Prayer to pass an exam (pass) and saints for study

Prayer to Pass an Exam Sometimes, no matter how hard we study, we still need an extra edge. If you have a really important exam, you probably want to make sure you do well.

Even if you study hard, there is no guarantee that everything will go well. For this reason, it is always good to pray a prayer to pass an exam, since «Faith moves mountains» Here we present not only prayers but also saints for study that can help you. Let’s see more about it.


Which saints can help us

In order not to be nervous when facing an exam, you can ask Saint Achilles for help: it is celebrated on November 7; bishop of Alexandria, died in 313. It will be well to make contact with him several days before the examination.

Students facing an oral exam can enlist the help of Saint Ambrose of Siena: it is celebrated on March 20. Companion of Saint Thomas Aquinas, he lived from 220 to 287; A fiery preacher, he was able to answer any question.

To be inspired when taking an exam, Saint John of Alverna is invoked: it is celebrated on August 9; a hermit in Italy, he lived from 1259 to 1322. It is claimed that he possessed infused science and that when asked a question pertaining to a field he had never studied, he immediately found the answer.

To receive inspiration during an exam, we can also address a prayer to Saint Joseph of Copertino, an Italian priest who lived from 1602 to 1663. He was able to read the consciences of penitents who were going to confess and, faced with their great confusion, reminded them the sins they had omitted. Saint Joseph of Copertino is the patron saint of aviators.

San Pablo de la Cruz: it is celebrated on October 19; he lived in Piedmont from 1694 to 1775. he founded the order of Passionists, for the training of preachers and missionaries. Despite his advanced age, he kept all his intellectual faculties until the end. He can help candidates taking a foreign language exam.

San Serapión: bishop of Antioch died in 211, is celebrated on October 30. He is asked for help when faced with a writing problem.


Prayers to pass tests

Prayer to pass an exam #1

Oh yeah; my enemy persecutes my soul, he brought down my life to the dust, he placed me in darkness like the dead of centuries.

My spirit faints within me, my heart stopped in my chest.

I remember ancient times, I meditate on all your works, I consider the works of your hands.

I extend my hands to you; my soul, like arid land, thirsts for you.


Hear me quickly, Lord, for my spirit fails; do not hide your face from me, for it would be like those who go down to the grave.

Make me feel your kindness soon, because I trust you; make me know which way I have to go, because I lift up my soul to you.

Deliver me from my enemies, Lord; in you I take refuge; teach me to do your will, for you are my God.

Your spirit is benign; he guides me on level ground; by your name, Lord, keep me alive, by your clemency take me out of distress, and by your kindness destroy my enemies and annihilate all those who trouble my life, for I am your servant.


Prayer to pass an exam #2

Hear, O God, with your ears my prayer, and do not depart from me.

plea, listen to me and answer me. I thrash around moaning, disturbed by the threats of the

enemy, by the oppression of the wicked; because they come to me

evils and with fury they assault me. My heart is troubled in my chest, and a fear of death falls on me.

Fear and horror come over me, and horror covers me. And I say: “Oh, if I had wings like the dove, I would fly and rest!

How would he flee far, far, and remain in the desert! (Pause)

I would soon find myself a shelter from the whirlwind and the storm. Dissipate, O Lord, and divide his tongues, for I see quarrels and discord

in the city, who prowl day and night around its walls,

and within it is iniquity and oppression. In its streets there are snares, and from its squares the

insult and falsehood. If the enemy had affronted me, I really would have endured it; If he who hates me had risen up against me, I would have kept myself from him. But he was, on the contrary, an equal, a friend and relative of mine, with

who I had sweet treatment, we walked in the house of God with sweet consortium.

Let death fall upon them, descend alive to hell, for there is evil in their rooms, in their midst.

Instead, I cry out to the Lord, and the Lord will save me.

In the evening and in the morning and at noon, I wail and moan, and you will hear my voice:

«Redeem for peace my soul from assaults, for many go against me.»


God will hear me and humiliate you, the one seated from eternity,

for they do not change, nor do they fear God. All raise their hands against those with whom they had

sworn peace and violate the pact. Her face is softer than butter, but her heart is

warlike: his words are smoother than oil, but they are

drawn swords: “Entrust your care to the Lord. He will hold you; he will never allow

let the just falter.» And you, O God, will precipitate them into the grave of perdition. Criminals and fraudsters will not fill half your days; but I hope in you, Lord



Doing a Mind Cleanse To acquire new insights, you need to clear some space in your mind. Think of it like storing a large box in a crowded garage. You need to organize something to leave enough room for new things.

candles to pass the test This is what you need to do:

Choose a quiet space without interruptions.
Clear the space in front of you. It should be just you and your study materials.
Light incense or a scented candle for good luck. (Choose your favorite essence)
Take a deep breath and imagine passing the test for 5 minutes. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that may arise.
Begin your study session.

The day before the test, turn on the essence and do the same breathing exercise. That will help your brain find the new information you just stored from your study session.


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