Mystic topaz meaning and esoteric properties

Mystic Topaz Topaz, with shades ranging from light to dark yellow, almost orange or brown, is composed of an aluminum fluosilicate (fluorinated aluminum hydrosilicate), with microscopic inclusions of chromium, and to a lesser extent, of calcium, iron oxide, manganese and vanadium, which, according to their presence, determine the coloration: the greater the amount of iron oxide, the more reddish, the more chrome, the more yellow, the more vanadium, the more brown, etc.

Its crystalline structure falls within the triclinic system, and it is polychroic, birefringent and biaxial, although it does not have a very high refractive power.

In the jewelry market, topaz is usually classified by its color, directly related to its origin: Siberian topaz, bluish or bluish-green (chromium + manganese dioxide), Ceylon topaz, reddish yellow (chromium + iron oxide), Bohemian topaz, colorless or light yellow (low proportion of chromium + calcium hydroxide), Brazilian topaz, golden yellow or reddish (high proportion of chromium + iron oxide) and mystic topaz.


His story

According to Pliny, the term topaz comes from Topazon, the name that the Greeks gave to an island in the Red Sea where some shipwrecked sailors found large quantities of this stone, to the point of having erected a human-sized statue of Artemis with it.

However, it is necessary to highlight a fundamental difference: the topaz of the ancients was the current chrysolite, while they called chrysolitus the topaz as it is known today.

In his treatise Geography -one of the most conspicuous works of those that have reached our days to know the Greek point of view on the physical world of his time- the geographer Strabo (60 BC-25 AD), refers to topaz as originating from the island of Ophiada (of the serpents) calling it «… stone of the snakes, which is brilliant, transparent and shines like gold, so much so that at noon it can only be distinguished with effort. For this reason, the gem should only be sought at night, when its glow in the dark makes it highly visible.

In Catholic traditions, the stone was the symbol of Saint John and Saint Matthew, who affirmed that «…brings the sun to those who have eyes and do not see: the blind to the light of Truth, Inspiration and the Spirit» .

In his Treatise on Gemology, Saint Hildegard recommends it against conjunctivitis and other eye conditions, applying it according to the following recipe: «Leave the topaz in a black wine bath for three days, and after that, massage your eyes with the wet stone before sleeping, while reciting a prayer or an incantation, depending on whether it is illness or the evil eye“.


mystic topaz

Mystic Topaz is the color of the rainbow and tends to be confused with other gemstones such as Mystic Curzo. Mystic topaz can be identified from mystic quartz by its hardness. Quartz is softer than topaz and only measures 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness.

However, despite its hardness, it must be protected from strong blows, since a single blow can cause a fracture due to its perfect indentation.


mystic topaz esoteric properties

Mystic topaz is believed to treat depression. The soothing rainbow color of a mystic topaz helps ease a person’s fears and treat psychosomatic illnesses. Not only that, mystic topaz also helps to balance the emotions. It prevents the feeling of extreme and induces a calmer self.

In particular, mystic topaz is said to be extremely helpful to those who are always angry. Helps release anger. And it brings out the emotions and pain of an individual.

And just like the way the sun shines on any person without exception, the energy of topaz allows you to know your real and true feelings and honor them. This allows you to get rid of resentment and anger. The stone promotes surrender to forgiveness. It helps release anger that can prevent a person from leading a happy and healthy life.

Additionally, the stone is also recommended for people suffering from trauma and concussion. It is also a great calming stone for those who are living in an abnormal amount of tension or stress.

Mystic topaz has been praised for its ability to attune an individual to their higher self. The stone makes it easier to live according to your own views and aspirations instead of living your life just to please others.

Expressing the power of bright sunlight, mystic topaz encourages you to maintain a brighter perspective on life. It allows you to find the inner sources of emotional nourishment and pay attention to your own needs. Everything that helps you nourish yourself in the process. The stone even promotes living a life of equal association. Then you can find the inner achievement and satisfaction you are looking for. Making you lead a more productive life.

In terms of meditation, mystic topaz also helps with verbalization. It helps you recognize wisdom and truth. The stone, with its affinity to the bright sun, can help you uncover lies, illusions, shadows, and where exactly you have strayed from your truth. Then, he helps you get back on the right path with his guiding light. Mystic topaz is a great stone that allows you to clearly see what you have achieved and any goals that remain to be achieved. And with this clear vision, it allows you to have inner peace.


mystic topaz spiritual meaning

The reverberating energies of a mystic topaz help connect your spiritual self with the energies of the universe. The varied hues of the rainbow and its powerful affinity with the sun help you effectively control and express yourself, fueling and illuminating your creativity.

It also helps keep your faith in divine powers. With the energies of the stone clearing blockages, it allows you to maintain the proper flow of energies from the divine. The colors of the rainbow with the constant infusion of light help reduce unhappiness and self-doubt. It allows you to explore your subconscious mind and enter the karmic spiritual life.

The colorful rainbow vibration of mystic topaz is believed to activate the third eye and throat chakra, in addition to the crown chakra of the torso. The vibrant colorful energies of this gem stimulate your chakra. This will help you reach your higher self and align with the energies of the universe and the earth. Also, activated chakras help you open intuitive abilities. This allows you to understand any situation and work accordingly.

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By stimulating the throat chakra, mystic topaz helps improve your communication skills as well as the ability to communicate with yourself. It also helps express your emotions.

Meanwhile, the third eye chakra helps to direct your soul towards the consciousness of the universe. The charismatic and vibrant energies of a mystic topaz also ignite your crown chakra. He opens a psychic gate for universal expansion, allowing her to understand his destiny in this world.


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