Put a person’s name on the left foot (write or place)

Putting a person’s name on the left foot Among the questions we are asked, the following have caught our attention: What is the ritual of putting a person’s name on the left foot? Could you explain what the spell of writing a person’s name on the left foot consists of? Is writing someone’s name on the left foot effective? Could you post something about putting the name on the left foot?

We note that all these questions are related to a very famous ritual and that we are going to explain here:


General features

Understanding the ritual of writing or putting the name of a person on the left foot is not difficult, since it is simply a ritual that is done to always be with the person you love.

Therefore, both those who seek to conquer someone and people who already have a relationship usually do it. That is why there are different versions, which can be used depending on the situation of each person and what they want with the ritual.

This ritual is one of those known as a mooring ritual, making the person to whom the ritual is dedicated always attached to you.

For those who are already in a relationship, it is often used to maintain the bonds of the couple, reinforce their involvement or prevent a separation from occurring.

In other cases, it is a ritual used so that the person you love feels attracted to you and seeks to always be by your side, making your wish come true.

In short, the purpose of the ritual of writing or putting the name of a person on the left foot is to seek to have someone forever by your side, wishing you and making your desire for company come true.

It is important to note that there are variations on this ritual and here we present the most common.



Ritual of writing or putting a person’s name on the left foot #1

To do so, not many elements or steps are needed, just require:

1 pen with blue ink;
1 photo of your loved one.

With these items in hand, take a moment to focus on your request, thinking about what you want to accomplish with the ritual.

Then, write the name of the person you love on the sole of your left foot three times, and step on the photo three times with this foot.

Every time you step on it repeat the following:

“I have you here and you will look for me immediately and without thinking…” and then repeat three times “So be it”.

Once this is done, fold the photo and keep it in a bag or purse, something that you usually carry with you.

It will not take long for the desired result to occur, bringing that person to your side and allowing you to live what you dream of.


Ritual of writing or putting a person’s name on the left foot #2

A little more difficult to put into practice than the original, this is a very powerful ritual and can also help you attract the person you love to your side.

To do it you need a few elements, although to start you will only need

1 red ink pen
Later, you will have to buy 1 glass of champagne; 1 bottle of champagne rose and a bouquet of red roses.

With pen in hand, you must write the name of the one you want on your left foot, once, at the beginning of your day.

Then as the day goes by, say out loud that you want him to call you.

As soon as you have this desired contact, order the other elements of the ritual and leave them near a flowering tree, in gratitude for what you have achieved.

If you wish, say a prayer while placing your offering at the foot of the tree, showing your joy at being close to the person you love.


Ritual of writing or putting the name of a person on the left foot #3

It takes a few minutes alone and a black pen.

If you can be alone, mentalize what you want to live with the person you love, and while you do it write your name on your left foot.

Hit your foot hard on the ground three times in a row, always thinking of your loved one.

When you finish this part, say out loud what you want.

After putting this ritual into practice, it will not take long to conquer the one you want.

Although it is a very simple ritual, it will help you to have the desired happiness with that special person.


Ritual of writing or putting the name of a person on the left foot #4

One of the simplest rituals to bind your beloved is quite similar to the original sympathy, but has differences in the words that will be repeated.

This one, just like the original, can be done at any time and all you need is a red pen.

Write on your left foot the name of the person you want to have by your side, imagining the life you can have together.

Once this is done, step on this foot 3 times, and each time repeat the name of the person you love.

At the end of the ritual, say the following:

“You will look for me now and call me immediately…” and then repeat three times “So be it”.

After this ritual, it will not take long for him to look for you and be able to live what he wants next to the person he loves.


Ritual of writing or putting the name of a person on the left foot #5

A little more time to do it, this ritual will ensure that the person you love will only think of you, and will soon seek to be by your side.

Although it takes more time, only one element is needed, which can be a black or red pen.

With the chosen pen, you will follow the same ritual for 5 days in a row, and you must not skip any or you will have to start over.

During this period, every time you wake up, you must use the pen, which must always be the same, to write the name of the person you love on your left foot.

The name must be written in full, with first and last names, which is very important for a good result of the ritual.

Once this is done, continue with your normal routine, and at the end of the day, when you go to bed, turn your thoughts towards your loved one.

Pray 5 Our Fathers with great faith, thinking that the person you want is thinking of you and will look for you very soon.

At the end of the sentence, repeat the phrase:

“You think of me (name of the person”, you look for me and you will call me now”

After this phrase, go to sleep and try to fall asleep with your thoughts on your loved one, as this will strengthen your ritual.

Even if it takes you a little more time, it will be worth it and at the end of these days you will find the desired person looking for you, because they will not be able to get you out of their mind.


Ritual of writing or putting the name of a person on the left foot #6

Sympathy to bind a man requires few elements, most of which are quite easy to have at home and therefore it will not be difficult to put it into practice.

To perform this ritual, have the following on hand:

1 red candle;
1 pointed object that belongs to the man you love;
Red pen;
A piece of paper;
The honey.

At a time when you are alone, start by mentalizing the reasons for doing the ritual, what you want to experience with this man.

He writes his name on the paper, placing it next to the saucer. With the pointed object, write her name on the candle and cover it with honey.

Light the candle and let it burn to the end, psyching up your desire as you do so.

When the candle finishes burning, throw the rest away, washing and putting away the saucer and the man object.

As for the paper, fold it three times, putting all your faith in the fulfillment of your request, and place it inside the shoe of the left foot.

Mentalize a good life with this man every time you lay your eyes on this paper, remembering your ritual and your motives.


Ritual of writing or putting the name of a person on the left foot #7

If you are in a hurry to perform a ritual, not caring about its potency, but quick enough to be able to get closer or reconcile with someone, this is the ideal sympathy.

Very simple to do, all you need is your faith and a red pen.

At the beginning of the day, write under your left foot the name of the person you love, thinking about why you want to have them by your side.

Once this is done, step on the ground 3 times in a row, mentalizing each time a scene of you together and happy.

Continue with your day, and whenever you can, repeat this gesture of stepping on the ground and mentalizing a new situation for 3 times in a row.

In less than 24 hours, the person you love will be much more interested in you.


How many times can you do this left foot ritual?

The ideal is to do it once, putting all faith in the ritual that is being performed.

Both this and other amulets need a lot of energy to work, so it is important to dedicate all the concentration in a single ritual.

If you really think you should repeat it or do a different version later, wait at least a few days or weeks, so you can have the balanced energies to achieve your desire.

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Is this ritual of mooring dangerous or risky?

It is not uncommon for people to practice this ritual without trying to know its consequences. This ritual, as well as others, exist to help us, but this does not mean that they cannot bring us some kind of negative effect.

In this case, for example, it is possible to see that there are dangers, because by doing so you can also generate a lot of negative energy around you.

Despite achieving its main objective, having the person you love by your side, these types of rituals mess with the free will of the other person, causing a danger in their life. Having this person by your side is not a guarantee of happiness, since, perhaps, it is not the most convenient for you.

We are of the opinion that it is better to pray once prayer to God and the saints as Saint Anthony to help us find that right person or even keep her by our side.

Perhaps other websites dedicated to these esoteric and spiritual topics do not present this warning, but we consider that it is necessary.

If you still wish to continue with this ritual, it is important that you are aware of this situation; we are sincere and we limit ourselves to giving the answers to the questions that have been sent to us and that are described at the beginning.


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