Smell of incense spiritual meaning without having incense house that means

Smell of incense spiritual meaning Some time ago we were asked the following questions: Does the smell of incense have spiritual meaning? What does it mean when you smell incense without incense? Could you post about smelling incense spiritual meaning? I would like to know the meaning of the smell of incense at home? Does the smell of incense without having incense mean in the esoteric world? What does the smell of incense in the house mean?

If you can see, all these questions revolve around incense and today we are going to clarify them:


General features

The spirit world is full of surprises and some of them are quite unexpected, like feeling the smell of incense out of nowhere in the air inside our house or even anywhere else we visit.

However, it is important, before considering the spiritual, to first investigate whether that smell has a material origin.


Possible material origins

1. There is still smell of incense in your house if it has burned incense in your house in the last few days or a couple of weeks, there might still be a smell of incense trapped in the house.

Odors easily permeate objects such as furniture, carpets and upholstery and are released again later. The smell of incense that is released is usually very mild and a guest may not even smell it.

But since you are familiar with the smell of incense, it is easy to detect it.

Over time, the smell of incense will fade until it disappears completely, until you burn incense again.
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2. Nervous or neurological health problem A more concerning cause of smelling incense when none is burning is possible nerve or neurological damage. You could have phantosmia or parosmia.

Phantosmia is when phantom odors are experienced. It’s like an olfactory hallucination. You smell something that isn’t there.

Parosmia is when distorted odors are experienced. The smell of other things, such as food or flowers, is distorted and a different type of smell is experienced instead, like that of burning incense.

Phantosmia and parosmia can be caused by damage to the sensory nerves that provide the sense of smell. It can also be an indication of a neurological problem in the brain, such as a stroke, epilepsy, or depression.

If you are absolutely certain that there is no incense burning in or near your home and you have not recently burned incense in your home, talk to your doctor for a diagnosis.

You may also experience other, generally unpleasant, odors such as smoke, burning rubber, or mold.


3. It comes from another source Another possible cause that it smells like incense when it’s not burning is that something else is producing an incense-like odor.

There are many chemicals and objects that can produce the same aromatic odors as incense.

For example, you or a family member may have started using a new cologne or deodorant. Maybe the new air freshener smells too much like some incense sticks you burned earlier.

Air conditioning can also produce a sweet or aromatic smell. This can happen if it’s brand new (disappears after a few hours) or if there’s a coolant leak.

There may also be herbs or oils in your home that smell similar to incense. For example, rosemary produces the same earthy aromatic smell as frankincense.

Ask family members or a guest if they can also smell something in the air. If they do, see if you can find where they came from.


its symbolism

If after investigating the possible material sources of the smell of incense and you have confirmed that it indeed has a spiritual origin, then we can see the smell of incense spiritual meaning.

Smell of incense spiritual meaning #1 May indicate the presence of someone who has passed away One of the ways we can identify the presence of some kind of spirit that is by our side is through smells. In this case, there are people who can identify loved ones who have died because they transmit very common smells from when they were alive.

Imagine that your grandmother loved you very much and always used incense sticks, if you smell that smell it can indicate that she is present in that space. It’s her way of letting you know that she’s protecting you.

So, if you knew someone who passed away and who dealt a lot with incense sticks in life, it may mean that this person is trying to communicate with you.


Smell of incense spiritual meaning #2 A message from your Guardian Angel Our Guardian angel He can have many ways of speaking to us and one of them is through olfactory mediumship. Therefore, we can be in front of a message from him for our lives.

The message, considering that we are talking about incense, must be related to its protection.

In this case, it may mean that he is protecting you at this very moment and that you should not worry about negative spirits or anything else bad in the physical or spiritual world.


Smell of incense spiritual meaning #3 A sign that you are protected As we discussed earlier, smelling strong incense out of nowhere, anywhere, can indicate that your Guardian Angel is protecting you.

Therefore, it is a very positive message, so there is no need to worry.


Smell of incense spiritual meaning #4 Presence of spirits in this place This is one of the most common reasons when one smells strange odors that come from nowhere.

In case you have smelled incense in a place outside your home or you rarely visit, this may indicate that this place is quite occupied by the spirit world.

This does not mean that they are evil spirits, so there is no reason to worry.

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Should I do something to protect myself?

Since this is not a negative odor, such as dead or rot, we really believe there is no reason to seek protection.

Even so, if you wish, you can simply light a candle to your Guardian Angel to ask for his protection. This is more than enough to protect yourself and find all the help you really need right now.

If you want to know more about the smell of incense spiritual meaning, smell of incense without incense and meaning of smell of incense at home, you can send us your question to our email.


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