Herb of Saint John magic and ritual on the night of Saint John

St. John’s Wort Magic The entire plant, particularly the round black seed, exudes a faint turpentine odor. The branching, woody root extends from the base with runners that produce numerous stems.

The simple, dark green leaves are ribbed and grow in opposite pairs, oblong-oblate, on round, branching stems that reach 3 feet (91.4 cm) tall. Tiny holes, visible when the leaf is held up to light, are actually transparent sebaceous glands that contain the chemical photosensitizer known as hypericin. These characteristic holes inspired the species name, perforatum, Latin for perforated.

The bright yellow star-shaped flowers, often grouped in a trio, have five petals. Each flower has many conspicuous stamens. The black dots along the flower margins contain more of the red-pigmented chemical hypericin.

The herb is also useful as a dye. The flowers bloom in flat-topped, branching clusters on stems in mid-summer, around the time of the summer solstice.


St. John’s wort properties

It was a valuable remedy on Roman battlefields where it was used to promote healing from trauma and inflammation. The herb is vulnerary and can speed the healing of wounds, bruises, ulcers, and burns. It is popularly used as a nervine for its calming effect, relieving tension and anxiety, relieving mild depression, and calming emotions during menopause.

St. John’s wort acts medicinally as an astringent and can also be used as an expectorant. The hypericin in St. John’s wort possesses antiviral properties that may be active in fighting certain cancers, including many brain cancers. An infusion of the plant, taken as a tea, has been useful in treating bedwetting in children.

The oil, taken internally, has been used to treat colic, intestinal worms, and abdominal pain. The medicinal parts of St. John’s wort are the fresh leaves and flowers. This valuable remedy has been extensively tested in West Germany and is distributed throughout Germany as a folk medicine called Johnniskraut. Commercially prepared extracts are commonly standardized to 0.3% hypericin.

A 1988 study at New York University found that the antiviral properties of hypericin, a chemical component of Hypericum, are helpful in fighting the virus that causes AIDS. Additional studies are underway through the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to determine the effectiveness of the herb as a treatment for AIDS.

Hypericin extract has also been reported to inhibit a form of leukemia that sometimes occurs after radiation therapy. Numerous clinical studies have found that hypericum preparations have an antidepressant effect when used in standardized extracts for the treatment of mild depression. Clinical trials continue on this important herbal antidepressant, particularly in view of its relative lack of undesirable side effects in humans.


magic st john’s wort

Magic St. John’s Wort This plant was highly appreciated by the Greek and Roman civilizations, who many centuries ago were great connoisseurs of herbs and their powers.

The accumulation of myths surrounding this plant, such as the fact that the intense red sap inside it was the same blood as Saint John, and the knowledge that they began to obtain from this plant gave it a double function as a protective plant and as a an herb to cheer you up and revitalize the body.

For this reason, it was common in the Mediterranean regions to place St. John’s wort on the lintel of the house door as a protective barrier.

On the other hand, when people were not in the mood or the body was experiencing a lowered immune system, this plant was also used as a magical plant to restore mood and end sadness. Later, that magical use developed into a much more studied medicinal use.

Herbs of san juan ritual on the night of San Juan

Ritual with St. John’s wort to ward off melancholy and mental illness Cut a branch containing 3 leaves of St. John’s wort in midsummer or on a Friday. Place, if possible on the night of San Juan, in a purple velvet bag and always carry it with you.

Ritual with St. John’s wort to protect against lightning, fire, thieves and evil spirits Sow the grass in a pot and hang it in a window. Its leaves can also be dried next to the bonfires on Saint John’s Day and placed dry in the window.

Ritual with St. John’s wort to dream of the future husband Put any part of this herb under the pillow, especially on Saint John’s Day. learn more San Juan night rituals for good luck, love, health and more (rites)


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