What does it mean when a ring turns silver black? Witchcraft?

What does it mean when a ring turns black During the month, we have been consulted on the following: Why does silver turn black on some people; Does it have something to do with the spiritual? What is the reason why silver turns black witchcraft? What does it mean when a ring turns black especially if it is made of silver? Does silver darken in contact with negative energy? What should I do about it?

These five questions are very interesting and today we are going to clarify them, below:


General features

Since ancient times, some civilizations used jewelry to indicate status or social position, but it also had a mystical connotation.

In this sense, it was common, up to a certain point, for the high priests to wear jewelry made with different gems and metals of great significance from the esoteric point of view.

One of the most used metals, after Prayedit was silver precisely due to its spiritual powers.

It’s important to just remember, for example, that silver bullets were credited for many centuries with the power to kill witches and werewolves.

It is even said that the priests buried silver statues on the borders of the Roman Empire to ward off barbarians. When these statues were removed from the earth, the Empire was taken over by the Goths, the Huns, and the Thracians.

Currently, silver is considered a metal that helps harmonize energy centers (chakras) and even promote healing.

So, if we look at it this way, we could say that there is no negative charge on silver, but on the contrary, there is a lot of positive energy.

Only with these examples can we conclude that the precious metal, silver, has nothing negative.

Let’s see, next, what it means when a ring turns black especially if it is made of silver.


Questions and answers

What does it mean when a ring turns black (in general terms) It is necessary to clarify that the ring that can be darkened the most is the fact that silver. In the case of gold rings, when they are made of pure metal, they should not turn black.


What does it mean when a ring turns black especially if it is made of silver? Does it serve as protection? There is a theory that silver helps restore the physical and energy bodies by promoting alignment with universal intelligence.

According to this theory, the metal favors the release of the toxic energies of the aurea, balancing and harmonizing the good energies.

So, even taking this theory into account, if silver is capable of darkening in contact with negative energies, then it would be a way of absorbing these energies that are around us. That is, when it gets dark it absorbs the negative and protects us.


What does it mean when a ring turns black could it remove negative energy? Before defining negative energies, we are pure energy and we already know it, everywhere we are exposed to the energies of the environment and of people, and this does not mean that they are bad energies.

They are just energies, which in contact with ours can be transformed, and we end up absorbing a greater charge of negative energy.

If you carry a silver ring and turns dark after exposure to these places, this may indicate that it has absorbed the negative energy of the place.

But if you still don’t feel well, try taking a nice bath, a relaxing tea and try to rebalance your chakras, meditation can help.


What does it mean when a ring turns black what should I do about it? At first, cleaning the jewel with toothpaste always fixes it and the silver becomes clear again.

But if this, that is, the darkening of silver in you is constant, it is necessary to investigate the probable reasons for this.

His energy may be too low, and the slightest hint of other energy weakens him and reflects off the silver he is wearing.

The replenishment of energy only occurs when we balance ourselves, and we have to look for what brings us that balance or satisfaction.

Sometimes a good night’s sleep, or a walk in the fresh air, perhaps meditating (if you like, of course), drinking soothing herbal teas like chamomilethe melissa, the sweet grassamong other.

The important thing here is to try to fill yourself with positive energy. So, never forget it!


What does it mean when a ring turns black only on some people Yes indeed there are people for whom a silver ring darkens or turns black faster, sometimes the ring was worn in the morning and at night it is already dark.

It is undeniable that the person has a higher negative energy charge than others, or works and spends the day in places that are negative.

For example, you work in a hospital, where the energy charge itself. It is not so good because there are people there who suffer from illnesses and also their relatives who suffer because they are suffering.

In these places it is natural that the dominant energy is negative, and whoever is there will leave with a part of this energy.

Therefore, if possible, avoid these places, there is no silver that can help you in this case, even if you have rings on all your fingers, necklaces and earrings, you will still come out of there with low energy.



We believe that silver, whether in a ring or in other types of jewelry, has its advantages, it is a noble material and accessible to almost everyone, it does not cause allergies and it also rebalances our energies, eliminating and/or absorbing the bad ones.

Therefore, silver is an excellent material. It can help ward off negative energies and attract good things into our lives. Therefore, there is no reason not to use it.

Its spiritual benefits are becoming more widely known. Therefore, the best thing you can do is make the most of all of them.

Don’t worry if your silver ring has turned black; most likely. it is that it has protected him against negative anergy or even from witchcraft.

If you want to know more about what it means when a ring turns black and why silver turns black witchcraft, you can write your question or doubt in the comments section.


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