Stones and their magical properties (meaning precious and semi precious stones)

Stones and their magical properties Stones, especially gems, have fascinated man since ancient times who have attributed different virtues and meanings to them.

In ancient Egypt, for example, gems were not only used as ornaments but were also considered essential for their mystical properties with which to obtain success, fame, fortune, etc.

Below is a list of the most popular gemstones and their magical properties:


Stones and their magical properties (meaning of esoteric precious and semiprecious stones)

Agate This gem is a magical protection against dangers and wards off envy and evil. It makes its wearer win sympathy and was widely used, for that reason, by kings in ancient times. It even protects against insect bites and lightning

Another magical characteristic is that, if an agate stone is put in the mouth, it quenches thirst and if a timid person holds a piece of agate with his right hand, they will have strength and courage. Learn more about the rituals and spells with agate

Aquamarine It symbolizes hope It is considered as the gem of sailors and travelers. It has a protective function for the gums and against sore throats and teeth. Similarly, it is considered that whoever owns an aquamarine ring will have premonitory dreams with which they can prevent misfortunes.

In Indian philosophy, aquamarine is associated with the throat chakra. For this reason, it is considered good for the voice, allowing the person to speak clearly. Another meaning of the Aquamarine crystal is its link to the feminine. Some people believe that it releases feminine energy in women, resulting in empowerment. Compassion and intuition are also said to derive from this.

Amethyst: Formerly it was worn to avoid alcoholic temptations and to attract the favor of important people. For a long time it was considered negative because of its violet color. On the contrary, this gem offers magical protection and help to achieve spiritual elevation, maturity and wisdom. To learn about other uses of amethyst, read: How to use amethyst for magical purposes?

Amber Amber is the «lightweight» in the different gemstone categories. It is made up of various saps and resins from mineralized and fossilized plant organic matter over many centuries, sometimes including insects, ferns and flowers, whose molecular structures give it even more positive energy. This unbroken chain of life forms proves how powerful nature is and how powerful its electrical charge can be.

The high vibrational frequency of amber cleanses and purifies the entire organism. The magnetic radiation of the stone is intense and functions as a regulator of the endocrine and digestive systems. It also helps to stabilize the spleen and heart and facilitates the opening of the first chakra (base of the spine), which allows the Fire Serpent to infiltrate through it and progressively ascend along the spinal column. The lighter golden tones govern mental activity, while the darker and reddish colors regenerate the energy of the kundalini, producing heat centers in the cold areas of the body and returning full power to the solar plexus, a chakra that is directly related to our health. physical and mental.

In the East, amber is the raw material used to make sacred rosaries that are used during meditation and concentration sessions. Monks use it to contact the ray of inner vision and access clairvoyance. It has been used since ancient times as a magical protection against the enchantments of witches. Protects from the malice and nefarious influences of enemies. Likewise, it attracts comprehension and understanding. (learn spells and superstitions with amber)

Beryl It is a gem that promotes love by obtaining the power to attract the affection of the opposite sex. It has been widely used by maidens who wanted to achieve a good marriage.

Chalcedony Blue-gray or whitish in color, usually translucent, rarely opaque, it is the symbol of charity and maternal love. Protects on trips and courts, locking it in a box with money increases wealth. In therapy it eliminates fevers, stones, epilepsy and hoarseness. He thinks it cures dementia. It is the stone of the month of June, watches over businesses and companies carried out in this month. Seen in dreams announces the reunion with old friends.

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carbuncle This gem gives children magical protection so they don’t drown. If carried during the night hours, it also protects against insomnia.

Zircon It is considered a good luck gem that grants its wearer the fulfillment of all their wishes for health, prosperity and honors. It is also a silent protector against all dangers on land, sea and air.

Citrine It is the symbol of wisdom and peace. It directly stimulates the mental body and sharpens the intuitive level of the spirit to the opening of the door that allows the inner «I» to take possession of the subtle mental body. This stone awakens in us the cosmic consciousness, reminding us that one of the peremptory obligations of the human being is to help humanity discover the paths of understanding and compassion.

Most of the citrines currently for sale on the market are amethysts (violet quartz crystal) that have been fired to such an extent that they obtain a golden, yellow or reddish color. This method adds to the process of nature that does not hesitate to use fire to transform itself.

Natural citrine certainly has quite a few powers, but I think cooked citrine has great properties anyway. The pale tints of citrine help to clarify ideas and are particularly beneficial to the endocrine and digestive systems, cleansing, purifying and eliminating toxins that have accumulated there. As for the darker, more «ardent» tones, they help to eliminate fear, anguish and negative thoughts arising from the hereditary past, and to decongest the solar plexus. Citrin has a great calming and appeasing power. It actively combats depression, regulates digestion problems and is effective in fighting constipation and in the treatment of diabetes.

Coral The coral is the gift that our other mother, the Sea, offers us so that we remember her participation in the creation of the Earth. Imitating the plant, a reef is built from the skeleton of animals that it transforms into branches. Coral is hard and durable like our own bones, which the shamanic tradition considers to be the essence of being human. Living and breathing the sea, although anchored on land, the coral teaches us what form is, but also the fluidity and flexibility within it. Coral is among the five sacred stones of the Tibetans and Native Americans, and symbolizes life force energy, warding off the evil eye.

Its color pales if the owner of the stone suffers from anemia. Dark red coral provides warmth, vivifies and stimulates blood circulation. Stone of the subconscious, coral is a precious aid for meditation and visualization, which allows us to retain the Images and forms that arise from our Unconscious. All those who suffer from a nutritional deficiency, depression or lethargy, should take it

Cornelian Carnelian symbolizes the warmth, life-giving and positive energy of the Earth. It reminds us of the work that awaits us on our planet. This stone has an excellent influence on those who tend to «dream» their life, those who are unable to take their destiny in their hands due to lack of stability. Our spiritual quest should not prevent us from assuming our material responsibilities. We are down here to work, to fulfill the mission that is destined for us on Earth and help others to fulfill theirs.

Carnelian possesses an electromagnetic field that protects all who wear it. It nourishes all the particles of our body with energy and gives us a feeling of well-being and inner strength. Its power regulates the ingestion of food by the body and its assimilation and the use of nutritional substances by the organism. It acts as a true filter of our digestive system. The most beautiful carnelians are wonderfully bright and transparent. They can be worn as talismans and engraved with symbols or letters to make them even more effective. In any case, this stone is a powerful ally that helps us connect directly with the forces of the Earth and establish an immediate link with the Universe.

Crystal Instills calm and inner peace which favors mental acuity and balances emotional qualities.

Quartz It is recommended to have a quartz stone near the bed to ward off nightmares at night and achieve peaceful dreams. To learn about other uses of quartz, visit: Magical uses of quartz crystal

Diamond Because this gem brings peace, constancy and fidelity to those who possess it, it has been widely used at the time of marriage commitment. It is even used as a symbol of reconciliation between separated lovers. However, the diamond has other magical powers, as it defends its wearer against negative spirits.

Stones and their magical properties Emerald It is widely used by people who have professions such as lawyer, teacher, etc., since it increases the gift of eloquence. Likewise, it favors the development of memory and intuition. It cures eye discomfort and is also used for hemorrhages.

Garnet: Garnet is associated with the primordial Fire, the Fire that transforms, the resplendent serpent: the kundalini that infiltrates the first chakra and rises along the spinal column. It symbolizes the passion that must sometimes transform its violence into the power of purity. To «see» the divine demands a pure heart. In the temple of the body, the sacred Fire sleeps like a serpent coiled in the «vertebrae-stones» of the dorsal spine. It is necessary to wake up the reptile and make it climb up to its head, taking care that it slowly unscrews its rings of transmutable energy.

The sacral plexus is red, but harmonizes with the blue ray as soon as the kundalini-serpent has left it behind. When it reaches the spiritual centers, it changes octaves to take possession of the indigo violet ray. Red garnets help regulate circulatory failure problems, stimulate the reproductive organs and strengthen sexual potency. The violet-pink stones regenerate and transmute. All garnets give courage and energy, but beware of passionate love that can become…