Prayers for protection and prayers for insurance (Catholic)

Protection Prayers Our world is full of events and situations that can cause great fear and anxiety. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and live in the grip of fear.

In God’s Word we are promised that he is faithful and will protect us (2 Thessalonians 3:3). God wants us to let go of fear and live life to the fullest! (John 10:10)

When you want some kind of protection, use these protection prayers to remind yourself of who God is and the protection he has promised you.


protection prayers

Prayer for insurance or protection of San Miguel Arcangel

Guardian and Warrior Prince, defend me and protect me with Your Sword.

Don’t let any harm come to me.

I protected myself against assaults, robberies, accidents and any act of violence.

Get rid of negative people and extend your mantle and shield of protection in my home, my children and my family. Keep my job, my business and my assets.

Bring peace and harmony.

Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in this fight, cover us with your shield against the traps and traps of the devil.

Instantly and humbly we ask you, that God rule over him and you, Prince of the heavenly militia, with this divine power, precipitate hell and other evil spirits that roam the world for the perdition of souls.



Brief protection prayers for cases of sudden great need

San Silveste del monte mayo, take care of my body, house and its surroundings from sorcerers, sorcerers and evil men by the host and the three nails of the Lord.


Prayer of insurance or protection for children

“Father, what else can I do?
I have watched my son; I have taken care of it with all my attention.
Father, I have done my best to protect you.
Now I put him in your arms and I believe in your protection.
In this journey of life protect him and deliver him from all evil.
Deliver him from the ruthless man, the stray bullet and the attacker.
Don’t let anything bad happen to him.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.»


Prayer for protection at work

“Heavenly Father, please provide me with physical and spiritual protection in the workplace. Where our influence, our priorities and our character are tested every day.

Lord, help us to remember that every foolish action has consequences, and every careless word carries some weight with our co-workers. Others are listening, Lord, so put a guard before our mouths and guard the door of our lips.

Protect us from those who try to influence our faith or tempt us to compromise our standards in the name of success. Place an invisible barrier over us that reminds us of Your protecting love and that we belong to You.

God, our work is important to you, so keep us from laziness or misplaced priorities. When others direct criticism our way or when a conflict arises, protect us from impatience and anger. Protect us from our own volatile nature and help us to always take the path of love when dealing with disgruntled clients or disgruntled colleagues.

Thank You for Your promise to never leave us or neglect us, and that Your Spirit lives within us to give wisdom, understanding and security against those who want to separate or hurt us. You are the Lord, and as our Employer, we expect you to keep all the benefits involved in that relationship. In the name of Jesus, amen «.

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Prayers of protection or prayer of protection against robberies and assaults

God be with you, brothers; stop, thieves,
Thieves, assassins, horsemen and soldiers,
In all humility, because we have tried
The pink blood of Jesus.
Your rifles and pistols will stop with the
Holy blood of Jesus; and all swords and weapons become harmless
For the five holy wounds of Jesus.
There are three roses in the heart of God;
The first is beneficial
The other is omnipotent,
The third is his holy will.
You thieves must be under her,
Standing still as long as you want.
In the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
He is ordered and made to stop!

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Prayer for protection from storms

Hear us, Lord, when we call on you,
and grant our supplications a calm environment,
that we, who are justly afflicted for our sins,
that, by Your protecting mercy, experience forgiveness.
Through Christ our Lord.



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