Lyrics of the most powerful prayer in the world to break curses

Lyrics of the most powerful prayer in the world to break curses We have been asked about the strongest prayer to break curses, spells and envy and here we are going to detail it.

However, first let’s see two fundamental aspects of hexes and curses: The power of words and the intention of pronouncing them.


General features

People should know that all words have power and that some, if said with a certain intention, can be as dangerous as a firearm and can even wreak havoc on someone’s life, without their knowing why. that his life is not working.

Hence, you can not speak any word negatively against someone right off the bat, because it can even not only fall to the one who was addressed but even return to the one who said them. Therefore, it is always better to use positive words even during a heated argument or fight.

But to all this, what is, in reality, a curse? The act of cursing means “to use insolent and foul language against someone, to blaspheme; invoke a divine or supernatural power to send evil to another person; curse with fiery and irreverent words; to bring great evil upon someone, to afflict”.


And how can a curse or hex be broken?

Even if you don’t know where it comes from, if you are sure it exists, there are three things the person or family should do:

1) Forgive whoever pronounced it. Forgiveness breaks any negative energy.

2) Seek the advice of an experienced and trusted person and explain what is happening to you and your family members. If you don’t know what to do or don’t believe your story, find a religious who does and can help you.

3) Say a prayer against curses every day. Here the lyrics of the most powerful prayer in the world to break curses (according to the type of curse or curse)


Prayers against curses (remove or break curses)

Lyrics of the most powerful prayer in the world to break hexes or curses (sentimental life)

Almighty God, I speak to you today because I desperately need your powers in my life.

I am contacting you because I really need your help, I need a guide in my sentimental life.

I just want to be happy and I know that happiness in love is everyone’s right, that’s why I ask you to help me in my love.

I want to improve my love life and have good moments, happy moments next to a person that I really love and who really loves me too.

I need moments for two with a man/woman who knows what I’m looking for and who satisfies all my desires.

I want to be happy, I want to keep all evil from my path and I want to break all the curses that may have fallen on my sentimental life.

I ask for your help to break the bad spells in my life, to remove all the curses and curses that have been cast on me and to be able to live a happy love life as I deserve.

I promise to light a white candle at the end of this prayer.


Note: Pray every night before going to sleep, but you do not always have to offer the white candle, you can offer it only in the first 3 nights. It is one of the best prayers to break love spells and curses that you can do.


Lyrics of the most powerful prayer in the world to break curses or curses (financial)

God can help you solve your financial problems.

Money does not bring happiness, but we need it to be able to have a decent life without being in need.

The truth is that without it we simply cannot survive, so there is nothing wrong with saying a prayer to break a financial curse.

Almighty God, I’m desperate.

I want to invoke Your powers to help me in my financial life.

I know that money is not happiness but I need it to be able to have a simple and honest life.

I ask you for strength to earn money and get rid of all my debts.

I seek the strength in You to be able to pay everything I owe and to be able to govern my life.

I also seek the strength in You to prevent my money from diminishing from one day to the next.

I know I can’t be greedy, so I only ask for enough of you to rule my life.

I call on all your powers to help me break any curses you may have placed on me.

My financial life has spells and curses and I know You, Almighty God, will remove.

Almighty God, you will be able to break them all with your supreme strength.

Break the hexes and curses that have been cast on me and help me live a life of peace and tranquility.

So be it,



Lyrics of the most powerful prayer in the world to break hexes or curses (health)

Almighty God, today I speak to you because I need urgent help.

You know that without health I cannot live and you also know that no one can decide if I am healthy or not but You.

Only God decides my destiny, but there is someone who tries to do it for you.

I know I have a spell on my health and I need urgent help to break and remove it.

I come to you with this short prayer to help me break it.

Almighty God, creator of Heaven and Earth, help me break this curse on my health that torments me so much.

Help me to live happily, without pain and without bad feelings in my body.

Guide me in life, give me reasons to smile and keep everyone who ruins my happiness out of my way.

I only ask for health and happiness.

I know that with your powers you can help me.


Note: You can pray this prayer every day before going to sleep or every day when you wake up.

also know Prayers for the evil eye and ritual against the evil eye (how to cure)


Lyrics of the most powerful prayer in the world to break hexes or curses (generational)


Kindness and grace define you. Abba, Father. The only true and triune God, glory be to You for who we are and for all that you have done. As our Creator and Author, You know the mountains of sin that lie in wait for us here on earth.

The curse of sin that Adam and Eve introduced continues to plague the earth and every piece of human flesh that exists on it. However, from the beginning of time, You made a way for us to experience the freedom from death guaranteed by sin that we cannot avoid. Jesus,

Jesus, You set us free from all sin, curse, hex, and chain when You took up the cross. You know how we feel and you walk faithfully by our side. Holy Spirit, our comforter, we thank you that you live in every follower of Christ. Thank you that our salvation in You, O Lord, breaks generational hexes and curses. In Christ, the power of sin and death no longer holds us.

In the name of Jesus,


If you want to know more about the words of the most powerful prayer in the world to break curses, you can ask your question in the comments section.


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