Figures or things that attract luck and money in your home

Figures or things that attract luck and money For centuries, different civilizations have observed that there are objects that, for different reasons, attract luck.

In that sense, some figures or things that attract luck and money in your home are described below.


Objects and their symbolism

Figures or things that attract luck and money #1 Smiling Buddha This figure representing the happy Buddha is a symbol of prosperity, joy and fertility in Chinese Buddhist homes. To attract good luck, it should be placed in a prominent place in the dining room, hall or living room.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #2 Candlestick The candlestick (as long as it has seven arms) belongs to the Hebraic tradition and is considered a lucky charm for happiness and balance in the home. Even in the esoteric world it represents a light in the darkness. To attract good luck to the home, a miniature candlestick can be hung behind the front door of the house.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #3 Coral The pieces of red coral are used to ward off the evil eye, especially in young children.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #4 Red heart Wear a small red heart hanging around your neck or between your clothes. It can be made with any noble material (wood, leather, enameled metal, fabric and even paper). It serves to strengthen loving ties and stimulate passion.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #5 Elephants In almost all the world the elephant represents good fortune (especially if it has its trunk up and if it is made of wood). To attract luck, it is necessary to place the figure or statuette in the form of elephant in the entrance hall, looking in, or even on the other side of the door, to welcome good luck.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #6 Broom Every home has its broom It helps cleaning housework. However, it can also be used to bring good luck into the home. For them, a natural fiber (not plastic) must be purchased and a green ribbon must be tied to the center of the broomstick.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #7 Flowers In Brazil it is said that it is convenient to bring a flower every time you visit a house for the first time. The strength of the plant will make it easier to clear suspicion and distrust.

The most recommended flowers are the rose and the violet, which represent affection and joy, on the one hand, and humility, on the other.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #8 Horseshoe This is one of the most used elements to ward off evil and attract good luck. As for the holes that the horseshoe must have, it is recommended that it have seven, but if the horseshoe is found, it can have more or less, and in this case it does not matter.

You need to hang the horseshoe (points up) above the front door of the house.

However, it is important not to take a horseshoe upside down, that is, by the points, as this will ward off good luck.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #9 Higa That is to say, the closed fist that shows the tip of the thumb sticking out between the index and middle fingers, is one of the oldest amulets that exist. It is used against the evil eye or to protect us from the evil that others might wish us. The most appreciated are black, since they are carved in jet.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #10 Jade This usually green stone (although it also exists in other colors) has been highly appreciated by the Chinese, the Mayans and even the Maoris, since they consider that it attracts prosperity, health and good luck. It is even believed that it protects the home against thieves.

In this sense, you can buy a pyramid made of jade in order to attract good luck. This should be placed on the table in the center of the room.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #11 Laurel The laurel helps to acquire fame, So that a competitive or envious co-worker does not bother us, stick two bay leaves forming a cross under his seat.

Figures or things that attract luck and money #12 Turtle This animal symbolizes longevity and perseverance and can bring health and good luck especially if placed in the room of an elderly person.


Other objects to attract good luck

Clay or glass jar filled with fruit As containers for decoration or use, pots have been around since ancient times. However, they also fulfill a function in the esoteric world to attract luck when they are full of fruit. These should be located in the living room or dining room of the house. They can be accompanied with cinnamon sticks and vanilla. It has greater power of attraction when fresh and not plastic fruits are used.

bagua: It is an instrument or amulet widely used by the Chinese and in Feng Shui to protect the home, business and car from bad energy and energy imbalances. Hang it on the door of your house. Baguá also gives its name to the study of the house plant to learn how to decorate it to attract better energies. See here how to apply the baguá in your house or apartment.

Old keys: Amulet that has the power to open or close doors and opportunities. It can open paths, facilitating conquests. It is said to «close the body» against evil spirits and the evil eye. A wrench Ancient can symbolize secrets and silence. Put it behind your front door.

chinese coins: Very auspicious amulets that refer to the union of the energies of the sky (represented by the round shape) and the energies of the earth (represented by the square shape). Chinese coins attract prosperity, wealth and luck. They also attract financial growth to those who own them. Put them in your bag and on your doorknob.

Old Shoes In medieval times, in many places in Europe, people used to put in and bury an old shoe when building a new bedroom in their house. Another way to bring good luck home was to plant flowers in old boots.

It is important to note that there are objects that we feel bring us luck: a dress, some shoes, perhaps a pen. We usually use them when we have to face any situation that makes us feel anxious or afraid. Although these objects have not been made under any magic ritual, the self-confidence they give us makes them amulets or talismans.


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