Prayer to Saint Anthony lost things (saint to find things)

Prayer to San Antonio lost things San Antonio de Padua is one of the most famous disciples of San Francisco de Asís.

He was a famous preacher and miracle worker in his day, and in the eight centuries since his death he has come so generously to the aid of the faithful who call upon him that he is known throughout the world.

Let’s see, then, his life and the prayer to San Antonio, lost things (saint to find things) prayer to san antinio


Birth and youth of San Antonio de Padua

Saint Anthony was born in 1195 AD in Lisbon (Portugal) where his father was a captain in the royal army.

Already at the age of fifteen, he entered the Congregation of Canons Regular of Saint Augustine and dedicated himself with great commitment both to the study and to the practice of piety in the Monastery of Coimbra (Portugal).

Around that time, some of the first members of the Order of Friars Minor arrived in Coimbra, which Saint Francis founded in 1206 AD. They begged the Canons Regular for a small and very poor place, from which with their evangelical poverty and simplicity they built everyone. in the region.

Then, in 1219 AD, some of these friars, moved by divine inspiration, went as missionaries to preach the Gospel of Christ to the inhabitants of Morocco. There they were brutally martyred for the Faith. Some Christian merchants managed to recover their remains; and so he triumphantly brought his relics to Coimbra.

The relics of Saint Bernard and his companions, the first martyrs of the Franciscan Order, seized Saint Anthony with an intense desire to suffer martyrdom in the same way. So he, moved by his heroic example, repeatedly begged and petitioned his superiors for permission to join the Franciscan Order.

In the quiet little Franciscan convent in Coimbra he received a friendly reception, and that same year his most sincere wish to be sent to the missions in Africa was fulfilled.


Arrival of San Antonio in Italy

But God had decreed otherwise. And so, Saint Anthony barely set foot on African soil when he fell victim to a serious illness. Even after recovering, he was so weak that, resigning himself to God’s will, he boarded a ship back to Portugal. Unexpectedly, a storm overtook them, pushing the ship east, where he found refuge on the coast of Sicily.

Saint Anthony was received and welcomed by the Franciscans of that island, for which he was sent to Assisi, where the general chapter of the Order was held in May 1221 AD.

As he still looked weak and sickly, and gave no proof of his scholarship, no one paid attention to the stranger until Father Graciano, Provincial of the friars living in the Romagna region (Italy), took pity on him and sent him to the quiet little convent near Forli (also in Italy).

There San Antonio remained nine months as chaplain to the hermits, occupied with the humblest duties of the kitchen and the convent, and with great enthusiasm he practiced both interior and exterior mortification.


Saint Anthony, preacher and teacher

But the hidden gem would soon appear in all its glory. On the occasion of an ordination ceremony, some of the hermits along with Saint Anthony were sent to the city of Forli. However, before the ceremony began, it was announced that the priest who was to deliver the sermon had fallen ill.

The local superior, to avoid the embarrassment of the moment, quickly asked the friars present to offer themselves as volunteers. Each apologized saying he wasn’t ready, until finally San Antonio was asked to give it to him.

When he too apologized most humbly, his superior ordered him by virtue of a vow of obedience to deliver the sermon. Saint Anthony began to speak in a very reserved manner; but soon a holy animation came over him, and he spoke with such eloquence, wisdom, and anointing that all were quite astonished.

When Saint Francis was informed of the event, he gave Saint Anthony the mission to preach throughout Italy. At the request of the brothers, Saint Anthony was later commissioned to teach theology, “but in such a way”, Saint Francis clearly wrote, “that the spirit of prayer is not extinguished either in you or in the other brothers. ” Saint Anthony himself valued the salvation of souls more than learning. That is why he never stopped exercising his preaching trade despite his teaching work.

The number of those who came to hear him was sometimes so great that no church was big enough to accommodate him, so he had to preach in the open air.

Saint Anthony frequently worked true miracles of conversion. Deadly enemies reconciled. Thieves and usurers made restitution. Slanderers and detractors have retracted and apologized. He was so energetic in defending the truths of the Catholic faith that many heretics returned to the Church. This occasioned the epitaph that Pope Gregory IX gave him “the ark of the covenant”.

In all his works he never forgot the warning of his spiritual father, Saint Francis, that the spirit of prayer must not be extinguished. If he spent the day teaching and hearing the confession of sinners late into the night, then he spent many hours of the night in close union with God.

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Once, a man, in whose house Saint Anthony was spending the night, met the saint and found him holding the Child Jesus in his arms, indescribably beautiful and surrounded by heavenly light. For this reason, Saint Anthony is often depicted holding the Christ Child.


Death of Saint Anthony

In 1227 AD, Saint Anthony was elected Provincial Minister of the friars living in northern Italy. He thus he resumed the preaching work. Due to his toilsome labors and his austere penance, he soon felt that his strength was so depleted that he prepared himself for death. After receiving the last sacraments, he kept looking up with a smile on his face.

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When asked what he saw there, he replied, «I see my Lord.» He exhaled his soul on June 13, 1231 AD, when he was only thirty-six years old. Soon the children in the streets of the city of Padua were crying: «The saint is dead, Antonio is dead.»

Pope Gregory IX inscribed him among the saints the following year. In Padua, a magnificent basilica was built in his honor, his holy relics were entombed there in 1263 ADFrom the moment of his death to this day, countless miracles have occurred through the intercession of Saint Anthony, for which he is known. like the Thaumaturge. In 1946 AD Saint Anthony was declared a Doctor of the Church. Let’s see, then, prayer to San Antonio lost things.



We have found three ancient prayers to Saint Anthony for lost things

Prayer to Saint Anthony lost things #1

Oh, admirable and enlightened protector of mine, Saint Anthony of Padua! I have always had great confidence that you will help me in all my needs, praying for me to the Lord whom you served, to the Blessed Virgin whom you loved and to the divine Child.

Jesus who did you so many favors. Pray to them for me, so that through your powerful intercession they grant me what I ask. O Glorious Saint Anthony!

Well, lost things are found through your mediation and you work so many prodigies with your devotees; I beg and beg you to obtain for me from the Divine Majesty the recovery of the grace that I have lost due to my sins, and the favor that I now desire and ask, being for the Glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Anthony lost things #2

Great Saint Anthony, Apostle full of goodness,

You who received from God the special power to find lost things

Help me right now so that with your help I can find the object I’m looking for.

Obtain for me also an ardent faith, a perfect docility to the inspirations of grace, contempt for the vain pleasures of the world and the ardent desire for the ineffable joys of eternal bliss.

Amen to…

Prayer to Saint Anthony lost things #3

Blessed and praised be San Antonio, luminous sun that in Lisbon, France and Italy, gave the brightest light:

Oh blessed Saint Anthony, who climbed Mount Sinai;

Your holy Breviary was lost; you returned looking for him very sad and a voice was heard from heaven:

“Antonio, come back, you will find your holy Breviary; upon him of the living Jesus Christ, you shall ask three things of him:

the lost found, the forgotten remembered and the living saved.


It is said that the prayer to San Antonio lost things should be prayed for 9 days in a row, always at the same time and prayed with conviction. Even if the object reappears quickly, you must continue praying the prayer until the 9 days are complete. It is also advisable to light a white candle before saying the prayer. It doesn’t hurt to try. And do not forget to thank San Antonio for the grace granted. prayer to san antinio


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