Home remedies to forget a love (herbs, plants and spells)

Home remedies to forget a love We have received questions about what are the best home remedies to forget a person? Could you publish spells to forget a love? What herbs to forget a love are more effective? Do you know somelantas to forget a love?

Here we will answer these questions:


General features

Your romantic relationship has ended. Your love is gone. Your heart is broken or empty. As that old song said: «My world has fallen.» No human being who truly loves can lose a loved one. Even more so if this went to other arms.

At first you will suffer. In a second moment, you will have to make the sentimental life go away, because life goes on. If there really is no going back in the relationship, there is no point in spending your life suffering.

The best thing for your heart is to find another passion, another love. But, in order to let in the new love, you must start to get the ex-love out of your heart. The power of thought is fundamental. An important tip: do not hate your former love. This is very bad for you and will not help you at all.

Let’s see, below, some home remedies to forget a love that include herbs and plants.


What can be done?

Home remedies to forget a love ((herbs and plants) #1 Lavender The lavender It is one of the most used plants to forget a love. You can place a couple of drops of its essence on the pillow to sleep well, especially if you suffer from insomnia for this reason. It can also be used in baths (a handful in a liter of water) and when pouring it (from the neck down) you should say seven times “The past, I have stepped on and my future will be beautiful.”

Home remedies to forget a love ((herbs and plants) #2 Roses It seems contradictory, but roses are a plant that serves to forget a bad love and attract a positive one. Baths can be made with its petals and say seven times out loud: Love springs up in my life purified, strong and whole. It is a new beginning towards true love”

Home remedies to forget a love ((herbs and plants) #3 Basil This is a purification plant. That is, to eliminate the negative and attract the positive. It can be prepared in the following way: Take 3 leaves of basil and the photo of the person you want to forget (let him alone with no one else present). It is wrapped in a never used red paper, pour 3 drops of vinegar on the wrapper and tie a red ribbon. Finally, it is thrown in a trash can outside your house and you don’t look back.

Home remedies to forget a love ((herbs and plants) #4 Lemon It is widely used for both physical and spiritual cleansing. Cut with toxic relationships of the past giving new opportunities in the future. is squeezed a lemon and the juice is poured into a glass containing 1 tablespoon of rock salt and is said out loud seven times: “(Name of person), you were everything in my life, but now, I will forget you and I will not suffer again . Pour the contents down the drain and you can use the cup as usual.

Home remedies to forget a love ((herbs and plants) #5 Mint It is a plant that refreshes the body and spirit. That is, it is considered ideal for an inner renewal towards a new sentimental beginning. It is prepared like this: Boil 2 liters of water for the bath, close the water and add a handful of mint leaves. After your normal bath, pour the contents from the neck down, always mentalizing the return of happiness in her life and saying aloud seven times: “Planted tree that did not bear fruit. Planted tree that does not bear fruit. Get out of my room, man I don’t want to love.»


Spells and rituals

Spells to forget a love #1

On Monday, with a waning Moon, in the fourth hour after dark, you should place white rose petals in a vase with water next to a white candle and a portrait or a garment of the person with whom the sentimental relationship has been broken and you intend to forget .

The candle is lit and the portrait is carefully looked at or the piece is touched while saying out loud:

“I leave this sentimental bond open,

so that my heart is free

heal and love the person who is most convenient

With this spell I undo our ties,

I ask that it be remedied without delay

pain, sorrow and sadness.

So be it.

And so it is”


Spells to forget a love #2

To mitigate the unease caused by a sentimental breakup, you should perform this spell especially before going out to any type of social gathering.

  • Settle into a room lit only by the light of a white candle.
  • Close your eyes and visualize what is causing you love distress
  • Take a deep breath and feel yourself light up with energy.
  • Then, each time you exhale, think that the restlessness and restlessness are expelled. At that moment, you should visualize yourself as you would like to be seen.
  • Seal in the energy of the visualization, wrapping yourself in this vision like a cloak.

When you feel protected with this energy, blow out the candle and with this feeling of renewal you are ready to open new loving doors.



Neither in the past nor in the future: Focus on the present First of all, never think about the future together, creating stories and imagining how things could have been. Secondly, this also applies to the past, try not to focus and not be remembering everything you experienced. And thirdly, to see why you broke up, if you got to this point certainly things were not going well, that is, it may have been necessary.

Love yourself Self-love is fundamental and it is the kind of love that can never leave you. Don’t let anyone be more important in your life than yourself. So it’s time to take care of your thoughts, your health and your well-being. Look more in the mirror and realize how important you are and that you deserve to be happy, because happiness is not just a relationship. Do not be afraid, it is possible to be happy single or single.

do activities you like Read your favorite book, listen to your favorite music, go to the places you like and talk to someone who makes you feel good. Although they are simple things, they are the ones that make the biggest difference. Focus on yourself, on your hobbies, the important thing is to keep yourself busy so you don’t focus on your ex.

Bad points This is one of the most used tactics when the topic is how to forget a love. Try to remember attitudes that the other person had and that you did not like, this helps you not to create in your mind a perfect being and that you are losing «the best person in the world». Obviously it is not for you to speak badly of him/her to everyone, it is for you to analyze the negative points in your mind and try to understand why it did not work.

If you want to know more about home remedies to forget a love or a person, write us in the comments section or to our email.


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