Magic words that bring luck and phrases to attract good luck

Magic words that bring luck To create good fortune in your life, all you need is a positive attitude or mindset and fill it with affirmations.

These are nothing more than the right words spoken in order to attract the positive into our lives. Now the question is, what are those magic words that bring luck?

Next, we will analyze this topic in more detail.


Can anyone really improve their own luck using words?

It is quite a complicated question. To get the correct answer, you have to look around.

You must meet some friends, relatives or acquaintances to whom luck smiles in almost all situations. Whatever the situation or circumstance, they seem confident and positive that the outcome will be positive and in their favor.

Whether it’s to find a good parking lot or a ticket on a flight during peak season, they are lucky to find the place to park or book the flight.

By some strange coincidence, they meet the right person at the right time. They get comfortable jobs in the organizations of their dreams. They meet the right girl (or guy). They triumph over misfortune.

Do you consider those people just too lucky who, without any apparent effort, automatically find themselves in favorable circumstances, day after day, month after month, throughout their lives? If you know these people well and study their mind, thought and psychology a little deeper, you will find that they are out of luck just by chance or some other reason. good karma From the past.

It is the argument of psychologists and motivators that these lucky people actually generate their good luck or good fortune unconsciously by consciously repeating positive words called affirmations.

In addition, they remain in a positive frame of mind and have the firm belief that only good things will happen to them. Thus, they overload their subconscious mind, thus activating the Laws of Attraction to work for them.


Magic words that bring luck

Since ancient times, we know the power of the word. Here we detail 10 magic words that bring luck and prosperity if we pronounce them daily.

1. Success. By noticing your successful achievements every day and using the word “success” as often as possible, you become a magnet for material wealth!

2. love. Say «I love you» as often as you can, and everything will be so much easier!

3. Hope. Say: “I hope”, hope is great luck!

4. Confidence. Feel enough strength in yourself for any achievement, it will be reflected in any of your affairs!

5. Wellness. Everyone wants to receive good. But not everyone claims this! By saying the word “Wellness” every day, you will attract it into your life!

6. Happiness. Say you are happy and so it will be!

7. Health. Talk about it in a positive way and watch yourself fill with energy and strength!

8. Trust. Talk about trust more often and feel it! In addition to the fact that confidence in life improves its quality, it is easier for the confident person to see the opportunities they notice!

9. Thank you. Be grateful for what you already have, and there will definitely be more!

10. Luck. Say out loud that you are a lucky person! Attract the necessary energy and it will definitely be so!

Use these words daily in your conversation as many times as you can.


Phrases to attract good luck

Set of phrases to attract good luck # 1

I am very lucky
Good luck flows my way
The harder I work, the luckier I get
I give generously to others
To attract good fortune, I think and act positively
I’m lucky in love
I’m lucky in the race
I’m lucky in money matters
i’m lucky in life
I am lucky in all matters

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Set of phrases to attract good luck # 2

I attract good luck in my life
My thoughts are powerful and constructive
I hope good luck comes my way
Fortune favors the brave and I am brave
I attract a lot of money
I attract good fortune, wealth and prosperity
I attract great and helpful friends
I make friends with successful people
I cultivate a network of successful friends.
I help others as often as I can


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