Full moon spiritual meaning, in love, esoteric and rituals (money)

Full Moon spiritual meaning We have received questions about the Full Moon. Some of them are Does the full moon mean in love? What are the love rituals on a full moon? Could you post full moon rituals for money? Does the full moon have meaning in love, esoteric and spiritual?

In this sense, we will answer these questions below:


General features

The Moon has always been venerated in its magical facet, which has been evidenced in some cave paintings and in its use in the elaboration of calendars by the Anasazi Indians and the inhabitants of Stonehenge.

Even in some cultures the Moon was linked to their deities. For example, for the ancient Egyptians, the Moon was the only thing that men saw of the god Osiris; the Greeks believed that it was the goddess Selene (Artemis) traveling through the sky in search of her sleeping lover,

While the Mediterranean cultures identified her with the beautiful Europe fleeing from her suitor (the solar bull), who reached her once a month.

Later, the Christians adapted the pagan symbology and the Virgin was represented on a half moon and covered with a mantle of stars.

Likewise, the Moon is, for some peoples, a feminine symbol par excellence (conception, pregnancy, birth and governs childhood) and emotional life (love, passion, etc.),

For this reason, there are many rituals that are performed during the different lunar phases, but before dealing with those that are performed specifically when it is full, we will explain, below, Full Moon spiritual meaning.

its symbolism

Full moon spiritual and esoteric meaning #1 The full moon will give you energy and strength. LA full moon will give you the courage to face your worst fears. With the full moon, you will not be afraid of failure. You must be prepared to conquer your fears. If you have difficulty doing so, the day of the full moon is an opportunity to harness the power of the moon to your advantage.

With courage, you will achieve your desires and reach your full potential. Every time you open your heart to the light of the full moon, courage fills your heart, and you will never see a mission as impossible.

Full moon spiritual and esoteric meaning # 2 Forgiveness The full moon is believed to melt your heart as long as you stay under it for a long time. This is not bad. The melted heart will help you easily forgive people who have hurt you a lot.

You must be prepared to forgive those who have hurt you in the past and those who will hurt you in the future. Let the power of the full moon fire your emotion positively, and towards forgiveness.

Full moon spiritual and esoteric meaning #3 Tap into feminine energy There is a widespread belief that feminine energy is weak and vulnerable. However, under a full moon, this is not true.

The full moon makes your emotions stronger and more stable. Always take advantage of your feminine energy under the full moon. Every time the full moon appears it is an opportunity to achieve emotional stability. It is an opportunity to tap into your feminine energy.

Full moon spiritual and esoteric meaning #4 Clarity The light of the full moon brings clarity to life. It removes all dark side of life and allows you to understand your destiny much more.

Therefore, the next time the full moon appears in the sky in 2022, take advantage of the light to get answers to the questions of your heart. The universe will bring you answers that will help you make clear decisions free from confusion.

Full moon spiritual and esoteric meaning #5 Do not act impulsively When your emotions are running high, it is the best time to stop making decisions and take action. Acting on impulse will lead to errors and mistakes.

Therefore, you should be careful with that. Impulsive actions will lead to miscalculations, mistakes, and wrong results. Be careful with this. Never let your emotion get in the way of logic. Create a balance between the feminine and the masculine side of your being.

Full moon spiritual and esoteric meaning # 6 Establish the bond with your family If you have an unresolved conflict with one of your family members, the full moon allows you to bond by resolving the conflict. The best way to have peace is by forgiving and letting go of hurts and offenses.

Therefore, you have to take deliberate steps to reconcile, resolve the conflict, and establish the bond between you and your family.

Full moon spiritual and esoteric meaning #7 You will have good luck The full moon brings a message of good luck. When the full moon appears in the sky, you will always be full of faith and positivity that your life will be favorable.

The light of the full moon brings good luck and positively affects your life, decisions and actions.


Other symbolism

Perhaps the best known phase of the lunar cycle is the full Moon. During this, the Moon and the Sun are located on opposite sides which can represent not only a challenging or intense aspect of the energy in love, but also a potential since the Moon and the Sun (yin and yang) are in a natural harmonic balance.

Full moon meaning in love # 1 Fall in love again Under the full moon, you will fall in love with your spouse more than ever. The full moon intensifies the feeling of affection that she has with her spouse, and this can initiate a new phase of marital happiness. The connection between the full moon and the feminine side of it is responsible for the emotional feeling.

Therefore, act on that feeling because it is the start of something exciting in your love life. One of the spiritual effects of the full moon is love and affection for your spouse.

Full moon meaning in love #2 manifest wishes This phase facilitates the realization of desires, especially in love. To do this, it is recommended to express your sentimental wishes by writing a list under the full moon.

Full moon meaning in love #3 Start to act The full moon is a motivation. When you see the full moon in 2022, it is a sign that the time to take action is NOW. Taking action is a difficult process for many people due to fear of failure.

However, with the full moon, you will understand that going through the process is not as bad as you think.

In addition, you will understand that you will not understand everything you can achieve without taking action. Therefore, in 2022, learn to take action.


rites and spells

Full moon love rituals #1 It is important, before carrying out this ritual, to carry out both an external cleansing (through a bath with a spoonful of sea ​​salt) as internal (no smoking or drinking alcohol 24 hours before the magical ceremony).

Then, buy a small wooden box with a lid and decorate it with figures in the shape of a heart. If it can be covered with red paper, it is much better.

Then you must write your own name and the name of the lover on a piece of paper. Subsequently, a red candle should be lit and, with the candle lit, write the wish to increase love and passion in the relationship.

Once finished, the paper must be folded and closed with candle wax. Then, it should be placed inside the box and put it near a window so that the Full Moon bathes it with its light.

Full moon love rituals #2 On Friday, with a Full Moon, light a red candle. Put a bowl of water next to it. In it, the petals of seven red roses are placed, a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and another of ginger.

Concentrate on the heart center and then imagine that the relationship becomes pure fire. Extinguish the candle and save. With the water a bath must be made before an intimate moment and the candle must be lit when it is in front of your loved one.

full moon rituals for money

Here we detail an effective ritual to attract money with the full Moon:

You need:

  • A glass container.
  • A clay pot.
  • a crystal of black tourmaline.
  • dried petals of calendula.
  • a wand of Lignum vitae.
  • A glass of water.
  • A box of wooden matches.


First of all, you should look for a quiet and clear place where you can perform the ritual without being interrupted, keep in mind that you must carry it out at night, in a place where you can be reached by the light of the full moon.

To start, fill the glass container with water, while you put the palo santo in the clay pot. Place them on the surface you have arranged and stand in front of them. Light the palo santo using the wooden matches. Breathe deeply, feel how your body is purified.

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Now take the tourmaline and place it on your chest, next to the heart. Feel its heartbeat against the glass. Think that you and your loved ones are healthy. Submerge the crystal in the container of water.

Now take the dry marigold petals and hold them with both hands, close your eyes and visualize how your economic future improves. Then sprinkle them into the glass container containing water. Focus on the bowl and watch the petals float up, while the glass remains at the bottom. Breathe slowly and remove from your mind any type of economic concern.

When you feel more calm and in balance, turn off the palo santo, take out the tourmaline and pour the water with the dried flowers on the ground, while you do it say: «May the path to abundance and prosperity be opened.» Once you finish, thank God for what you have today (you should always be grateful for what you have, even if it is not much). Take the crystal with you.


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