Prayer to ask for healing (to heal body and soul) and for a sick person

Prayer for Healing The Bible tells us to pray for healing to God and we will be blessed with health and strength to overcome whatever pain we face.

It is important, then, that we seek healing in God when we are sick or depressed and know that He will comfort our mind, body and spirit.

Here are several prayers to ask for healing


Prayer to ask for healing

Prayer to ask for healing #1

Lord God Almighty,

Giver of life and source of all goodness,
I come before You, full of confidence in Your merciful love.

Please grant healing in mind, soul, spirit and body to a loved one. Great is his need to be sure of Your power over all that afflicts him. Great is her need to experience that your love and support can triumph over all the crushing pain that has befallen her over the years.

Embrace him with the warmth of your love and lift him above all who seek to destroy his faith in You and your loving-kindness.

I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Prayer to ask for healing #2

God Almighty,

you are the only source of health and healing.
in you there is calm
and the only true peace in the universe.

Grant each of us your children
an awareness of your presence,
and give us perfect confidence in you.

With all pain, weariness and anxiety
teach us to surrender to your constant care,
knowing that your love and power surround us,

trusting in your wisdom and providence
to give us health, strength and peace
when your time is better;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayer to ask for healing #3

God Almighty,

you know that we are surrounded by many great dangers,
and for our human frailty
we can’t resist them.

Give us health of body and mind
so that we who suffer under sin
can overcome and gain victory in you;

through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


Prayer to heal the body

Heavenly Father, I know that my time is in Your hands and I also believe that You care about everything in my life. In Your sovereignty, You are not surprised by anything that happens to any of Your children. I believe that you make all things work together for the good of those of us who love you. I believe that you care for each of us with a perfect and holy love.

I come to You today because my health has been deteriorating with some ailment that has not been diagnosed. I’m not sure what to do, but I know you understand everything about me. I believe you know exactly what I need to restore me to full health and strength and I trust you in this time of illness in my life.

Please, God, I ask for Your healing touch in my life and I pray that You will bring me the treatment that best suits my condition. Please show me the path I should follow at this difficult time in my life. Thank you Father, in Jesus name I pray,



Prayer to heal the soul and body

Loving Father, I know that you often stop us in our tracks and turn us away from the affairs of life, through illness or a moment of ill health, so that we are forced to avert our eyes from the bustle of life and lie. . on a forced sick bed, to rediscover what our true priorities in life are.

Father, I know that I have not spent quality time with you, as I have allowed life’s daily duties and less important matters to crowd out my special time alone in your presence.

Forgive me, I beg you. I want to use this moment of ill health as an opportunity to get closer to You. Lead me and guide me in this time of illness and may it become a time of spiritual and physical rest.

Heal me Father, I beg you, not only in my body but also in my relationship with you. In the name of Jesus,



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