that slows or prevents tumor growth, and nobiletin, an anti-inflammatory compound.

Similarly, orange acts as a remedy against cough, fever, anemia, weakness, gout, flu and obesity. The fruit stimulates digestion and prevents constipation.

The tincture is recommended to relieve body irritation and prevent insomnia. With the dried peels of the orange infusions are prepared that, ingested in small doses, cure indigestion and stomach heaviness. The essential oil of orange is indicated to calm depression and nervous tension

In short, oranges are considered healing, as they are:

  • Rich in vitamin C, which prevents infections and reduces the intensity and duration of colds.
  • They have a low glycemic index, so they are indicated in case of diabetes and hypocaloric diets.
  • They have a good content of pectin, a type of soluble fiber that regulates cholesterol.
  • They have an anti-inflammatory action, which prevents arthritis.

Let’s see, next, the magical properties of orange and its rituals.


magical properties of orange

Magical properties of orange There is something in the energy of the orange fruit that makes us happy. Whether it’s because of their bright, sunny color, or perhaps the pleasure of the crisp, sweet and tangy flavor of their juice, oranges encourage us to love and be happy! Oranges are the fruit of many blessings, offering us a refreshment to quench our thirst, food to strengthen our souls, and flavor to enhance our happiness and joy.

We would like to share with you some of the many ways you can harness the magic and power of oranges. From helpful ways you can use orange peels in your magical practice, to the hidden power within blood oranges and orange blossoms, we want to share with you the bounty of blessings and benefit that Mother Nature provides through this energizing and stimulating fruit of joy.

Oranges lend their energy well to loving magic. According to mythology, Gaia gave Hera the Garden of the Hesperides as a wedding gift, which was filled with golden apple trees. It is believed that the «golden apples» within the garden are actually orange. Perhaps in return, Hera also gave Gaea the gift of an orange as a wedding present before marrying Zeus.

Oranges can give a powerful boost to magic and fertility spells. They are associated with Gaia, the goddess of fertility. Orange trees bear fruit and flowers, and when planted in the garden they can bless the home and prevent infertility.

Oranges can be used in divination. Before making a change of plans or choosing a course of action, drink a glass of orange juice, as it will help you figure out the right course of action.

There is a simple divination spell using oranges; If you have a question, think about it while you count the seeds of an orange. An even number of seeds means “no”, and an odd number means “yes”.

Oranges are associated with success and prosperity. Oranges carry an uplifting and energizing energy, and can help bring about happiness and joy. They attract abundance and good fortune.

Oranges can help strengthen friendship ties and relationships. Give oranges, either fresh or specially prepared in desserts and dishes, to your friends and loved ones to express the feeling of blessings, joy and friendship


Rituals and spells with orange

Ritual of the orange with coins for prosperity


1 plate
1 bunch of red grapes
7 pieces of colored satin ribbons
7 cinnamon sticks
7 coins
1 blue, 1 orange and 1 gold or yellow candle


Place the ribbons in the center of the plate with the ends pointed, as if it were a mandala or a gypsy wheel, place the bunch of grapes in the center of the plate, decorate with coins and cinnamon sticks. Light the candles in the shape of a triangle, and first thank Santa Sara, then place your orders.


Spell of the orange

Formerly, in the celestial empire, at the beginning of the Chinese New Year, a basket full of oranges was placed at the entrance of the houses so that good luck and happiness embraced its inhabitants.

Spell of the orange to improve health (cramps)

Ingredients and special utensils:

Orange peel

good herb


1 jar that resists fire


An infusion is made with orange peel and mint. It is excellent for calming abdominal cramps caused by severe indigestion or colitis.


Spell of the orange to find a new love

This simple spell will help us and give us strength in those situations in which it seems that our wish is about to come true and we just need one last push of willpower and a bit of luck to achieve it.

Required Items

The peel of an orange

violet incense

A small white cloth

A red ribbon, about four inches long

Before carrying out this rite, the orange peel should be left to dry in the sun.


Light the violet-scented incense stick or cone. Close your eyes and inhale the smell of incense. Think of the loved one.

Cut the pieces of shell to the smallest possible size with your hands, always thinking of the person with whom you want to start a relationship.

Close the cloth with the orange peels inside and tie it like a bag. Tie seven knots on the ribbon. This ritual should be done when you meet the person you want to fall in love with. It is the most suitable for those cases in which it is suspected that someone we like has the intention of forming a couple with us, but who, perhaps due to shyness, does not dare to approach.

The violet is a plant with important properties; In addition to symbolizing humility, it encourages tender and affectionate feelings. Orange, on the other hand, helps birth new emotions.

Prayer We must recite it, if possible, out loud. If we cannot do this, we can murmur it, always with security and confidence in what we are doing:

spirits of the earth,

Give me strength for this last step

Well it seems that everything works

And that I have the key to my happiness.

Help me to form a couple with this new love...


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