Prayer to cleanse the aura and prayer to close the aura

Prayer to cleanse the aura The aura is the magnetic field that surrounds every living being. It is also known as human energy field or HEF.

Instead of a single entity, an aura is made up of seven different layers that interrelate and form a relatively cohesive body. The layers reflect the physical, emotional, rational, astral and divine components of each person.

Each person has their own aura that reflects their personal energy and affects their ability to connect with others. Most people have an aura that surrounds them within a radius of about 3 feet, usually extending 18 inches to 2 feet from the outside of their body. People who have experienced trauma and tragedy often have larger auras.

Most people don’t see it with the naked eye. However, clairvoyants perceive it and the aura can be captured on camera through Kirlian photography.

Sometimes the aura gets dirty due to our proximity to negative people or charged environments. One way to cleanse the aura and also close it is through prayer. Here is detailed prayer to cleanse the aura and prayer to close the aura


Prayer to cleanse the aura

Prayer to cleanse the aura #1:

Divine Truth is opening up in Wholeness within my energy system now. Divine Truth knows only Truth and is resonating Truth throughout my energy system, releasing all lies.

The Divine Truth knows the Totality and fills me with the Totality of the Divine Truth. All untruth anywhere in my multidimensional energy system is releasing, letting go, opening up into Truth. Divine Truth is Whole and complete within my energy system and heals me in Truth. Truth knows Wholeness and allows Wholeness to be fully present within my energy system.

Divine Truth knows me intimately and fills me with Truth. The Truth opens in Totality again and again through my energy system, freeing me from all falsehood on all levels, in every place and point of my energy field. I AM healing in the Wholeness of Divine Truth and my aura is cleansed.

Thank God, and SO IT IS.

Prayer to cleanse the aura #2:

The Totality of Divine Love is pouring into my energy field now. The living, radiant presence of Divine Love is filling my energy field now. The radiant presence of Divine Love moves everywhere within my energy system. Divine Love is saturating my energy field.

Divine Love is increasing and intensifying its presence moment by moment within my energy field now. The living and dynamic energy of Divine Love is cleansing, opening and transmuting all energies of lack and limitation within my energy system, multidimensional, multi-temporal and otherwise.

My system is opening to the presence of more and more vital energy of Divine Love. The vital life energy of Divine Love is now transmuting all energies of discord and limitation within my system. Radiant and vibrant Divine Love is transmuting all error conditioning, all error patterns, all limited belief systems and all limiting self-concepts.

Divine Love is radiating within my energy field. Divine Love is increasing its presence within my energy field. The life energy of Divine Love is now pulsing within my energy system, in complete unison with the heartbeat of the Creator. My energy system is aglow with Divine Love.

The dynamic pulsations of Divine Love within my energy system are clearing and transmuting all limitation and discord in my system now. My aura is clean.

Thank God, and SO IT IS.


Prayer to close the aura

I know that the Totality of Divine Grace is completely filling my energy field now. Divine Grace is pouring into my energy field now, filling every place in my multidimensional and multitemporal energy system and otherwise with the presence of Divine Grace. Divine Grace is opening within my energy field on all levels, from the densest to the most etheric, Akashic and beyond, and everywhere in between.

Divine Grace is permeating, penetrating, saturating my energy field with the holy presence of Divine Grace. Divine Grace is opening within every atom, cell, molecule, particle, place and space within my entire energy system now, more and more fullness of Divine Grace filling me now.

Divine Grace is opening, cleansing, balancing, uplifting, healing, releasing, holding me in Divine Grace now. More and more fullness of Divine Grace, fullness spills into fullness, spills over fullness of Divine Grace.

I AM lifted, opened, cleansed and released in the fullness of Divine Grace (repeat until clear). This is happening now under the grace of the wisest and most perfect ways of God. My aura is closed.

Thank God, and SO IT IS.


How to clean the aura of a person at a distance through a prayer

You must visualize the other person or have a photo of them and say out loud:

The vibration of the Ascending Light is now entering the (other person’s name) energy system. The Ascending Light vibration is moving into all levels of your multidimensional energy system. The vibration of the Ascending Light is filling your energy system. The Ascending Light is resonating at every level of your system, opening you up to more Ascending Light.

The Ascending Light vibration is lifting and clearing all ancient patterns within your energy system. The vibration of the Ascending Light is freeing your system of all limiting energies and frequencies. The vibration of the Ascending Light is filling your entire energy system, lifting me into the Ascending Light. Every level of your system is receiving Ascending Light.

He (name of person) is radiant with Ascending Light and the Ascending Light is increasing its presence within (name of person’s) energy system moment by moment.

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Your limited DNA blueprint is being released into the Ascending Light vibration. The Ascending Light vibration is filling your DNA system, releasing old limiting patterns and filling your DNA system with Ascending Light. The Ascending Light is vibrating throughout your entire energy system: healing, lifting me, clearing me, opening me to more Ascending Light.

More and more Ascending Light pours into your energy system. Your energy system is vibrating in Ascending Light, it is lifting into Ascending Light. Your multidimensional energy system knows the Ascending Light. Every molecule, cell, atom, particle, place, and space of Your multidimensional system is receiving Ascending Light. Your system opens in Ascending Light over and over again as you rise into the Ascending Light and your aura is cleansed of all negatives.

Thank God, and SO IT IS.


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