New Year rituals according to feng shui for 2022

New Year’s rituals according to feng shui Each new year is another opportunity to close cycles and start new life projects.

The following Feng Shui rituals are designed for the new year, taking into account the importance of your spiritual growth when carrying them out.


New Year rituals according to feng shui

New Year rituals according to feng shui # 1 For those who want to have children

In ancient times, Chinese society kept the possibility of early loss of their children at bay, dressing boys as girls, since it was thought that evil spirits had a predilection for them, and in this way they were deceived. The use of red paper was also frequent, which was located at the entrance of the houses, thus avoiding illnesses in pregnant mothers, since this color, in addition to being represented as a synonym of good luck, also symbolizes protection for all.

For those couples who are eager to have children and strengthen their relationship through this wonderful gift from heaven, the first thing they should do is locate the children’s area in the house, which is located in the central eastern area; All efforts should be focused on it through certain elements of Feng Shui that you will easily find in oriental article stores.

According to ancient Chinese tradition, the figure of a Unicorn called Kli-lin song-tse that is accompanied by a woman holding a child in her arms, has become a recurring element that facilitates pregnancy in women with problems conceiving. . For this purpose, they must acquire this sculpture or, failing that, a drawing that represents it with white and blue colors, and place it in the children’s area.

It should be noted that it can also be placed on a highly polished glass or marble table, since this area is governed by the metal element.

The figure of Guan Yin, the goddess of love and mercy, whose name means «she who listens to the cries of the world», activates the vital energy of the couple if it is placed on the opposite side of the bed, favoring connection and accelerating fertilization. This goddess is closely related to other deities such as the Virgin Mary, Gaia the mother earth goddess or Isis in ancient Egypt.

At the time of birth, protective elements can be placed next to the baby’s cradle in a southerly direction, such as figures alluding to dragons or tigers, as these images ward off spirits that are not beneficial.


New Year’s rituals according to feng shui #2 Cleanse your home of envy

Among the great number of Eastern traditions, it is common to find many rituals focused on ‘not sweeping away’ the good energy that comes with the new cycle. For this reason, among the most curious exercises is not washing your hair in the first hours of the new year or avoiding sweeping homes from the inside out. All this is based on the fact that heavenly blessings fall on the Earth, places and living beings during the night, through the power of the Moon and cleaning could lead to erase these magnificent vibrations in one fell swoop.

The area that frames the protection against envy is located in a northwestern direction; therefore, you should focus each cleansing exercise on this space. Start by collecting some leaves sage or mugwort and burn them very carefully in a small pot, which you should leave for a maximum of two minutes in the aforementioned area. Later, he throws the surplus in the kitchen bin.

The cleansing effect of this plant is the basis of moxibustion, a holistic therapy that activates the vital energy of the human being through heat applied directly to the chakras or energy centers.

The fact of having pets in the home also dynamizes the energy, activating the Yang and exerting a constant and efficient cleaning power. In the East, turtles are animals related to good luck and defense against hidden enemies; cats usually rest in points where there are strong radiations; For this reason, it is good to keep these places in mind to avoid them or clean them constantly.

If you do not want to have a pet in your home, you can get the image of a ‘Dragon Turtle’ which is basically a mythological being, with the body of a turtle and the head of a dragon, which has the same protective effects as the real ones. The great advantage of this element is that it remains in a fixed position inside the home and its use serves to keep thieves away.

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New Year’s rituals according to feng shui # 3 Start cycles with the right foot

Currently, the use of fireworks is common in the vast majority of celebrations around the world.

However, this custom originates from eastern countries, for which its importance did not lie in generating surprising figures that broke the darkness of the night. The hidden meaning behind this tradition focuses on scaring away the so-called evil ones (Niari), who were believed to hate noise and preferred to hide or flee from places full of hubbub and explosions like thunder.

Thanks to what is achieved through them, the use of fireworks is recurrent not only when welcoming the new year, but also to start new projects with a firm step: the launch of a new business, the inauguration of a commercial premises, the completion of a house, the joy of a birth or even during social gatherings.

Because this activity requires a lot of care and professionalism, it is better that you do part of it passively; that is, that it is not you (unless you have the experience) who handles the explosives, but from another perspective and as a spectator you can visualize not only your achievements and joys, but also the challenges that you still have to meet this Year On the other hand, in the particular case of marriage, the inhabitants of Eastern countries are much more careful than members of other cultures.

For example, for the wedding they always look for a waxing Moon date, where all the influences of nature are in expansion, and growth and abundance are constant. They avoid the waning Moon cycle at all costs, as this attracts the ruin and sentimental disappointments.

Under this concept and based on this culture, you can carry out this ritual, aware that it will help you start all kinds of projects without fear of stumbling and with the certainty of overcoming any obstacle that may arise.

Place five small bags containing cooked rice in the room of the newlyweds and tie them with a red cord as a representation of prosperity. If you have the possibility, hide figures of fish, this will help you get abundance, because the word «Fish» is synonymous with it.

To decorate key spaces in new places, use plants such as bamboo, pine and peach blossom (known as the fruit of the gods). If your desire is to adorn with representations of gods, the most favorable are P’eng-tsu (which is like Methuselah, the long-lived mentioned in the Old Testament) and the god of long life Shou-Hsing.

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Other recommendations

If you have a window behind you, your words can hang in the air in front of others, as their attention will be divided between what you say and what they are seeing in the background. Feng Shui medicine recommends locating a screen or curtain that can be closed when having meetings.

If it is not possible to separate your space in this way, try placing a bonsai or another plant with rounded leaves (never pointed, as these can cause inconveniences or interpersonal conflicts), objects that will become an artificial wall and that will favor your concentration. elevate and your results are more successful every day.

If you are located in the central area of ​​an office, you will be considered the mediator between opposites or the most loyal person to the organization.

If your position makes you face a wall or a closed space, your coworkers will not have enough confidence to ask you for help or collaboration. The solution is to modify the position of your chair and turn your body as much as possible. Customize the ring of your phone, in this way the feeling of exclusivity in your personal space, will reinforce your character as a leader and will prevent you from losing energy.


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