Meaning of the letter G in the spiritual, in Freemasonry and tattoo

Meaning of the letter G in the spiritual The G that everyone knows today comes from a Greek letter that looks like I and sounds like zzz.

Starting in 250 BC, the Romans took that letter and gave it its look, but did you know that G has a spiritual meaning?

Let’s see, next, more of the meaning of the letter G in the spiritual, in masorenia and the letter g tattoo.


its symbolism

Meaning of the letter G in the spiritual (Hebrew) In the Hebrew alphabet, both the letter G and C correspond to Gimel, which means camel. Gimel is related to riches because the camels used to be loaded with a lot of rich merchandise.


Meaning of the letter G in the spiritual (In ancient Egypt) In the Egyptian school of mysticism, the G symbolizes the divinity of Osiris, which is the brain. The Egyptians believe that the brain is the seed that will sprout towards the spiritual worlds after our death.

This seed is related to the white crown on the head of Osiris, which resembles the shape of the womb. When we look at the lowercase “g”, it also looks like a seed that sprouts upwards.


Meaning of the letter G in the spiritual (Numerology) In numerology, the numerical value of these 3 letters is 3, 6 and 4 respectively with G (Gimel) equal to 3 (not 7), symbolizing 3 zodiac signs: Gemini, Cancer and Virgo. Adding them up, we have

3 + 6 + 4 = 13.
13 x 28 (days of a lunar month) = 364

This is the origin of our 52 weeks, since 364 ÷ 7 = 52, with 7 days per week.


Meaning of the letter G in the spiritual (what does the letter g mean in Freemasonry) In Freemasonry, the letter G symbolizes the Great Architect of the Universe (GAOTU). The G also represents Geometry, which is the founding secret of any Masonic lodge. This is because Masons understand that numerology is really a sacred science that the universe is based on.

In other words, the universe is made of numbers, energy, and vibration. Therefore, everything can be measured with numbers, which is also the symbolic meaning behind the compass and square. They are the tools used to measure, evaluate and value.

The object of measurement is the Universal Man whose head is Aries and whose feet are Pisces. He is the one that is hidden within oneself.

We use the compass to make a circle, and the square to make a square. When we draw a square inside a circle, we get 4 cardinal points in the zodiac, which symbolize your horoscope. Thus, the secret of Freemasonry really lies in its spiritual understanding and its esoteric symbols.

In addition, the square serves to form a right angle of 90 degrees. When someone treats you “in square” it means that they treat you with justice and equity. For this reason, the square is the symbolic tool used to test the righteousness, morality and virtues in our actions.

The compass is used to delimit our own desires and passions. Therefore, it represents our ability to exercise restraint and self-control over our lower nature.


What are people who have the letter G in their name like?

If the first letter of your name begins with G, you are good, great in personality and psychically gifted in talents. Since the shape of the G resembles the letter C, it has some characteristics of the C but contains some features unique to itself.

Since G has a numerical value of 7, G people like to be alone. People with G’s in their names don’t want to have someone watching them while they do their job. Mysticism, occultism, spirituality and esotericism are your special interests.

You strive for spiritual perfection and want to find the solution to all the secret things in the world. You are wise, clairvoyant and strong-willed. Peace is necessary for you as you need time to rest, learn and contemplate.

When G energy turns negative, you can be judgmental, socially distant, and pessimistic. It is very difficult to approach a G person when he is not in a good mood. He can also be nervous, cold, and unaffectionate due to his mystical personality.


in the tattoo world

Letter G Tattoo People who choose the letter G for a tattoo are highbrows who love to take action and have a lot of drive to succeed.

They are true visionaries, which means that they can end up making a lot of money with their own ideas. These people are down to earth and methodical, even though they may feel psychic at times.

They are also determined to succeed and solve any problem. Very neat and orderly, they think that everyone is the same as them. Although they can’t stand clutter, they aren’t one to tell their loved ones that they need to tidy up and be more organized.

The best thing about them is that they have the most original ideas. Also, they are very wise and can take discussions to a new dimension, especially when they offer their advice.

Since they can see situations from any point of view, their opinions are highly sought after.

As for their negative traits, they can be very impulsive and act on the first try. It’s that they want to take care of things quickly and finish their projects quickly. At least they are never boring.

They can inspire others with their simple presence. When someone spends enough time with them, it can completely change the way they see the world.

These people refuse to follow the advice of others and see their loved ones as interfering in their lives. They are distrustful, arrogant and believe that they are the only ones who are right.

If you want to know more about the meaning of the letter G in the spiritual, you can send your question to our email or contact us on our social networks.


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