Powerful prayer to find urgent work (San Cipriano and more)

Powerful prayer to find a job Anyone who has lost a job and spent a long time without a job, with savings running out, bills to pay and the need for food to put in the house, knows the weight of a «no» at the time to try a possible replacement.

The weight of several «no’s» begins to turn into despair, as time passes and, with it, the hope of finding work and money diminishes.

In these moments, it is worth relying on faith to have more hope and thank God for the strength to look for the new job. In this sense, we present, below, the powerful prayer to find a job.

Say this prayer when you leave home looking for a new job and when you are inside a company for an interview or selection process.


Powerful prayer to find a job #1

Lord, my God and my Father, it is in your presence that here I give you the future of my financial life. I know that the Lord is a God of miracles and nothing is impossible or too great for Your power.

I come, Lord, through this prayer, to ask the Lord to intercede in my life and help me get an urgent job.

The Lord knows what I am going through, the Lord knows my needs, He knows how much I am suffering and I urgently need an opportunity, my God.

My father, I need to honor my commitments, I need to be able to pay the bills and provide a decent life for my family.

I have dreams, Lord, who would like to make them come true, my Father, but at the moment I am not in a position to make them come true.

Forgive me Lord, if at any time I went against your teachings, if at any time I went against your word, my Father, forgive my mistakes, my faults and my sins, Lord.

I apologize from the bottom of my heart, with the deepest sincerity.

I am very grateful Lord, for the life you have given me, for this wonderful life you have given me, which despite the difficulties and my sins, is the best gift I could receive.

So, Lord, if I somehow made you sad, please forgive me my God. I know that the Lord is merciful.

Go, my Father, open all the doors of opportunity in my life, open the doors of employment. Give me wisdom Lord, to know how to take advantage of the right opportunities and not fall into the traps of the enemy.

It expels all evil from my life, it frees me from any evil that may be negatively influencing my life.

Beloved Father, open a door of work in my life, respond to this cry that comes from the bottom of my heart.

Only You know, oh God, the moment of difficulty that I am going through because of unemployment. You also know, Lord, with how much hope I ask you to take charge of my life, opening a door and preparing a job, so that I, through decent work, can earn my daily bread.

The Lord is my only hope, my God, guide me on his path, remove all evil and every stone in my way.

My God, grant me the courage, the confidence and the bravery to go in search of work and to conquer my dreams.

With great faith and certainty that God is listening to this cry, I close this prayer with renewed hope because I feel that God is already working for me.

In the name of the Father,
of the son,
and the holy spirit,


Powerful prayer to find a job #2

“Jesus, open a door for me! Lord, answer this cry that comes from the depths of my heart: open a door for me! Only You know and you know, Jesus, the moment of difficulty for which (I say your name) and my whole family is going through unemployment. You also know, Lord, with how much enthusiasm I approach You to ask You to go ahead of me, opening a door and preparing a job, so that I, through decent work, give my family ‘daily bread’. Because you are, my God, my hope.” (IF 70-5)

I also ask You to give me all the courage, confidence, intrepidity and strength to leave my house in search of a job, with the certainty that Your hands, extended in my favor, will knock on that door before me, preparing to enter a job, I have your will.

Entirely trusting in Your word, which says “I will knock and open the door to whoever opens” (Lk 11-9), I thank You with all my heart, because I believe that “for God nothing is impossible”. . (Luke 1-37)


Powerful prayer to find a job #3


Saint Cyprian prayer for work

“By the powers of St. Cyprian, I (say your name) will immediately get a good day job with a great salary.

Saint Cyprian, therefore, make sure that this request is made immediately and that a good job and with a good salary now appears without delay by the powers of Saint Cyprian.

I (say your name) will now have a steady job at a good company (or another opportunity) and now my hands are tied so they will never run away from me.

also know Prayer to keep bad neighbors away from my house (miraculous prayers)

I will immediately publish this prayer (whether in the form of saints, or by posting it in a comment on this site, or on others, or even on social networks for others to know) so that your name will be remembered, recognized. and respected, in exchange for getting a good job and a good salary (that he give me my good salary to support me, to pay all fixed expenses and debts and eventual expenses, which is still for my leisure and also to save and maintain a safe reserve in the bank, so as not to go through difficulties again).

Immediately at that moment, I urgently request, I urge the thirteen entities and the three souls that accompany San Cipriano, to assist me as quickly and urgently as possible, that I have this job this week and not be unemployed again, and from now. in the name of San Cipriano, of the thirteen entities and the three souls that watch over San Cipriano, that since I say this prayer and that I publish, it happens and so be it! And it will be! And so it is! Amen.


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