Prayer to Saint Ignatius of Loyola to ask for protection

Prayer to Saint Ignatius of Loyola to ask for protection One of the saints of the Catholic Church is Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

Below we detail the prayer of protection and its spiritual exercises, but first a brief biography.


Saint Ignatius of Loyola biography

Íñigo de Loyola was born in 1491 in Azpeitia, in the Basque province of Guipúzcoa, in northern Spain. He was the youngest of thirteen siblings. At the age of sixteen he was sent to serve as a page to Juan Velázquez, treasurer of the kingdom of Castile.

As a member of the Velázquez family, he was frequently at court and developed a taste for everything he presented. He was very addicted to gambling, very contentious and not above engaging in swordplay on occasion. .

In 1517 he opted for a military career. He went on to serve another family member, no less important, the Duke of Nájera and Viceroy of Navarre, whom he defended in various military and diplomatic battles.

On May 20, 1521, a cannonball changed his life. He was injured in the tibia of his left leg during the battle of Pamplona. Since his bones were poorly placed, they recommended breaking his leg bones to put them back in his place; action that was performed However, despite this, he had his whole life with one leg smaller than the other.

During his recovery, he spent a lot of time recuperating at his family’s home. Since there were no chivalric novels to read, he was given two books: The Life of Christ and The Lives of the Saints. While he was reading, he became fond of those great deeds of San Francisco de Assis, San Domingo de Gusmán among others. Saint Ignatius did not think of doing what the great saints of the Church did: he wanted to do better than them!

After his period of convalescence, Saint Ignatius goes to Montserrat. There he leaves his noble clothes and carries out a vigil of arms, a symbolic gesture of one who leaves the life of a knight and puts on the arms of Christ.

Thus begins the human and spiritual adventure of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus.


Saint Ignatius of Loyola spiritual exercises

Before beginning the prayer, it is important to take the time to do so. Do not overdo it. Start with as much time as you think you can conserve and increase as you can, the ideal time would be an hour a day, but most important is the sincere search to find God.

Start with about 10 to 15 minutes daily and then, as you feel the need, slowly and unhurriedly increase this time. We present the steps to pray according to Saint Ignatius in the Spiritual Exercises:

1. The place of prayer Find a quiet place that stimulates prayer. Prefer a quiet environment, where you are alone and feel good Find a relaxing and supportive position that will help you pray more. Santo Inácio advises always doing what helps the most. If, for example, listening to instrumental music helps you get in the mood for prayer, go for it.

2. The Presence of God Calm down little by little, become quiet inside and try to perceive the presence of God around you and within you, with confidence. Let the desire to be with God and to be intimate with Him spring up in your heart.

Say a spontaneous prayer praising and thanking God for this moment of intimacy and love; Ask her to guide his prayer and give yourself completely into his arms. If you have trouble offering spontaneous prayers, you can start by saying a psalm (Psalm 138, for example), reading a ready-made prayer, or singing some music that makes sense for the moment.

Let’s see below the prayer to Saint Ignatius of Loyola to ask for protection.


Prayer to Saint Ignatius of Loyola to ask for protection

O God, who to spread the greater glory of your name, through Blessed Ignatius, you have given the Church the strength of a new help, let us be constantly assisted by this great saint, to deserve to be crowned with him in the darling.

We pray to you through our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola, who ended the spells of evil and who saved us from the bite of the beasts, pray for us.


Lord, my God, don’t go away from me. My God, hurry to help me; for multitudes of different thoughts have assailed me, and great terrors shake my soul.

How will I get through so many enemies without taking damage? How will I take them down? I will go before you, says the Lord, and I will strike down the mighty of the earth. I will open the prison doors and show you the most secret exits. Do, Lord, according to your word; and all evil thoughts flee from your presence.

My only hope, my only consolation in the evils that overwhelm me, is to take refuge in you, call you from the bottom of my heart and wait patiently for your help. So be it.


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