Superstitions to get pregnant and ritual of the uterus

Superstitions to get pregnant For some women, getting pregnant can be a very difficult task. In this struggle, they end up looking for different natural treatments, rituals, home remedies, etc.

And for those who are looking for a little help to achieve their goal, we will teach you some superstitions to get pregnant and the famous ritual of the uterus.


Getting pregnant: Superstitions, amulets and rituals

The horror of sterility is a constant from Antiquity to our days, having multiplied in that enormous period of time the number of fertilizing amulets and remedies: the first of all was water: springs, wells, fountains, streams became in the first fertilizing agents The rites of fertility, the desire to stop being sterile the woman or the man, have left in many places multiple manifestations

In parts of Extremadura married women bathe in the Tagus an odd number of times; also in places of Castile the infertile woman goes to the river at dawn and enters it barefoot while praying an Our Father: when the water exceeds the knee it is said that the woman is fertile, when she is not pregnant.

To this end, in various parts of the old kingdom, women who do not achieve pregnancy put three ash leaves inside the shell of a tortoise, which they sprinkle with white vinegar every three days for three months, three weeks and three days, an inherited custom of Greco-Latin antiquity, in which it was considered a good omen to sprinkle a turtle with fresh water.

In La Rioja, a cow’s udder with two nipples pointing towards the ovaries is applied to the woman’s womb for three days; while in Galicia the presumed sterile woman is washed with aromatic wine and they give the husband to drink the oil from the lamp of the tabernacle mixed with red wine.

In Catalonia, honey is drunk for several weeks: it is intended to be as fertile as the bee; and in Seo de Urgell they pray to Santa Ana or Santa Macrina, to whom in the Seo de Urgell this prayer is said:

Until the beginning of the century, sterile couples in the Basque provinces implored descendants from Saint Elias, for which purpose the spouses took sitz baths in a sink where baby clothes were also washed and hung on some brambles. A similar remedy is sought by the sterile women of Navarre who, once they have visited the sanctuaries of the ancient kingdom, asked the parish priest of their town to read the Gospel to them in the hope of becoming pregnant, especially the passage of the Annunciation of the Lord, in which the angel communicates to Mary who will give birth to Jesus.

In the Pontevedra area of ​​Sangenjo, the barren women bathe in the sea at dawn on the eve of Our Lady of the Lanzada: receiving the blow of nine waves in every part, they become pregnant. The Asturian women went to the hermitage of Santa Casilda to drink the water from its well; while in Burgos, at the beginning of the century, the well of the convent of San Gumiel de Izan was famous. If the devout water had no effect, a particular spring was recommended.

Ferdinand VII was told about the waters of Solán de Cabras, in Cuenca, where the royal couple camped in barracks on cliffs, an adventure that the monarch said that after her everyone was going to get pregnant except the queen.

Among Muslim women it is believed that seeing a cat lick its genitals guarantees pregnancy. If all else fails, the woman is passed through a black stone, a custom that perhaps gave rise to the rude expression that alludes to the fact.

Also read: Spells to achieve fertility


Mmore rituals to get pregnant

Other superstitions to get pregnant consist of stepping on the plant called borage. In Asturias this was known: There is a grove that was called Azucena: any woman who eats it, then feels pregnant.

Nothing seemed too extravagant to ensure pregnancy. A special diet was followed by sterile women. In parts of Catalonia, married couples eat honey the first weeks of their marriage so that the fertility attributed to the bee spreads to them.

It is a superstitious Galician tradition to believe in the fertilizing capacity of stone beds, in which during the 17th and 18th centuries married couples would lie down and cohabit before the saint; Finisterre was famous, next to the hermitage of San Guillermo. In Navarra people go to the sanctuary of San Miguel, in Ayalar, where they sit to hear mass on a stone to which they attribute fertilizing power. Supernatural help was the only remedy in many cases.

In the province of Huesca people go to the hermitage of Nuestra Señora del Castillo where the women who ask God for the gift of fertility walk around the entire enclosure in the hope of stepping on the part of the flooring that they call “pregnancy brick”: nobody knows which one it is, and you have to go into the sacristy, choir, and all the rooms or dependencies.

In Ciudad Real, the woman orients the legs of the bed towards the North and asks her husband to make love to her in the opposite direction while placing a poultice on her hips. The use of bizmas or special plasters was widespread: in the Alicante town of Santa Pola, at the beginning of the century, there was a salutadora whose plaster had an added servitude: the woman who put it on in safe hands could not lie with her husband during the time that the universal deluge lasted, saying perhaps with a certain sarcasm, that after those forty days with their nights he would see land.

Generally, if after two years there were no offspring, the couple visited a healer. The remedies were picturesque; in Cáceres, a person suspected of being sterile had the upper part of the eyelid smeared with saliva: if it dried quickly, it was not sterile, but it was if it remained moist for a while. It is also known who is guilty of sterility by urinating each of the spouses in a glass where wheat or barley has previously been placed: the glass whose grains swell after a week belongs to the fertile spouse.

Tired of traveling in search of a remedy, the sterile couples would finally visit the houses where there were children and children being raised, and ask the mother to let them rock the cradles in the hope that this would help their purposes; others walked with a key on their backs, and the more practical ones made love continuously, a pleasant occupation that in Burgos towns was done inside a dry well when everything had already been tried.


Uterus ritual to get pregnant

Among the grandmother’s myths about pregnancy and getting pregnant, the ritual of the uterus is very famous. Let’s see what it consists of:

1 tablespoon baking soda
500 ml of sterilized water

First, make sure the water is well sterilized. To do this, boil for about 5 minutes and let cool. After that, add the baking soda to this water.

Insert this mixture into the vagina with a syringe without a needle or with a douche tube.

When to take a shower to get pregnant: It is recommended that this procedure be done during the New Moon. If you want to know more superstitions to get pregnant, you can ask your question in the comment section.


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